1.Supervisors and Zhang Juzheng in Early Reign of Wanli Dynasty;万历初政中的言官与张居正
2.The supervisors career in the Ming Dynasty is to criticize and suggest.明代言官以言为职,在履职时面临着双重风险:一是皇帝的威胁和摧抑,二是周边各种势力的打击报复。
3.In the late period of Jia-jing Reign,Yan Song had usurped authority for more than twenty years and the supervisors impeachment and fight against him had never stopped.嘉靖中后期,严嵩擅权乱政二十余年,言官对他进行了长期的弹劾和抗争。

1.Supervisors had aggoring unyieldedly which made them well-known in history.忠于职守的言官不屈的抗争,使嘉靖言官的气节闻名史册。
2.In Jiajing Reign of the Ming Dynasty, Supervisors were stroken very seriously because of Emperor's disgusting attitude to them.由于世宗对言官的厌薄、恶情绪,嘉靖朝言官得祸独重,备受摧抑。
3.official Iraqi military spokesman伊拉克官方军事发言人
4.produced by the organs of speech.由言语的器官发出的。
5.it is the official language of India,它还是印度的官方语言,
6.What's its official language?它的官方语言是什么?
7.the dialect of Chinese spoken in Beijing and adopted as the official language for all of China.北京方言而且作为中国的官方语言。
8.Language: Irish and English are the official languages.语言:官方语言为爱尔兰语和英语。
9.Language: Maltese and English are both official languages.语言:官方语言为英语和马耳他语。
10.Language: English and Lesotho are the official languages.语言:官方语言为英语和塞苏陀语。
11.Language: Arabic is the official language, French is spoken.语言:阿拉伯语为官方语言,通用法语。
12.Language: the official language is Bengali. English is also used widely.语言:官方语言为孟加拉语,英语也通用。
13.The language of the Tai family that is the official language of Thailand.泰语作为官方语言的泰国家庭语言
14.Language: English is the official language; Tswana is also widely used.语言:英语为官方语言,茨瓦纳语也通用。
15.Language: Finnish and Swedish are the official languages.语言:芬兰语和瑞典语均为官方语言。
16.Language: English is the official Language, Maoris is also spoken and has been used as an official language since l988.语 言:英语为官方语言;毛利语也使用,从1988年起也用作官方语言。
17.Language: English is the official language, there are about70 indigenous languages.语言:英语为官方语言,当地部族语言约70种。
18.The Modern Officialdom Novel Said in The Capacity of Two Kinds--Reading Tian Dongzhao Buying Office and Selling Office;以两种身份言说的新官场小说——读田东照的《买官》《卖官》

1.The supervisors of Jiajing reign:dancing with fetter;嘉靖言官:戴着镣铐起舞
3)supervisor group言官群体
4)the Faculty of Language语言官能
1.This paper,from the perspective of language design,reviews philosophical foundations of Chomsky s linguistic theory,and discusses the modularity,design factors,architecture and mechanism of language organ-the Faculty of Language(FL) proposed by Chomsky.文章指出Chomsky语言研究的核心是论证他所设想的人脑中专司语言的器官——语言官能,探寻出它的起源、属性、结构、功能和运作机制。
5)language organ语言器官
1.He holds the view that language study is to explore the nature and property of the faculty of language as a language organ instead of the classification and documentation work in the structuralism and behaviorism.乔姆斯基认为普遍语法是人脑初始状态与生俱来的生物属性,语言研究应该一改结构主义和行为主义集邮式的分类与整理,会同包括生物学在内的主流自然科学统一融合,探索被称为“语言器官”的人脑语言机能(the faculty of language)的属性与本质。
6)official language官方语言
1.government to take English as the official language.以民族优越感和使命观为价值导向、以盎格鲁—萨克逊文化为核心的美国趋同型文化有效地维护了英语的绝对权威,主宰了美国语言立法,一直以来以英语为唯一官方语言的主导倾向。
