1.A study on Wittgenstein's Fideism论维特根斯坦的宗教信仰主义——《关于宗教信念的一次演讲》评述
2.Intersubjectivity of ontology includes three trends in its development: naturalism,fideism,and aestheticism.本体论的主体间性在其历史发生过程中包括自然主义、信仰主义和审美主义三种取向。
3.With the change and improvement of science knowledge,the irrationalism on the theories of knowledge has been turned from fideism which have blind faith in external authority to the intuitionism trusting internal instinct,but their common point is to negate that science knowledge is the product of human s logic reasoning,and not to believe that human rational can judge truth from falsehood.科学知识的发展变化与进步,使知识论中非理性主义由中世纪迷信外在权威的信仰主义,转向现代信任内在本能的直觉主义,但其共同点是否定科学知识是人类运用逻辑理性思维的产物,不相信人类理性能够判断真理与谬误。
2)Marxist belief马克思主义信仰
1.By the way of investigation and analysis of the present college students?Marxist belief, this paper points out the reason why the college students have a little misunderstanding of Marxist belief.通过对当代大学生马克思主义信仰问题的调查与分析,指出了大学生对马克思主义信仰产生偏差的原因,针对其原因,提出了新形势下坚定大学生马克思主义信仰应该把握的几个问题。
2.The main status of Marxist belief is being challenged and the weakening of its social belief control has various kind of expressing forms.当前,由于马克思主义信仰的主导地位受到挑战而引起的社会信仰控制力弱化的表现形式多样,主要表现为信仰物化、信仰冲突和信仰缺失。
3.Marxist belief as a dominant faith in China has weakened due to the gradual loss of traditional native ethic culture, the one-sided understanding of Marxism and the decline of international socialist movement.本土传统伦理文化主导地位的逐渐丧失, 对马克思主义信仰的片面性理解以及国际社会主义运动处于低谷时期等诸多因素, 导致了我国马克思主义信仰主导地位的削弱。

1.Comparison of the difference in Marxism faith and religion faith;论马克思主义信仰与宗教信仰的区别
2.On Social and Cultural Implication of Belief;论信仰的社会文化内蕴——“马克思主义信仰学”论二
3.On Marxist Faith in Market Economy;论市场经济条件下的马克思主义信仰
4.Discussion on Education of Marxism Belief in Minority Region;论少数民族地区马克思主义信仰教育
5.The Concept of "Marxist Belief" Should Be Maintained;“马克思主义信仰”的提法不能回避
6.Review of Marxist Belief Research in Recent Years近年来马克思主义信仰问题研究综述
7.On the Belief in Marxism under Socialist Market Economy;论社会主义市场经济条件下的马克思主义信仰
8.Discussing on the Establishment of the Marxist Faith of the Primary Stage of Socialism;论社会主义初级阶段马克思主义信仰的确立
9.Thought of Sticking and Developing Marxism Belief in the Period;对新时期坚持与发展马克思主义信仰的思考
10.On the Method of Marxism Belief Education on College Students;大学生马克思主义信仰教育的方法论思考
11.On Crisis and Reconstruction:Marxism Faith of the Teachers of the Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Higher Vocational Colleges;危机与重塑:高职思政课教师的马克思主义信仰
12.The Marxism belief crisis of university students and its countermeasure in the present age;当代大学生马克思主义信仰危机及其对策思考
13.Ponderation and Investigation on Marxist Belief Education in Colleges and Universities;高校马克思主义信仰教育的调查与思考
14.A Rustic Opinion on Strengthening the Education of Marxist Belief加强马克思主义信仰教育刍议——大学生信仰教育面临的挑战及对策
15.Research on the Countermeasure of Enhancing Marxist Faith Education of College Students;强化大学生马克思主义信仰教育的对策研究
16.Investigation Report on the Current Situation of Undergraduates Marxist Belief Education;大学生马克思主义信仰教育现状调查报告
17.Education on College Students Belief in Marxism:Problems and Solutions;大学生马克思主义信仰教育:问题与对策
18.Analysis of the Causes of the Weakening of the Marxist Belief Control in the New Period;新时期马克思主义信仰控制力弱化成因分析

Marxist belief马克思主义信仰
1.By the way of investigation and analysis of the present college students?Marxist belief, this paper points out the reason why the college students have a little misunderstanding of Marxist belief.通过对当代大学生马克思主义信仰问题的调查与分析,指出了大学生对马克思主义信仰产生偏差的原因,针对其原因,提出了新形势下坚定大学生马克思主义信仰应该把握的几个问题。
2.The main status of Marxist belief is being challenged and the weakening of its social belief control has various kind of expressing forms.当前,由于马克思主义信仰的主导地位受到挑战而引起的社会信仰控制力弱化的表现形式多样,主要表现为信仰物化、信仰冲突和信仰缺失。
3.Marxist belief as a dominant faith in China has weakened due to the gradual loss of traditional native ethic culture, the one-sided understanding of Marxism and the decline of international socialist movement.本土传统伦理文化主导地位的逐渐丧失, 对马克思主义信仰的片面性理解以及国际社会主义运动处于低谷时期等诸多因素, 导致了我国马克思主义信仰主导地位的削弱。
3)Marxism belief马克思主义信仰
1.The education of Marxism belief is the core and soul of ideological and political work.马克思主义信仰教育是思想政治教育的核心和灵魂。
2.Belief, the spiritual phenomenon, Which people undoubtedly and willingly chase as the highest valuable object, is characteristic of man, Man s belief has undergone a long developing process, and Marxism belief is the outcome .人类的信仰自身经历了漫长的发展过程,马克思主义信仰是人类信仰长期发展的产物,它具有科学的理论基础,现实的物质内容,崇高的奋斗目标。
3.Marxism belief is not only the rational conviction of the proletariat parties and vast working people on the Marxism, but also the mental motive force and the code of conduct with the Marxist stand, viewpoint and method.马克思主义信仰既是无产阶级政党与广大劳动群众对马克思主义无比的理性信服,也是用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法指导革命实践的精神动力和行为准则。
4)Marxism faith马克思主义信仰
1.Marxism faith is magistral faith of China.马克思主义信仰是中国社会的主导信仰。
2.To keep Communist s advance must have firm Marxism faith.保持共产党员先进性,必须具有坚定的马克思主义信仰。
5)fideistic ethics will to power信仰主义伦理
6)Communist Belief共产主义信仰
