1.Thelefore, the relationship between representatives and voters is an unavoidable problem in the representative system.代议制民主是由选民选出的代表行使权力的间接民主。
2.In practice,new changes and trends are being showed and new problems are being exposed in the process of voter registration,candidate identification,investigating and dealing with bribery,etc.实践中,村民选举在选民登记、候选人条件、贿选查处等方面会不断出现新情况、发生新变化、产生新动向、暴露新问题。

1.a national or state election; candidates are chosen in all constituencies.国家或民族的选举;候选人在全选民中选择。
2.Comprehensive Comparison of Villagers Vote Ratio during the Election of Villager Committee;村民委员会选举选民参选率的综合比较
3.The body of voters represented by an elected legislator or official.选区的全体选民由一名被选出的立法或官员作代表的全体选民
4.A preliminary election in which the registered voters of a political party nominate candidates for office.初选某一政党已登记的选民提名参加公职竞选候选人的初选
5.register oneself在选民册上登记姓名
6.first provisional register首份临时选民登记册
7.Politicians are responsible to the voters.政治家应对选民负责。
8.This has a disturbing effect on voters.这令美国选民心中不安。
9.Time when a Member of Parliament can be consulted by the people he represents(议员对选民的)接待时间
10.The electorate is/are disillusioned.全体选民大失所望.
11.corrupt a policeman [the electorate]行贿收买警察 [选民]
12.omissions list [electoral registration]遭剔除者名单〔选民登记〕
13.The voters delegated power to the legislature选民们授权于立法机关。
14.Application for Registration in the General Electoral Roll选民总名册登记申请书
15.effective representation of voters' interests代表选民利益的反映.
16.democratic rights, elections民主的权利、 选举
17.An anthology, as of ballads or poems.选集民歌选集或诗歌选集
18.Factors Influencing Villagers Choice of candidates in Village Committee Elections;村民委员选举中影响村民对候选人选择的因素

villagers vote ratio选民参选率
1.This paper,taking statistic method,compared and analyzed the corresponding data and believed that: there were obvious regional difference among villagers vote ratio during the election of villager committee.选民参选率的形成,无论是村民委员会选举还是县乡人大代表选举,都涉及许多具体原因,本文以统计方法进行的综合数据比较和分析表明,村民委员会选举的选民参选率,存在较明显的区域差别,但是这样的区域差别,在县乡人大代表选举中同样存在,并不是村民委员会选举所独有的特征。
3)n. a voter; member of a constiuency选民;选举人
4)villagers election村民选举
1.This article summarized the main elements of influencing villagers election.影响村民选举的主要因素是现阶段农村集体经济制度和经营机制;落后的经济对村民选举的态度;乡村组织的利益冲突;乡村传统文化、家族帮派“路径依赖”、“村两委”关系及乡村领导信用的影响。
2.This article summarizes the backdrop of villagers election,and analyzes problems that vil-lagers lack ardor,leaders lack credit and the relation between the two village committees is intense and family force intervene election.中国农村所实行的村民选举与自治制度中的民主性是国家、地方政府与村民三方相互作用的结果。
3.The villagers election has an effect on the country s political development.我国是一个农业大国,有八亿多公民在农村,村民选举关系着我国的政治发展进程。
5)democratic election民主选举
1.This article analyzes the achievements of rural democratic election in China, the existing problems in it and possible measures for their correction.就农村民主选举的成效、存在的问题和改进的方法进行了分析讨论,并指出村民自治是在当代中国近百万个村中实施的乡村基层民主的形式,农村民主选举的实践不仅对农村基层政治民主化的发展产生了直接的影响,对地方及整个国家政治体系的发展及民主政治的发展也有着深刻的影响。
2.This paper,on the basis of the current situation of democratic election in the countryside,explores exisiting problems and offers corresponding measures and suggestions on the promotion of villagers participation in political affairs.本文从农村民主选举的现状着眼,探讨农村民主选举存在的问题,并对扩大村民有序参政等问题提出相应的对策和建议。
3.In the period of anti-Japanese war,Shaan-Gan-Ning border region strongly advances democratic election with election principle of universality,fairness,directness and anonymity and election policy of electioneering and "the triple three systems".抗战时期,陕甘宁边区大力推进民主选举,推行普遍、平等、直接、无记名的选举原则,实行竞选和"三三制"选举政策。
6)electoral qualification选民资格
1.This paper,taking the case of the efforts made by residents of the Huacun Village,located in Zhejiang Province,for the electoral qualification of one of its members named Y herein,explores how the villagers express their appeals in rational ways when faced with uncertain rules.文章以浙江省花村村民争取Y某①选民资格为例,考察了村民在规则不确定的情况下,如何通过理性方式以表达利益诉求。
