1.So, it is concluded that the owners of these graves of Shang Dynasty in these regions can be grouped into 13 main clans.并判断出这部分地域内商代墓葬的墓主人至少可归属于 1 3个主要族属
2.The clan of Tu people tribes in Qinghai was recorded in the documents by chinese language and Tibetan language,and done textual Research by scholars at home and abroad.关于青海土人部落的族属在汉、藏文史籍中都有明确记载,国内外学者亦有考证。
3.This paper attempts to make an evaluation about former studies, and point out defects in culture periodization, culture classification, culture factors analysis and clan pre.本文试图对过去的研究作一总结 ,指出其在文化分期、分类、文化因素分析及族属推定诸方面存在的问题 ,并为此方面研究的深化提出建议。

1.A Study on the Ethnic Origins of the Southwest Nationalities and its Significance;西南民族研究中的族属研究及其意义
2."Of Zerah, the family of the Zerahites: of Shaul, the family of the Shaulites."属谢拉的,有谢拉族。属扫罗的,有扫罗族。
3."Of Jashub, the family of the Jashubites: of Shimron, the family of the Shimronites."属雅述的,有雅述族。属伸仑的,有伸仑族。
4."Of Shephupham, the family of the Shuphamites: and of Hupham, the family of the Huphamites."属书反的,有书反族。属户反的,有户反族。
5."Of Jezer, the family of the Jezerites: of Shillem, the family of the Shillemites."属耶色的,有耶色族。属示冷的,有示冷族。
6.of or relating to the Sioux people or their language and culture.属于、关于苏族人、苏族语和苏族文化。
7.A descendant of a race or family;an offshoot.支族,旁系一种族或家族的后裔;支族或旁系亲属
8.crucible ,of platinum or of metals of the platinum group坩埚,铂或铂族金属制
9.cupel ,of platinum or of metals of the platinum group灰皿,铂或铂族金属制
10.(h) they are members of the same family.(h)双方属同一家族成员。
11.No one is of an elect tribe.无人属于优等种族。
12.Family relationship; kinship.家族关系,亲属关系
13."Of Hezron, the family of the Hezronites: of Carmi, the family of the Carmites."属希斯伦的,有希斯伦族。属迦米的,有迦米族。
14."Of Ozni, the family of the Oznites: of Eri, the family of the Erites:"属阿斯尼的,有阿斯尼族。属以利的,有以利族。
15."Of arod, the family of the arodites: of areli, the family of the arelites."属亚律的,有亚律族。属亚列利的,有亚列利族。
16."and of asriel, the family of the asrielites: and of Shechem, the family of the Shechemites:"属亚斯烈的,有亚斯烈族。属示剑的,有示剑族。
17."and of Shemida, the family of the Shemidaites: and of Hepher, the family of the Hepherites."属示米大的,有示米大族。属希弗的,有希弗族。
18.From Kohath come the amramites and the Izharites and the Hebronites and the Uzzielites; these are the families of the Kohathites.属哥辖的,有暗兰族,以斯哈族,希伯伦族,乌薛族。这是哥辖的诸族。

1.This paper examines the nationality of the clan on the basis of the resources from historical documents, genealogies and inscriptions and argues that the clan came from the Wanggu.本文依据历史文献、家谱及碑刻资料,考证了巩昌汪氏的族属系汪古,言其为汉人,系对文献误读、误释和改窜所致。
2.The main purpose of this paper is to make textual research about Sadule s nationality.笔者旨在考证元代诗人萨都剌的族属问题。
1.The scholars concerned have shown interest in "Ailao" but have controversies over its origin,territory,ethnicity,history,relations with others and Jiulong myth.学术界对“哀牢”的研究十分关注,关于其名称来源、涉及范围、族属问题、发展历程、民族关系以及九隆神话等方面尚有较大争论,均需将其成果系统整理和论述,才能有利于该研究领域的深入拓展。
4)platinum-group metals铂族金属
1.The industry applications in asymmetric catalysis of platinum-group metals are reviewed; the effect factors in industrialization were also expounded.铂族金属,尤其是钌、铑、钯在不对称催化中起着不可替代的作用。
2.The traditional methods for treatment of flotation concentrates of Cu-Ni sulfide ore containing platinum-group metals are all pyrometallurgy processes.目前世界上所有知名的铂族金属生产厂均采用从硫化铜镍浮选精矿用火法熔炼高锍捕集铂族金属的工艺,整个流程十分繁冗,周期长,环境污染大。
3.The spent auto-catalysts containing platinum-group metals(PGMs) is one of the important and valuable secondary resources.废汽车催化剂已成为铂族金属重要的二次资源。
5)platinum metals铂族金属
1.Liquid membrane technique and its application to the separation of platinum metals;液膜分离技术及其在铂族金属分离中的应用
6)platinum group metals铂族金属
1.Hydrometallurgical processes of platinum group metals recovery from exhaust catalysts从废催化剂中回收铂族金属的湿法工艺研究
2.The centrifugal separation process of mediate products from Clarabelle mill grinding circuit of Falconbridge-Sudbury Corporation by use of the Knelson Concentrator to recover the platinum group metals and gold is investigated.用尼尔森离心选矿机处理加拿大鹰桥公司克拉哈贝勒选厂磨矿回路产品,回收铂族金属和黄金。
3.The kinetic behaviors of the formation of cationic ammonia complexes of platinum group metals were investigated, and the kinetic rate constans k a (25℃) have also determined.研究了不同铂族金属离子生成氨络阳离子的动力学 ,测定了相应的速率常数ka( 2 5℃ ) ,Pd(Ⅱ )、Pt(Ⅱ )、Pt(Ⅳ )、Ir(Ⅳ )生成氨阳离子络合物的动力学速率存在明显差异 ,ka(s-1)依Pd(Ⅱ ) (快 ) >Pt(Ⅳ ) ( 1。
