1.Caesar s Obtain-army-provisions-from-local-sources Policy in the Gallia War;论恺撒在高卢战争中的就地取粮政策
2.The Military Commanding Skills Of Caesar,An Acient Roman Commander;古罗马将领恺撒的军事统帅艺术

1.the Commentaries of Caesar恺撒的《高卢战记》
2.The Romans glorified Caesar.古罗马人崇拜恺撒
3.Caesar's response was quick to follow.恺撒旋即做出反应。
4.] For my part, I am for Caesar alone." Etc., etc.至于我,我只拥护恺撒……
5.To Caesar what is Caesar's, to God what is God's.属于恺撒的归给恺撒,属于天主的归给天主[26]。
6.of or relating to or characteristic of Julius Caesar.属于、关于朱利斯·恺撒的,或有其特点的。
7.The soldiers were even more enthusiastic than Caesar himself.士兵们甚至比恺撒本人还要精力旺盛。
8."There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. -- Caesar"唯一好的是知识,唯一坏的是无知。-- 恺撒
9.Caesar was a scholar, an orator and a lover of literature.恺撒是一位学者、演说家和文学爱好者。
10.Caesar's mention of "parents with children" may be due to misunderstanding on his part;所谓“父母和子女”,大概是恺撒弄错了;
11.Caesar planned vast projects and emerged as a great innovator.恺撒制定了庞大的革新计划。
12.Confederacies of tribes had grown up since the time of Caesar;部落联盟从恺撒时代起就组成了;
13.Caesar s Obtain-army-provisions-from-local-sources Policy in the Gallia War;论恺撒在高卢战争中的就地取粮政策
14.A Discussion of the Citizen Psychology in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar论莎士比亚《裘利斯·恺撒》的市民心理
15.He was one of the most powerful kings in Europe after Julius Caesar of Rome.Julius Caesar,by the way,is the King of Diamonds.他是罗马朱利叶斯·恺撒之后欧洲最强大的国王。顺便说一下,朱利叶斯·恺撒是红方块国王。
16.And this was the man that had power with him, to draw him forth to his death.而这人也就是有能力诱致恺撒于死地的人。
17.Pornpey remained in Rome and became jealous of Caesar's power.庞培当时仍留在罗马,他非常嫉妒恺撒的权力。
18.Pompey's soldiers deserted him and hastened to join themselves to Caesar's army.庞培的部下纷纷叛离,急忙投奔恺撒的部队。

Caesar's Commentaries恺撒纪事
3)Caesar was stabbed to death.恺撒被刺身亡。
4)On Caesar s Social Reform论恺撒的社会改革
5)A delighted worthy恺恺君子
6)Zhou Kai周恺
1.Understanding Design of Arts and Sports Building of Tianjin Teachers University Made by Zhou Kai;小建筑 大文章─—读解周恺新作天津师大艺体楼有感
