1.Neutralism is the cornerstone of neutralism foreign policy.中立主义是缅甸外交政策的基石。
2.Indonesian geo- graphic position and political culture have an effect on neutralism,and there is a close relation between Indonesian internal political need and neutralism.中立主义是冷战期间印尼外交政策的基本指导思想。
3.Nehru expected to get American aid but not at the cost of open join to the west camp and abandon the policy of neutralism.尼赫鲁拒绝放弃中立主义政策 ,不愿以公开加入西方冷战集团为代价换取美国的经济援助 ,而美国则自信可以经济手段达到其政治目的。

1.From Neutralism to Post-Neutralism:The Transformation of Swedish Foreign Policy从中立主义到后中立主义:瑞典外交政策之嬗变
2.an advocate of neutrality in international affairs.在国际事务中,奉行中立主义的。
3.Antinomy of Rationalism and Empiricism in Linguistic History During 17th and 18th Century;理性主义和经验主义在近代语言学史中的对立
4.On the Conservative Attitude toward Multiculturalism in the USA;试析美国多元文化主义论争中的保守主义立场
5.On the intricate correlation between post modernism and former modernisn;论后现代主义对现代主义叛逆中的对立与统一
6.an advocate of isolationism in international affairs.在国际事务中,孤立主义的鼓吹者。
7.Cubism in the Novel Form of the Golden Notebook;《金色笔记》小说形式中的立体主义
8.Board-of-Director Centralism and the Corporation Legislation of China;“董事会中心主义”与我国公司立法
9.On the Foundation of the Socialist System of Theories with Chinese Characteristics;论中国特色社会主义理论体系的创立
10.Nationalism and Modern Chinese Literature s Thought;国家主义与中国现代文学观念的确立
11.Socialist Ideal of Rules of Law Based on Chinese Situation;立足于中国国情的社会主义法治理念
12.The Basic Establishment of Socialist Ideology in New China;新中国社会主义意识形态的基本确立
13.A Study on Legal Concept --A visual angle of judicature s point;论法律概念——一个司法中心主义的立场
14.Three-dimensional Thinking of Basic Principle of Socialism Education;社会主义基本原则教学中的立体思维
15.Cubi-Futurism in E.E.Cummings Poetry;E.E.肯明斯诗中的立体未来主义色彩
16.Diplomatic Constituents of the Chinese Model:from the Perspective of the Independent Foreign Policy中国模式的外交元素:独立自主的意义
17.Establishment of Marxist Humanist Position in Literary Creation;文学活动中马克思主义人文立场的确立
18.Independence: The Spiritual Aspect of Maxism with Chinese Characteristics;独立自主:“中国化马克思主义”的精神特质

4)neutralist countries中立主义国家
1.Cubism in the Novel Form of the Golden Notebook;《金色笔记》小说形式中的立体主义
2.The Futuristic Cubism of Absalom, Absalom!--William Faulkner s Technique of Multiple Points of View;《押沙龙,押沙龙!》中的未来立体主义——威廉·福克纳的多角度叙述法
1.The key problem of governance by law is how to achieve it in accordance with constitutionalism.依法执政的关键在于如何以合乎立宪主义的方式去实现“依法执政”。
