1.Study Of The Nationality Of Yelang,Ba,Shu And Correlative Ethnic Groups;夜郎与巴相关民族的族属问题

1.Comment on the Study of Guqin Art in Ancient Sichuan;巴琴史第一书——《巴琴艺考略》述评
2."Shu was Called Qiong":A Discussion on the Qiong People in the Ancient State of Shu and Relevant Issues;“曰邛”:古国的邛人及相关问题探讨
3.Shu embroidery products are mostly found in Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province.绣集中于四川成都。
4.General Guan Yu, whose date of birth is unknown but who died in A.D. 219, was one of the most intrepid warriors in history.关羽(?-219),三国时汉大将。
5.Such travelling is harder than scaling the blue sky.道之难难于上青天!
6.In the land of Blind the one-eyed man is king中无大将廖化作先锋
7.No man be content .人心不知足,得陇复望
8.On Regional Environment and Culture of Ancient Sichuan;古区域环境演变与古文化关系研究
9.The Establishment of Shunan Bamboo Sea City and the Molding of the Sunan Bamboo Sea;南竹海设市与塑造南竹海——旅游品牌之构想
10.The Tung Trees Are Blossoming Alongside the Long Long Red Mountain Path --A Short Comment on Bashu and Its Ancient Proses;桐花万里丹山路——简论巴与巴古代散文
11.The Nature and Cultural Origin of Shu Xue and Its Relationship to Ba-Shu Culture学的性质与文化渊源及其与巴文化的关系
12.A variety of sorghum(Sorghum bicolor)having a stiff, erect, much - branched flower cluster, the stalks of which are used to make brooms.高粱,黍一种高粱,有坚硬、直立、多分支的花簇(两色黍属),其茎被用来做扫帚
13.A cereal grain(Sorghum bicolor)of Asia and northern Africa, much cultivated in dry regions.黍,高粱产于亚洲和北非的一种谷物(黍属两色黍),多植于干旱地区
14.A tall plant(Alcea rosea)native to the Middle East and widely cultivated for its showy clusters of very large, variously colored flowers.葵一种原产于中东地区的(葵属)高大植物,因长有大而多色的亮丽花束而被广泛培植
15.A confection of sweetened paste, formerly made from the root of the marshmallow plant.葵糖剂一种糖剂,以前由药用葵的根部提取原料而制成
16.An early - growing, usually drought - resistant grain sorghum resembling millet.黍与黍相似的一种种植期早,通常抗旱的黍属谷物
17.Zhang Ruo was the first senior officer of Shu after Qin destroyed Shu.张若是秦灭后的第一任守,功勋卓著却不见经传。
18.Discussing the Transmutation of Confucian Classics in Shu Han Kinddom-Compared with the Tradition of Native Classics of the Two Hans in Shu;论汉经学之嬗变——与两汉地本土经学传统相比较

The Southern Sichuan Basin蜀南
1.Contributions of the Ba-shu area in the Song dynasty to the transmission of SHAO Yong s Yi-ology;宋代巴对邵雍学术传播的贡献
2.Lixue and Ba-Shu Chun Qiu Learning in Song Period;理学与宋代巴《春秋》学
1.Construction Space Types of Bashu Cliffside Carvings;巴摩崖石刻建筑空间类型探析
2.Building technologies of cliff carving architecture in Bashu region;巴摩崖石刻建筑营造技术
5)Althaea rosea蜀葵
1.A New Flavonoid Glycoside Isolated from the Flowers of Althaea rosea;葵花中的一个新黄酮苷
2.Toxicity of Cadmium on the Seed Germination and Growth of Althaea rosea and Orychophragmus violace重金属镉胁迫对葵、二月蓝种子萌发和幼苗生长的毒害效应研究
3.Using Rudbeckia hirta,Coreopsis drummondii,Callistephus chinensis,Althaea rosea,four kinds of ornamental plant seeds as the test materials,treated with NaCl and Na2SO4 double salt solutions of different concentrations,and the relative germination percentage,root length,simply vigour index,synthetic inhibitory effect(SE) were measured to determine the effect of salt stress on seed germination.以黑心菊、金鸡菊、翠菊、葵4种花卉种子为材料,研究不同浓度NaCl和Na2SO4复盐溶液处理下种子及幼苗的耐盐性,并观察其相对发芽率、根长、简易活力指数、综合效应。
1.Effect of Boric Acid with Different Concentration on Seed Germination in Hollyhock;不同浓度硼酸对葵种子发芽的影响
2.Based on two years,investigation of hollyhock cultivars found in Beijing and Zhangjiakou,Hebei Province and by means of cultivating and research on the regular pattern of their flower form evolution, the authors classify the flower types into 8 types.1996~1997年作者在对北京等地葵品种调查的基础上,经过栽培、观察及研究,初步将葵园艺品种花型分为8型,为葵的科学分类及利用提供了一定依据。
3.The changes on photosynthetic pigment contents and antioxidase activity of space flown hollyhock plants were studied.葵种子经返回式卫星搭载后 ,其幼苗叶中光合色素 (叶绿素a、b ,胡萝卜素 )总量低于地面未经搭载的。

蜀蜀(221~263)中国东汉后鼎足而立的魏、蜀、吴三国之一。又称蜀汉。汉昭烈帝刘备所建。都成都。据有秦岭至于南中(今四川大渡河以南和云南、贵州,因在巴、蜀之南,故名)之地。汉中平五年(188),汉宗室刘焉出任益州牧。焉死,子璋继任。刘璋相继压平了益州豪强的反抗。建安十六年(211),刘璋邀请暂驻荆州的刘备入蜀,使其攻击汉中的张鲁。建安十九年,刘备灭刘璋,占据益州,自领益州牧;二十四年进驻汉中,自称汉中王。是年,留守荆州的关羽被孙权军袭杀。221年,刘备在成都称帝,国号汉,世称蜀,又称蜀汉,建元章武。为争夺已失的荆州,于次年出峡,与吴军进行了夷陵之战,败退入蜀,病死。其子刘禅继立。 白帝城——刘备病死的地方 帝系表刘备在荆州时,邀约客居襄阳的诸葛亮为辅佐。诸葛亮看清了北有曹操,东有孙权,荆州不可持久的形势。从战略上促成刘备进入益州,以图自保。刘备死,诸葛亮辅刘禅。小国弱民,处境困难。今川西和云、贵的一些少数民族,当时统称西南夷,接连发生叛乱。益州郡(今云南晋宁东)豪强雍闿执太守,求附于吴。牂柯太守朱褒、越巂夷王高定元都响应雍闿,南中地区动乱扩大。建兴三年(225),诸葛亮率军南征,大军分为三路,诸葛亮军西平越巂,马忠军东平牂柯,然后他们与中路李恢所部共指益州郡。此时孟获已代雍闿据郡。诸葛亮败孟获,并按出军时马谡“攻心为上”的建议,对孟获七纵七擒,终于使孟获归心,南中平定。诸葛亮把夷人渠帅移置成都为官,把南中青羌编为军队,并允许大姓招引夷人作部曲,以南中的牛马特产实蜀国军资。西南夷人地区的闭塞状态,从此有所改变。南中战争结束,蜀吴结盟也取得圆满成果。诸葛亮于建兴五年率军进驻汉中,同魏国展开争夺关陇的激战。诸葛亮在益州疲惫情况下急于求战,一方面力图以北伐来巩固自己“兴复汉室,还于旧都”的正统地位;一方面则以攻为守,借以图存。建兴六年,诸葛亮命赵云据箕谷(今陕西褒城北)以为疑兵,自己率主力取西北方向进攻祁山(今甘肃礼县东北)。前锋马谡在街亭(今甘肃庄浪东南)败阵,蜀军撤回。以后3年,诸葛亮又屡次出兵,都由于军粮不济,未有成果。建兴十二年再次北伐,进军至渭水南面的五丈原(今陕西眉县西南),病死军中,蜀军撤回,北伐停顿。诸葛亮死后,蜀国以蒋琬、费祎、董允等人相继为相,因循守成而已。景耀元年(258)以后,宦官擅权,政治腐败。大将军姜维北伐,劳而无功。景耀六年,魏军三路攻蜀,姜维在剑阁抗拒魏钟会大军,而魏邓艾则轻军出阴平(今甘肃文县西)险道南下,于这年冬灭蜀。诸葛亮在蜀国当政时执法严谨,也比较注意发展经济。他设司金中郎将典作农战之器,还经常用1200人维护都江堰的水利工程。蜀地煮盐业十分发达。织锦在蜀国经济中占有重要地位,是蜀国的一项重要军资,且远销魏、吴,是当时丝织物的上品。但是蜀国与魏、吴相比,经济上和军事上都还是最弱的国家。 蜀陶屋模型(四川忠县出土)