1.Gentry and Clan in Zhujiang Delta in the Late Ming Dynasty明末珠江三角洲的乡绅与宗族
2.This article sets out to clear up foreign research productions of the English gentry marriage and family from 1400 to 1700.15世纪至18世纪英国乡绅家庭观念的近代化,使乡绅的婚姻形态发生变化。
3.Despite the complexity of their class components, different social status and unevenly distributed wealth, the gentry shared great similarities in farming and animal husbandry under the capitalist employment.乡绅是英国封建社会中晚期出现的新兴资本主义生产关系的代表。

1.'And now, squire,'said the doctor.“我说,乡绅。” 大夫说。
2.'The man's a perfect trump,' declared the squire.“这个人很可靠。” 乡绅说。
3.2, the decline of the squire class and the corruption of the rural power;2、乡绅阶级的没落和乡村权力的痞化。
4.Gentry, Country Gentleman and Local Elite--Review on the studies about the Elite level;士绅、乡绅与地方精英——关于精英群体研究的回顾
5.Julia was dressed as a fat country man.朱丽雅化装成一位胖乡绅
6.The squire was hard at work at Bristol.乡绅在布里斯托尔热衷于他的工作。
7.'And now, Livesey,'said the squire, in the same breath.“我说,利维塞。” 乡绅也同时说道。
8.'Why,' I cried, 'the squire's a gentleman.“嗨,”我说,“乡绅可是个正人君子。
9.'Like iron,' answered the squire.“我们已经铁了心。” 乡绅回答。
10.'Nay,' replied the squire, 'Hands was one of mine.'“不一定,”乡绅说,“汉兹就是我亲自挑选的。”
11.The squire has been talking, after all.'乡绅到底还是把事情透露了出去。”
12.cried the captain, quick as an echo.船长跟着大喊,快得简直像乡绅的回声。
13.'Tom,' said the squire, 'say you forgive me, won't you?'“汤姆,”乡绅说,“说你宽恕我了,好吗?”
14.I had never seen the squire so near at hand.我这是第一次隔着这么近打量乡绅
15.the squire, Hunter, and Joyce, upon the other.乡绅、亨特和乔伊斯为另一组。
16.inquired the squire, very angry, as I could see.乡绅问。 我看出他非常恼火。
17.'Livesey,' returned the squire, 'you are always in the right of it.“利维塞,”乡绅答道,“你的话总是有道理。
18.The captain, the squire, and I were talking matters over in the cabin.船长、乡绅和我在房舱里商量对策。

1.Squires in the South of Yangtze River and Political Movements in the Ming Dynasty;明代江南乡绅与政治运动
2.In Austen s times,it was one of the most prosperous countryside in England and had dominating middle-class atmosphere of squires.奥斯丁的故乡史蒂文顿位于英格兰南部的汉普郡,在奥斯丁年代它是英国最繁荣、最稳定的乡村之一,以乡绅为主导的中产阶级文化氛围浓厚。
3.In the Ming Dynasty, squires were an important social class.明代乡绅是当时的一个重要社会阶层。
3)rural gentry乡绅
1.As very important self-government forces in traditional Chinese rural areas,rural gentry had effect on some aspects of social affairs,which is recorded in lots of literature."乡绅"作为中国传统社会重要的乡村自治力量,他们在社会各方面事务的作用,在很多文献资料中都得到了展现。
2.This thesis mainly elaborates two major propositions related to rural gentry: one is how the vernacular novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties portray the rural gentry images; the other is the esthetics significance behind this kind of molds .本文通过对明清白话小说的考查,重在阐述有关乡绅的两大问题:一、小说是如何塑造乡绅形象的;二、乡绅形象的文学审美特征。
4)Country Gentleman乡绅
1.Gentry, Country Gentleman and Local Elite--Review on the studies about the Elite level;士绅、乡绅与地方精英——关于精英群体研究的回顾
5)Rural Shenshang乡村绅商
1.Formation of Rural Shenshang and Its Function of Society and Economy since Qing Dynasty;清以降乡村绅商的形成及其社会经济功能——以湖北羊楼洞雷氏等家族为例
6)The rural esquire乡村士绅
