1.One Nation,Two Imaginations:A Discussion on the Debates over the Malaysian Nation-building between the Malays and the Malaysian Chinese;一个民族,两种想象:马来人与华人关于马来西亚民族建构问题争论之述评
2.Malay Education in Malaysia: Development and Effects;马来西亚的马来人教育:发展与影响
3.On Changes in Relationships between Chinese and Malay in Malaysia;马来西亚华人与马来人族际关系演变新探

1.A native or inhabitant of the Malay Archipelago.马来人马来群岛的土人或居住者
2.Malay Education in Malaysia: Development and Effects;马来西亚的马来人教育:发展与影响
3.of or relating to or characteristic of the people or language of Malaysia and the N Malay Peninsula and parts of the W Malay Archipelago.属于或关于马来西亚、马来人、马来语、马来半岛、部分马来群岛的,或有其特点的。
4.On Changes in Relationships between Chinese and Malay in Malaysia;马来西亚华人与马来人族际关系演变新探
5.Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Malays or their language.马来语的,马来的属于或与马来人或其语有关的或有此特征的
6.A member of a people inhabiting Malaysia, the northern Malay Peninsula, and parts of the western Malay Archipelago.马来人居住在马来西亚、马来半岛北部和马来群岛西部部分地区的人中的一员
7.The impression has been that Umno is synonymous with Malays.长期以来,人们即有一种印象,巫统就是马来人马来人就是巫统。
8.the Malay language spoken in Malaysia.马来西亚人说的马来语。
9.The horse threw its rider.马把骑马的人掀翻下来。
10.I leaped to my feet and hailed the riders.我跳起来招呼骑马的人。
11.A man or boy employed to take care of horses.马夫被雇来照看马匹的男人或男孩
12.someone employed to ride horses in horse races.被雇来在赛马中骑马的人。
13.Good afternoon, Mrs. Martin. I've come to see Mr. Martin.您好,马丁夫人。我来看看马丁先生。
14.Then one day a horse merchant arrived in Benares with 500 horses to sell.后来,有个贩马商人带着500匹马来贝拿勒斯卖,这些马包括许多种马、母马、马驹。
15.The Chinese Anti Japanese Army in Malaya and the Malayan Union Citizenship Plan马来亚华人抗日武装与马来亚联盟公民权计划
16.There is yet another reason for learning Malay which is the national language of Malaysia and Indonesia. Mastering Malay means we will be able to communicate with 2,100 million Malaysians.马来文是马来西亚和印尼的国语,掌握了马来文,我们便可以和2100万的马来西亚人沟通。
17.a Malaysian from Sabah.一个来自沙巴的马来西亚人。
18.Research on the Origin of Malaysian Indians and Their Difficulties;马来西亚印度人的由来及其困境研究

The rider slipped off the horse.骑马人滑下马来。
4)Malaysian Chinese马来西亚华人
1.Malaysian Chinese Language Mosaic——Language Integration;马来西亚华人的语言马赛克现象——语言融合的表现
2.SJK (C) Damansara Save Our School Movement and the Political Participation Mode of Malaysian Chinese;从白小保校运动看马来西亚华人的政治参与形态
3.Since Malaysia achieved its independence in 1957,Malaysian Chinese community has seek ways to participate in and influence public policy making process,through not only political party and lobby group,but also social movements.自独立以来,马来西亚华人社群除了透过政党政治、利益游说等体制内方式从事政治参与和影响政策以外,也通过动员体制外的力量,以社会运动的形式,试图介入政策制定过程。
5)Dress of the Malay马来人的服饰
6)straits tin马来
