1.Shylock: The Marginalized Jewish Hero——Understanding the Religious-Cultural Dimension of Shakespeare s The Merchant of Venice;夏洛克:边缘的犹太英雄——解读莎剧《威尼斯商人》的宗教文化维度
2.Some Issues on American Jewish Literature Studies;试谈美国犹太文学研究中的几个问题
3.Abraham Cahan(1860-1951)was one of the most important Jewish American writers at the beginning of the 20th century, who was known to the American readers for his momentous novel, The Rise of David Levinsky, published in 1917.亚伯拉罕·卡恩(1860-1951)是20世纪初期最重要的美国犹太作家之一。

2.To bring into conformity with Judaism.使…皈依犹太教使…皈依或遵奉犹太教,使……犹太
3.One who is not of the Jewish faith or is of a non-Jewish nation.非犹太教徒不信犹太教的人或非犹太国家的人
4.of or relating to Jews or their culture or religion.属于或关于犹太人、犹太文化或犹太教的。
5.To adopt Jewish customs and beliefs.使…犹太化遵奉犹太人的习俗及信仰,犹太
6.To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews.20向犹太人,我就作犹太人,为要得犹太人。
7.Jewish Culture and Jewish Identity: a Study of Characters in American Jewish Literature;犹太文化与犹太身份:美国犹太文学人物剖析
8.cabbala =cabalan. 犹太神秘哲学
9.One who discriminates against or who is hostile toward or prejudiced against Jews.反犹太主义者歧视犹太人,敌视犹太人,或对犹太人抱有偏见的人
10.The Jews feared an anti-Semitic backlash.那些犹太人害怕反犹太的强烈反弹。
11.International Council of Jewish Women国际犹太妇女协进会(犹太妇协)
12.A Jewish woman or girl.犹太女子犹太妇女或女孩
13.a derogatory term used by Jews to refer to non-Jewish women.犹太人对非犹太女子的贬低的称呼。
14.World Union of Jewish Students世界犹太学生联合会(犹太学联)
15.The Jewish people are taught by Talmud.犹太人受犹太教法典的教导。
16.Used as a disparaging term for a Jew.犹太佬用作对犹太人的侮辱性词句
17.Jewish Women Residing in China and Their Marriages旅华犹太妇女及犹太人婚姻状况研究
18.Focusing on Jewry--On Kafka’s Jewish Complex;遥望犹太民族——卡夫卡“犹太情结”论

1.First Survey on the Jewish Classical Drama Leading Out;犹太古典戏剧《领出去》初识
2.Revolution and the Nation's Historical Two-way Interaction:Jewish Intellectuals and Modern Russian Revolution革命与民族的历史性双向互动——犹太知识分子与近代俄国革命
3.As a Jewish American writer, Bellow knows well about the miserable history of Jews.作为一名犹太裔作家,贝娄深知犹太民族的苦难历史,尽管他小说中的主人公一般都有明显的犹太背景特征,而他更多的是描写犹太民族在异族文化中的夹缝中生存的尴尬境地,体现出强烈的局外感、边缘感及非我的异化感,从而具有西方世界某些包含普遍意义的社会特征。
1.Remark on the Translation Name "犹太" of Jews;关于“犹太”译名改字问题之我见
1.Study on The Merchant of Venice under the cultural clash between Christianity and Judaism;基督教与犹太教文化冲突下的《威尼斯商人》研究
2.On the Ceremonial Music in Judaism Altar Fete From The Books of the Old Testament of Holy Bible;《圣经·旧约》中的犹太教圣殿祭祀音乐解析——兼涉与云南少数民族基督教仪式音乐的几点比较
5)Jewish history犹太历史
1.Making use of the theories of religion,ethnology,and history,this paper discusses the corresponding relationships between Jewish religion and Jewish history,between Jewish religion and Jewish people,and analyzes the view of "Chosen People",which builds the central theory of Jewish theological system,and the "Circumcision".运用宗教教学、民族学和历史学的在前理论,探讨了犹太教与犹太历史、犹太教与犹太人之间的互动关系。
6)Jewish people犹太人
1.Making use of the theories of religion,ethnology,and history,this paper discusses the corresponding relationships between Jewish religion and Jewish history,between Jewish religion and Jewish people,and analyzes the view of "Chosen People",which builds the central theory of Jewish theological system,and the "Circumcision".运用宗教教学、民族学和历史学的在前理论,探讨了犹太教与犹太历史、犹太教与犹太人之间的互动关系。
2.As expelled form their homeland for more than 2000 years, Jewish people, despite of many disasters, persecution and wandering, have made great achievements in the field of World Economy by using economic leverage in the modern age.本文从阐述商业伦理的涵义和性质入手,分三个部分介绍犹太人商业伦理及其现代启示。
3.In the novel,he explores for the first time the issue of identity from a world perspective,and the juxtaposition of various versions of contrapuntal lives in this novel reveals his multi-perspective exploration of the contemporary Jewish people in their pursuit of Jewish cultural identity.作家第一次将这一问题的探讨延伸到了世界范围,并通过并置对立生活的不同版本来表现当代犹太人寻求文化身份的多重维度的思考。
