1.The Coming of Protestantism to China and the Beginning of English Teaching in Chinese Schools;基督新教来华与中国学校英语教学的发端
2.Protestantism in John Updike s Novels;约翰·厄普代克小说中的基督新教

1.Protestant Christianity in Gansu, 1877-1920;1877-1920年的甘肃基督新教
2.On Protestantism s Positive Impact on Early US Politics;基督新教对美国早期政治的积极影响
3.the Baptist (Church)(基督教新教)浸礼会
4.One who is being taught the principles of Christianity.新入教者正在被授以基督教教义的人
5.Study of the Early Protestants "Medical Mission" in Modern China;基督教新教早期在华“医药传教”剖析
6.The Initial Inquiry of activities of Industry and Commerce of the Protestant Missionaries Coming to China来华基督教新教传教士实业活动初探
7.the Christian Church, faith, religion基督教教堂、 基督教的信仰、 基督教
8.The Reformed Church(对天主教而言的)基督教派;(对路德派而言的)基督教新教(喀尔文派)
9.Sun Tin Wai Social Centre for the Elderly [New Life Church of Christ]新田围老人服务中心〔基督教新生会〕
10.A Study of the Indigenization of Chinese Hymnody;基督教(新教)圣诗音乐中国本色化探研
11.A Study of Protestant Christianity in Putian (1863~1949);莆田基督教会(新教)之研究(1863~1949年)
12.Sun Chui Youth Centre [Church of United Brethren in Christ]新翠青年中心〔基督教协基会〕
13.Despite the claim to be a friend of Christianity, the new religious are rejecting or hostile to Christianity.不管其声称是基督教的朋友,新兴宗教拒绝或敌视基督教。
14.The Project on Establishing a Christian Union University in China between Protestants in the Early of the Twentieth Century;二十世纪初期基督教新教关于建立基督教联合大学的讨论
15.Novel in New Age and Christianity-- the fate on novel Christianity in China;论新时期小说与基督宗教——从小说观基督教在中国的命运
16.A majority of Christians in America were Protestant.而大部分美国的基督徒都属新教。
17.The Act(of the Apostles)(基督教《圣经新约全书》中的《使徒行传》)
18.New Christian Right in Contemporary American Politics;当代美国政治中的新基督教右翼运动

1.The Activities of Protestant Missionaries Wives in Macao;早期基督新教传教士夫人在澳门的活动
3)new Christian新基督教
1.Natural and Social Environment under which Protestants Spread across Guangdong Province Since the 19th Century19世纪以来基督教新教在广东传播的自然与社会环境
5)Xinjiang Christianity新疆基督教
6)the General Conference基督教新教差会
