1.On the connotation of "Shennong tastes all kinds of herbs and encounters seventy kinds of toxic substances in a single day;论“神农尝百草,一日而遇七十毒”内涵
2.Shennong and the Star of Big Fire (continued)──A Story of Astronomy in Prehistoric China;神农与大火──史前华夏的天文故事(续完)
3.Shennong and the Star of Big Fire ──A Story of Astronomy in Prehistoric China;神农与大火──史前华夏的天文故事(待续)

1.Shen Nong' s Herbal Classic神农本草经(中医)
2.Experimental Research of Shennong Jie Du Suppository to Morphine Dependence Mice神农戒毒栓研究之一──神农戒毒栓对吗啡成瘾小鼠的实验研究
3.EXAMINING YANSHEN IN QU YUAN S POEMS;屈赋“炎神”考──关于炎神、炎帝、神农、黄帝的文化人类学诠释
4."That's not eating, that's more like the Divine Farmer" testing a hundred varieties of herbs.“这不是吃菜,这像神农尝百草了。
5.Study on the Application Technology of 5% Aldicrab;5%神农丹(Aldicrab)应用技术研究
6.The Studies on Ethology and Ecology of Chinese Snub-nosed Monkey in Xiaoshennongjia District;小神农架川金丝猴的行为和生态研究
7.the Parthenon in all its majesty.气势宏伟的帕台农神庙
8.the imposing peristyle of the Parthenon帕台农神庙雄伟的柱廊.
9.The spirit of the peasantry is ruined.农民精神已荡然无存。
10.The farmers are praying for rain.农民们正向神求雨。
11.So the peasant associations are putting on grand airs.农会于是神气十足了。
12.In its northern districts the peasants have prohibited the incense-burning processions to propitiate the god of pestilence.北乡各区农民禁止家神老爷(傩神)游香。
13.The name of the God of Harvests is Qi who is believed to be an ancient agronomist.稷神叫“弃”,是古代精通农事的“农艺师”。
14.Similarities and Differences of Yin-yang and Five Elements in the Agricultural Sacrificial Rites between the Chinese Yi People and the Japanese;阴阳五行在中国彝族农业神祭祀与日本农业神祭祀中之异同
15.On the Role of Migrant Workers in the Construction of Spiritual Civilization in Rural Areas;论农民工在新农村精神文明建设中的作用
16.Cultivating the Spirit:A Mission of Rural Education in the Context of Building the New Rural Community;精神培育:新农村建设背景下农村教育的使命
17.Foster scientific spirit,improve peasant ’s quality--Explore agriculture reach to scientific level;弘扬科学精神 提高农民素质——论农业走向科学化
18.Fostering Ethos of Sichuan Agricultural University Cultiviting High-quality Personnel for Agriculture Development弘扬“川农大精神”,培养服务“三农”的高素质人才

Agricultural Divinity Worship农神
1.Agricultural Divinity Worship from Western Zhou Dynasty to Spring and Autumn Period;西周、春秋时期的农神研究
3)pesticide shennongdan神农丹农药
4)Shen Nong's Herbal神农本草
5)Shennong Pills神农丸
6)Shennong 33神农33号
