1.Li Duanfen s Recommendation of Kang Youwei and the Significance;李端棻荐举康有为及其意义
2.Its re-commendation included special recommendation and every year recommendation.宋代提点刑狱官在地方官员荐举中具有重要作用,其荐举可分为遵照朝廷诏令举官的"特荐"和每年定期保荐官员改转升迁的"岁荐"。
3.In Jin Dynasty,recommendation is an important selection system.金朝时期,荐举是一种重要的选官制度。

1.He was proposed as a candidate for the headmaster.他被荐举为校长候选人。
2.On the Advantages and Disadvantages Between the System of Recommendation of and Examination in Ancient Chinese Civil Service Selection;试析我国古代荐举与科举选官制的利弊
3.On the Recommending Function of Tidianxingyu officer in Song Dynasty;论宋代提点刑狱官在地方官员荐举中的作用
4.The Recommend of Tai-Jian officer of Song Dynasty--According the record of "basic annals of Song History" as the point of fitting in宋代台谏官荐举新论——以《宋史·本纪》的记载为切入点
5.I have commended him to the directory.我已向董事会举荐过他。
6.The girl should be recommended for her bravery in saving the child.那个姑娘勇救儿童而应受举荐。
7.We recommended several people to the governor for appointment.我们向州长举荐几个人供他委派。
8.She has come forward as a candidate in the local elections她自荐做地方选举的候选人。
9.right or power to appoint sb to or recommend sb for an important position(重要职务的)任命权,举荐权.
10.Do we begin again to commend ourselves? or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you?我们岂是又举荐自己吗。岂像别人,用人的荐信给你们,或用你们的荐信给人吗。
11.Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you?我们岂是又举荐自己吗?岂像别人,用人的荐信给你们,或用你们的荐信给人吗?
12.Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some, letters of commendation to you or from you?林后3:1我们岂是又举荐自己麽.像别人、人的荐信给你们、用你们的荐信给人麽。
13.[kjv] Do we begin again to commend ourselves? or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of commendation from you?我们岂是又举荐自己麽.岂像别人、用人的荐信给你们、或用你们的荐信给人麽。
14.To recommend(a person)for a position, office, or membership;nominate.推荐推举(某人)到某个位置、职位或成为成员;提名
15.The custom of young ladies being presented at court has disappeared.年轻女子被举荐入宫的风俗已不复存在.
16.I will write today and recommend you. And say that you have a family of two.我今天就写信举荐你去,说明你有两个家眷。
17.We commend potential importers and exporters to our customers at home and abroad.我们向国内外客户举荐可能的进出口商。
18.I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea.我对你们举荐我们的姊妹非比,她是坚革哩教会中的女执事。

1.The Recommend of Tai-Jian officer of Song Dynasty——According the record of "basic annals of Song History" as the point of fitting in宋代台谏官荐举新论——以《宋史·本纪》的记载为切入点
2.Recommendation of successor, winter recommendation and recommendation of county magistrate are major recommendation forms during the Tang Dynasty.举人自代制度、冬荐制和县令举是唐代几项主要的荐举制度。
3)to recommend (a person)举荐
4)recommendation system荐举制
5)Recommendation policy荐举制度
1.In the period of Hougwu court,Zhu Yuanzhang had undertaken recommendation policy several times.朱元璋统治期间 ,多次实施荐举制度。
6)system of recommendation举荐制度

满江红 谢番丞荐举【诗文】:词赋凌云,医不得、家徒四壁。俄又报、槐花风急,一天秋色。老去久忘炊黍梦,兴来偶作乘槎客。问当时、鹗表属何人,松厅墨。人纵有,垂天翼。谁不待,培风力。但吹嘘到处,扶摇咫尺。倚我一枝壶叟杖,为公三弄桓伊笛。约相逢、解佩换蒲萄,长安陌。【注释】:【出处】: