1.The Difference between Han and Manchu Armies in the Eight Bannered Army of Qing Dynasty;试论八旗汉军与满洲的差异性
2.How Manchu Became A Nation——Historical Evolvement of Manchu Identity before Middle Qing Dynasty;“满洲”如何演变为民族——论清中叶前“满洲”认同的历史变迁
3.On the Origin of Chinese Word Manchu;关于汉语“满洲”一词之由来

1.The Manchurian Candidate满洲候选人(美国影片)
2.The Rise of the Manchus - Qing满洲政权的崛起-清朝
3.Northeastern Shamanism in Manchukuo(1931-1945)伪满洲国时期东北萨满教状况述略
4.Manchuria Management by SMRC and Various Libraries Attached to SMRC满铁的“满洲”经营与附属地各图书馆
5.Qing Dynasty was established by Manchurian and the Manchuria language was the language of their own nation which was called National Language.清是满洲人建立的政权,满语是满洲人本民族的语言,即“国语”。
6.On March 1, 1932, less than six months after the Manchurian Incident, the establishment of Manchukuo as a country was declared.1932年3月1日,满洲里事变后不到半年所谓的满洲国宣告成立。
7.The Fact of Jpanese Life of the Lower Class and Japanese Capital in the "Manshu";从《满洲》看伪满洲国底层的日本人生存状态和日本资本实况
8.How Manchu Became A Nation--Historical Evolvement of Manchu Identity before Middle Qing Dynasty;“满洲”如何演变为民族——论清中叶前“满洲”认同的历史变迁
9.Manchu National Consciousness and Manchu Rule in China during the Qing Dynasty;清代满洲人的民族主体意识与满洲人的中国统治
10.(2) establishment of economic co-operation between China, Japan and "Manchukuo";二、中国承认伪“满洲国”,树立中日“满”经济合作;
11.Russia was pushing down through Manchuria to Corea.俄国正通过满洲向朝鲜推进。
12.This Manzhu official was bent on surrender.这个满洲大臣一心想投降。
13.I decided to go to Manchuria and see for myself.于是我决定亲身去满洲观察一番。
14.The Japanese marched their prisoners through Manchuria.日本人强行他们的战俘通过满洲
15.but private equity fund Manchurian Global confirmed today但是满洲国际私募投资基金今天确认
16.On the Study of Manzhou' Population before Warfare Broken out between Ming and Qing明清战争爆发前满洲人口数字小考
17.Literature in Puppet Manchou State and“Art and Literature Record” periodicals《艺文志》杂志与伪满洲国时期的文学
18.Changchun is the capital of Manchuria.如何翻译“长春市伪满洲国的首都”?

1.Foreign Policy of Qing Government in Manchuria Tafter Russia-Japan War and Its Failure;日俄战争后清政府在满洲的外交政策及其失败
2.Several Issues concerning the Ethnic Relations in Northeast China from the ~(15)th Century to the ~(17)th Century:A Case Study of the Development of the Ethnic Community in Manchuria关于15至17世纪东北地区民族关系的几个问题——以满洲民族共同体的发展为视角
1.Though it had been on for over 40 years,it reflected the sharp contradiction between the emperor s power and Beiles as well as between Manzhou and Han Army.虽然其存在的时间仅四十多年,但它却反映出清初皇权与诸贝勒之间、满洲与汉军之间的尖锐矛盾。
1.Characteristics of the host strata of Ag-Pb-Zn deposits in Manzhouli,Inner Mongolia and a discussion of their age;内蒙古满洲里地区银铅锌矿赋矿地层特征及其时代探讨
2.A Study on the Evolution of Groundwater Pollutants and Causes of Formation in Manzhouli;满洲里市地下水中污染物的变化特征及成因分析
3.Ecological Restoration and Reconstruction of Landscapes in Manzhouli;满洲里市景观生态修复与重建
1.Looking at Manzhouli s Economic Development from the Pair "S" Curve Model;从双“S”曲线模型看满洲里市的经济发展
2.Taking the Manzhouli as a model,this paper has modeled the harmony based on the compositive functions of Eco-environment and Socioeconomic using the indexes and their weights got by PCA.利用主成分分析 (PCA) ,分别选取生态环境和社会经济发展指标 ,并确定其权重值 ,利用这些指标和权重值 ,分别建立生态环境综合函数和社会经济发展综合函数 ,再在此基础上建立可持续发展模型 ,以满洲里市为例 ,对区域生态环境和社会经济发展的协调性进行分
6)Manzhouli station满洲里站
1.As the biggest land port station in China, Manzhouli station plays an important role in constructing export-oriented economy and realizing mutual trading complementarity.满洲里站作为我国最大的陆路口岸站,在构建外向型经济、实现中俄贸易互补上,具有举足轻重的作用。

满洲  满族的族称。17世纪初,以明代东北地区建州、海西女真后裔为主,吸收了一些外部成员,形成了满族共同体。明代女真的先世是先秦以来就居住在东北的肃慎、邑娄、勿吉、靺鞨和金代的女真。明代女真曾分成许多大小部落,满洲是建州部所属的一个小部落,努尔哈赤父祖即属于该部落。后来因为努尔哈赤起兵实现了女真各部的统一,满洲这一名称随之也逐渐显赫并用之称呼整个女真。但当时明朝官私著述中都没有用过满洲这一名称,他们经常用的是建州或女真(直)。朝鲜人也称他们为建州或女真。满族自己则或称女直(Nioijy),或称诸申(Ju┎en。1616年努尔哈赤(即清太祖努尔哈赤)即汗位,建立金(后金)。由于肃慎、女真和诸申都是同音的演变和汉字的不同写法,而不同的称呼对清朝统治产生不利影响,有必要予以统一。早在1635年,清太宗皇太极就明确规定,满族人一律称满洲,不准称诸申。乾隆四十二年(1777),清朝下令编纂《钦定满洲源流考》,再一次肯定满洲为部族名。有清一代满洲一直作为民族的名称,同汉、蒙、回、藏等并用。迄今所称满族就是满洲族的简化。至于满洲二字的含义如何,现在尚无一致意见。清代官方的代表性看法是,满洲二字来源于西藏每年朝贡称曼珠师利大皇帝,曼珠汉译为妙吉祥,满洲是由曼珠演变而来。但西藏于明崇祯十五年(清崇德七年,1642)才向清朝朝贡,满洲这一名称此前已存在。另一说是,明代初期女真曾出现一位赫赫有名的李满住,满住遂成为部落名称,后由满住之音而转为满洲,这一说法较前者可信。实际上,满洲的来源最大可能是建州。建州是明朝统治的地区名,满洲也近地名,二者具有渊源关系。清朝统治者避讳其先人曾受明朝统治,便有意把满洲称为族名。