1.The Comparison of Stalin s National Thoughts and Tito s;斯大林和铁托的民族思想比较研究
2.Tito and the Nagy Incident in 1956;铁托和1956年纳吉事件

1.I met with Comrade Tito just as an old soldier.我是以老战士身份同铁托同志见面的,
2.The Tito government of Yugoslavia has now become an accomplice of this gang.南斯拉夫的铁托政府现在也成了这一伙的帮手。
3.Analyzing the Fault of “Blood Transfusion” Policy Simply of Tito Period by the War of Kosovo;从科索沃战争浅析铁托时期“输血”政策的失误
4.Bracket of iron or steel, for electric wiring托座,钢或铁制,用于电线
5.The goods have been consigned by rail.货物已交铁路托运。
6.rail consignment note (generic term)铁路托运单(通用条款)
7.International Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail国际铁路客运和行李托运公约(铁路客运公约)
8.Steel flat pallets for railway goods trafficGB/T10486-1989铁路货运钢制平托盘
9.Startled,Todd jumped away from the tracks and began to run.托德吓了一跳,跳下铁轨就跑。
10.The goods is consign to you by railway and shall have arrive by now.货物已由铁路托运,现在应已到达。
11.The goods were consigned to you by railway and shall have arrived by now货物已由铁路托运,现在应已到达
12.The goods were consigned to you by railway and should have arrived by now."货物已由铁路托运,现在应已到达。"
13.ta Railway Company艾奇逊-托皮卡-圣菲铁路公司
14.Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company艾奇逊-托皮卡-圣大非铁路公司
15.Winston and Syme pushed their trays beneath the grille.温斯顿跟赛姆便把托盘推到铁栅下。
16.He made up a package of books and sent it off by train.他把书打成一个大包,交铁路托运。
17.Nothing to worry about.The rail system has a luggage registration service.别担心,铁路系统提供行李托运服务。
18.Take Advantage of Yu Huai Railway and Carry out the Strategy to Accelerate the Development of the Distict by Building More Roads;依托渝怀铁路 实施以路兴区发展战略

iron bracket,skewback bearer托铁
3)cast iron plate铸铁托板
1.If cast iron plate is used,plate cost will be cut down remarkably.锚杆支护是煤矿支护的重要方法之一,锚杆托板的需用量很大,采用铸铁托板可大量节省托板费用,作者通过多次试验,解决了一般铸铁托板强度低的问题。
4)railway-used pallet铁路托盘
1.Aiming at the current situation of railway-used pallet, the paper describes the advantages and disadvantages in pallet handling, analyzes the operation mode of railway-used pallet and advances suggestion for establishing railway-used pallet management organs.针对目前我国托盘运用现状,阐述了铁路托盘搬运中的优点及问题,并对铁路托盘经营模式进行了分析,最后给出了组建铁路托盘经营机构的建议。
1.Discovered vessel in the plant of Stangeriaceae of Cycadopsida;在苏铁纲托叶铁科植物中发现导管
2.Pinna venation pattern and pinna anatomy of two species, S tangeria eriopus and Bowenia serrulata, represent atives of the two genera in Stangeriaceae were studied in this paper.详细研究了托叶铁科两属的2种代表植物Stangeriaeriopus和Boweniaserrulata的羽片脉序和羽片解剖学。
6)Tito time铁托时期
