1.The development of Fudan under the leadership of Li Denghui provides a striking contrast to that of Peking University, with an ethos profoundly affected by American values of scholarship.本文以李登辉和蔡元培的办学思想和实践为基础,比较复旦与北大精神气质的差异及表现,进而比较美国和欧洲对民国高等教育政策的影响。
2.The ethos of academic profession is the essence of academic profession.学术职业的精神气质是学术职业的灵魂所在、血脉所依,体现了学术职业以学术为生为业的生命内在需求和神圣召唤。

1.The Spirital Temperament--the Moral Nature of the Unity of Heaven and Human;中国文化的精神气质——与天地合德
2.The Trace of the Culture Character and Spirit Style--Talking about the relations of Wei Jin spirit And Zhang Taiyan文化秉性与精神气质的传承——论魏晋风骨与章太炎的精神联系
3.a quality of spirit that enables you to face danger of pain without showing fear.面对危险和痛苦时表现出的无畏的精神气质
4.the distinctive spirit of a people or an era.某个人或某个时期所具有的特定的精神气质
5.Spiritual Temperaments of Modern Harmonious Society and Social Structural Nurture;社会主义和谐社会的精神气质与社会结构培育
6.On the Paladin Tradition and the Making of Cao Zhi s Swordsman Temperament;论游侠传统与曹植游侠精神气质的形成
7.The Spiritual Temperament of Modern Science and Its Cultural Context and Greek Origin;近代科学的精神气质及其文化背景和希腊来源
8.Deng Xiaoping's Spiritual Makings and the Significance of Deng Xiaoping Theory in Terms of Ideological History邓小平的精神气质及其理论的“思想史”意义
9.Garrulity of Scholars:Academic Aptitude and Spiritual Makings学者絮语:学术素养与精神气质——以《易堂寻踪》为例
10.Passion and Sadness-- On the genius habitude and the artistic style of the May 4th expressionism drama激情与悲情——论五四表现主义戏剧的精神气质与艺术风格
11.Analyzing the Inner Factor and Spirit Motivation of Science Creativeness from Physics Science Devolopment History;从物理科学发展史看科学创新的内部条件和精神气质
12.The Inner Factor and Spirit Motivation of Science Creativeness on the View of Physics Science Development History;从物理学发展史看科学创新的内部条件和精神气质
14."Benevolence" Based on "Qi"--The Spiritual Features of Zhu Xi’s Thought Of "Benevolence";“即气论仁”——朱子仁学思想的精神特质
15.Determination of antipsychotic drugs in human blood by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry;血中精神药物的气相色谱-质谱分析
16.animus: an attitude that informs one's actions; disposition.基本态度,主导精神: 决定行动的态度;气质
17.the material changes into the mental and the mental changes into the material物质变精神与精神变物质
18.Matter can be transformed into consciousness and consciousness into matter.物质可以变成精神, 精神可以变成物质。

1.Carrying forward the pastureland culture is the requirement for the construction of modern ecological,material,political and spiritual civilization.草原文化蕴含的精神气质是建设现代文明的强大动力。
2.Under the geographical and cultural influence the three obviously resembled each other in spirit and came down in one continuous line in aesthetic and literary creation.受地域环境和文化渊源的影响,三人在精神气质上具有明显的相似性,而在美学思想和文学创作上则表现出一脉相承的特征。
3.Assuredly,Zhang Taiyan s preference to Wei Jin articles found himself the spiritual identity and inspiration in his keen revolutionary course.本文择取魏晋与清末、民初三个时代文化环境的相似性特点,着重探讨在文化传承过程中,各个时代的文化先驱者在文化秉性和精神气质上的相似性特征,尤其是各个时代的人物以“狂”而闻名于世的文化性格。
3)spiritual temperament精神气质
1.The article summarizes the spiritual temperaments of modern science that includes its preference to ideal world,its normative order to scientific language,and its pursuit to public reason.本文把近代科学的精神气质概括为对理想世界的偏爱、对科学语言的规范性要求和对公共理性精神的追求,指出了生长这些精神气质的文化背景,并论证了这些精神气质与古希腊文化的源流关系。
2.From the perspective of humanities characteristics,the article discusses the origin,the spiritual temperament,inheritance and the future trend of Yueshang,emphasizing the discussion about the spiritual features.本文基于人文特性视角研究了越商的起源,越商的精神气质,越商的传承和越商的未来发展趋势,着重阐述了越商的精神特征。
3.He thought that the resentment was modern man s spiritual temperament,and capitalist spiritual essence was an ethics of resentment.舍勒对怨恨进行了现象学和社会学的深刻分析,认为怨恨是现代人的精神气质,资本主义精神实质是怨恨式伦理。
4)Spiritual Disposition精神气质
1.It is pointed out in this article that in spiritual disposition, Liu is a modern conservative; and in narrative mode, he adopts the techniques of multi-visual integration, mutual deconstruction and phantasied images; while in emotional keynote, a sense of horror and loss is implied.本文从刘继明小说的精神气质、叙述方式、情感基调入手 ,指出 :刘继明在思想脉络上是现代性的枯守者 ;叙述方式上采用多视野融合、相互解构、虚构图画来进行创作 ;情感基调方面隐含了恐慌感、失落感。
1.This writing states that sustainable development, as the ethics and paradigm, has played a decisive role in the production of scientific knowledge, the appraisalto the scientific achievement, and the motivation to the scientist.本文从非正式制度安排的角度 ,指出可持续发展作为范式和科学家的精神气质在科学知识生产中、科学成果评价和对科学家的激励过程所起的有决定意义的作用 ,论述它在社会和市场所发挥的效应 ,揭示它对正式科技制度所产生的影响和诱变 ,以及和整个社会发生的有益互
6)spiritual makings精神气质
1.Deng Xiaoping\'s experiences demonstrated his unique political manner and spiritual makings,and his innovative theory will surely be of great value and significance to ideological history,either of Marxism or of non-Marxism.邓小平的实践历程,展现了他独特的政治风范和精神气质,其创新性理论必将在马克思主义思想史上和非马克思主义的世界思想史上留下"普世"的价值和意义。
2.These proses and desultory essays are virtually a garrulous pouring of their loneliness,Which tells more about their academic aptitude and spiritual makings as well as the peculiar inner information as individual lives.学者的散文或随笔实际上是他们在寂寞之余倾吐的絮语,更能够透露其学术素养与精神气质,以及作为生命个体的独特内心消息。

精神分裂样精神病精神分裂样精神病schizophreniform psychosis  精神分裂样精神病(sehizophren主fo:功psyehosis)1939年兰菲尔德(Langfeldt)首先提出这一概念。他曾在奥斯陆进行过一项随访研究,发现精神分裂症可分为预后不良的过程性精神分裂症(proeess sehizophrenia)和预后良好的精神分裂样精神病。过程性精神分裂症类似克勒佩林(Kraepe一in,E.)提出的早发性痴呆(dementia praecox),病人表现情感淡漠,缺乏主动性,具有原发性妄想。而精神分裂样精神病常有明显诱因,伴有意识模糊和情感症状。后来发现这种区分并不能准确地预断精神分裂症的预后。目前这一术语具有完全不同的含义。美国《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第三版)和我国精神疾病分类(1984)规定,“精神分裂样精神病,,分别用于病期不足6个月和3个月的精神分裂症。 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)