1.Contrast of Cultural Differences between the East and the West Based on the Tales of Gun and Prometheus;从治水和普罗米修斯盗火看东西文化差异
2.National Identity and Legends about Gun and Yu in the Gaomi Region民族认同与高密境内的、禹传说

1.Upon taking office, King Shun killed Gun for his dereliction, and paced Gun's son Yu in charge of tackling the floods.舜即位以后,杀掉了治水不力的,任用的儿子禹继续治水。
2.An Analysis of the Difference in the Gun Myth between The Classic of Mountains and Rivers and The Songs of the South;《山海经》《楚辞》神话差异的文化成因
3.A Textual Research of Four Lines in The Riddles;《天问》“咸播秬黍,莆雚是营。何由并投,而疾修盈”考
4.Recognize Yourself--Studies on the Mythologies of Gun s Controlling Water and Oedipus;认识你自己——《治水》与《俄狄浦斯王》之比较
5.Contrast of Cultural Differences between the East and the West Based on the Tales of Gun and Prometheus;从治水和普罗米修斯盗火看东西文化差异
6.A Re-exploration of Yu the Great s Thinking of Taming the Waters--A Co-discussion on Gonggong s and Gun s Regions of Taming the Waters and the View of No Building the Dam in the Pre-Warring-Kingdoms Days;大禹治水方法新探——兼议共工、治水之域与战国之前不修堤防论
7.Understand thoroughly to Bear of the Hibernation and the Myth of Qi,Yu and Gun;冬眠之熊与、禹、启神话通解——从熊穴启闭获得的启发
8.Common Presentations of Ghost Culture产翁制:鬼神信仰的世俗化表现——从“腹禹”神话说起

Gun and Hou Ji鲧与后稷
1.As thus, in line with relevant literatures, this paper opines that the poet intends to interrogate by comparing two personages—Gun and Hou Ji.何由并投,而疾修盈"四句,注家们的解释不能确定,根据相关文献,此段四句是将与后稷进行比较以质问的。
3)the Gun myth鲧神话
4)The Flood Control by Gun and Yu鲧禹治水
5)the ducal capital of Gun鲧伯都
6)A Seprficial View on"Gun s Stealing Xirang"鲧盗息壤"浅酌
