1.The Northeast battlefield s foundation begins with the River Bridge Sino-Japanese War,which starts the Chinese people anti-Japanese Fascist war,and symbolizes the world antifascist war s beginning in East.在世界反法西斯战争和中国抗日战争史上,开辟最早、坚持时间最长,歼灭和牵制日军之多,历尽艰辛和所作牺牲之大的是东北战场。
2.Russian Fascist—"The Bald Party"is a violent organization which is composed of young people who extremely hate foreigners.俄罗斯的法西斯“光头党”是一个由青年人组织的、极端仇恨外国人的暴力组织,它给在俄罗斯的外国人的身心造成极大伤害和惊恐,也给俄罗斯社会造成混乱。
3.The Fascist goverment of Germany benefited the monopoly capitalist class.德国法西斯政权代表的是垄断资产阶级的利益,但并非垄断资产阶级从一开始就支持和扶植希特勒,希特勒与垄断资产阶级勾结在一起,有一个发展和深化的过程。

1.fascist legal thoughts法西斯主义法律思想
2.Of, advocating, or practicing fascism.法西斯主义的法西斯主义的,提倡或实行法西斯主义的
3.I abominate fascism.我憎恨法西斯主义.
4.People began to crusade against Fascism.人们开始声讨法西斯
5.an apologetic for fascism;为法西斯主义辩护;
6.Partito Nazionale Fascista Italiano意大利国家法西斯
7.black shirt(法西斯)黑衫党党员
8.a foe of fascism;法西斯主义的敌人;
9.The fascists butchered people.法西斯分子屠杀人民。
10.a socialist, fascist, etc regime社会主义、 法西斯等制度.
11.the world-wide anti-fascist war;全世界的反法西斯战争;
12.struggle against fascism and for democracy反法西斯争民主的斗争
13.Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League (AFPFL)反法西斯人民自由同盟
14.The fascists will be upon us soon.法西斯军快追上我们了。
15.An advocate or adherent of fascism.法西斯主义者法西斯主义的提倡者和支持者
16.Of or relating to the regime of the Fascisti.法西斯分子的属于或与法西斯党体制有关的
17.Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia南斯拉夫反法西斯全国解放委员会
18.The German Fascists intended to drive against Moscow after that.德国法西斯打算在这之后,进攻莫斯科。

1.The Structural and Functional Causes of the Rise of Fascism;法西斯兴起的体制机制性原因
2.The fascism and racialism still exist in today s world.文章回顾和分析了二次世界大战中以德国纳粹为代表的法西斯极端民族主义、种族主义产生的根源和实质,认为其根源于资本主义民族国家的民族主义思想,实质是帝国主义的极端民族主义和种族主义。
3.In the 1920s,Mussolini ,the oritinator of Fascism,grabbed the supreme power of the Italian Kingdom.20世纪 2 0年代 ,法西斯的鼻祖墨索里尼攫取了意大利王国的最高统治权 ,他的上台既是意大利特殊历史条件下矛盾冲突的产物 ,又与法西斯党的煽动宣传、王国政府的软弱无力以及一些政客、封建势力、垄断资产阶级的支持有着密切关系 ,是多种因素相互影响、相互作用的结果。
3)Casadel Fascio法西斯宫
1.Reflections on the Fascism in the Japanese Media during World War Two;论二战中日本传播政策的法西斯
1.Chinese July 7th Resistance agains Japan was the starting point of a full-scale war of Chinese nation against Japanese aggression and established a first Anti-fascist theater in the world.七”抗战是中华民族全面抗日战争的起点,开辟了世界上第一个反法西斯战场。
2.Anti-Fascist War endowed literature with solemn, sacred and urgent mission which demanded writers to displayed war, people in war and surroundings of the war, express mental feel and ethical thought in special condition.反法西斯战争赋予文学庄严、神圣、峻急的使命,要求作家去表现战争,表现战争中的人和战争的环境,传达一种战争特殊氛围里的精神体验和道德反思。
1.Due to its(peculiarity) in creation,it is undoubtedly a masterpiece of anti-fascism literature after the World War II.反法西斯主义是德国文学长写不衰的一大主题。
2.Holding the banner of Anti-Fascism, Chinese Anti-Japanese War literature established close connections with World Anti-Fascism Literature.在反法西斯的旗帜下,中国抗战文学和世界反法西斯文学建立了密切的联系。
