1.A Study on the Ancient Ethnic Group of the Sushen: Their Origin andMigration;肃慎起源及迁徙地域略考

1.Remarks on the Historical Affections in the Various Sushen;论肃慎族系在中国历史发展中的作用
2.On Sushen nationality and Zhou People s administration in northeast China in early Zhou Dynasty;论周初的肃慎族与周人对东北的经略
3.Hu shi shi Nu of su shen is a crystallization of nationality wisdom, and is the special sign and marked characteristic of Sushen culture.肃慎民族的“木苦矢石 奴石”是其民族智慧的结晶 ,也是肃慎文化的特有标志和显著特点。
4.a serious thought谨慎的思想,严肃的考虑
5.V: Being a wizard is not like that at all. One is always serious and studious, carefully examining and analyzing.做一名法师和那完全不一样。他总是严肃而慎重,细心地调查和分析。
6.He discerned an opportunity for a new kind of joke which required him to be cautious and solemn.他发现来了一个机会,可以开一个新的玩笑,不过要求他应该谨慎而严肃。
7.The Scots are said to be a serious, cautious and thrifty people, and they are also hospitable, generous and friendly.苏格兰人通常被认为严肃、慎而且节俭,但是他们同样也热情、方且友好。
8.The Scots are said to be a serious, cautious, thrifty people, rather inventive and somewhat mystical.据说,苏格兰人严肃、小心谨慎、节俭、善于发明创造而且带有一点神秘感。
9.This relationship lacks stimulation. You are both far too cautious, frugal and self-righteous to last.摩羯-摩羯:这个组合缺少刺激。你们同属严肃谨慎、沉稳正直的人,关系很难持久。
10.Care in choosing.审慎选择时的小心谨慎
11.Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.择友宜慎,弃友宜更慎。
12.Arising from or characterized by prudence.审慎的由于谨慎的,或以谨慎为特征的
13.He is discreet in his behavior [in choosing his friends].他行为 [择友] 谨慎。
14.Keep up the work of eliminating counter-revolutionaries, and eliminate them wherever they are found.肃反要坚持,有反必肃。
15.Are you going to eliminate counter-revolutionaries again?二是你们还肃不肃反?
16.The state or quality of being circumspect.小心,谨慎慎重的状态或品质
17.To act or proceed with care and caution.谨慎行事小心谨慎地行动或前进
18.One should be more careful to guard Party and state secrets.保守党和国家的机密,慎之又慎。

Sushen Nationnality肃慎系
1.Characteristics of the Social Development of Sushen Nationnality;肃慎系民族的社会发展及特点
3)Studies of Sushen肃慎考
4)the discreet penalty and the discreet death penalty慎刑慎杀
1.The basic idea of the discreet penalty and the discreet death penalty in criminal procedure is an important part of our traditional legal culture,and it has a long history.慎刑慎杀的刑事诉讼基本理念是我国传统法律文化的重要组成部分,经过长期发展,延续至今。
5)To exercise caution in speech and conduct慎言慎行
6)Sunan of Gansu Province甘肃肃南
