1.They created different kinds of absurd theories, such as the so-called“Tibetan protectorate”,“suzerainty”, and the“Tibetan autonomy”.他们捏造所谓的西藏“保护国”、“宗主权”和西藏“自治”论,在“西藏问题”上制造种种谬论。

1.a country under the suzerainty of its powerful neighbour在强大邻国宗主权治下的国家.
2.This marked the first time China's sovereignty over Tibet was altered into "suzerainty" in international documents.这是在国际文件中第一次把中国对西藏地方的主权篡改为“宗主权”。
3.This marked the first time China’s sovereignty over Tibet was altered into suzerainty in international documents.这是在国际文件中第一次把中国对西藏地方的主权篡改为宗主权
4.China had the suzerainty over Ryukyu since Ming Dynasty.自明朝以后,中国对琉球一直拥有宗主权
5.LI Hongzhang’s Idea about International Law and the Lose of Chinese Suzerainty to Ryukyu;李鸿章的国际法意识与琉球宗主权的丧失
6.In the negotiation about Ryukyu problem, Li Hongzhang's delay policy further impaired Qing's suzerainty.在琉球问题交涉中,李鸿章的“延宕之法”进一步弱化了宗主权
7.A Probe into the Nascence and Essence of the So-called "China s Suzerainty Over Tibet in Late Qing Dynasty";清末英国所持中国对西藏“宗主权”谬说之起源及实质
8."It claimed suzerainty over its smaller neighbors, which had to pay tribute to the Chinese emperor as a sing of submission"中国声称对其弱小的邻国拥有宗主权,这些小国不得不向中国皇帝进贡,以示臣服。
9.the position or authority of a suzerain.处于宗主国的权威地位。
10.One who occupies a position of authority in a religious hierarchy.祭祀长,高僧,大主教掌握高级职位或有权威的宗教领袖
11.In such circumstances, the absence of a central religious authority in Hinduism was a source of strength.在这样一种环境下,印度教主要宗教权威的缺乏是一种力量的来源。
12.The Ladder Leading to the Position of Leader of the World ofLetters in the Reign of Zhenyuan of the Tang Dynasty--A Study of QUAN De-yu s Family Social Standing and his Academic Sources;走向贞元文坛宗主地位的阶梯——权德舆的家世背景及学术渊源考察
13.vicar of christph.1. 天主教教宗
14.Then came a fall in the influence of the Catholic church, whose authority had rested on a deft fusion between religion and patriotism.随后天主教会的影响开始下降,它的权力依靠的宗教和爱国主义成功的结合。
15.The authority to teach religious doctrine.教导宗教教义的权威
16.IV. The Right to Freedom of Religious Belief四、宗教信仰自由的权利
17.a person authorized to conduct religious worship.授权管理宗教礼拜的人。
18.--- Criminals have the right to believe in a religion.--罪犯有信仰宗教的权利。

sovereign regime宗主国政权
3)sovereign state宗主国;主权国
1.Not being the eldest son, he was not entitled to inherit the feudal title and thus was not a real suzerain.李显甫并非嫡长子,且无袭爵之事,自然不可能成为宗法意义上的"宗主"。
5)Block Share大宗股权
1.An Empirical Study on The Pricing of Block Shares in China;大宗股权定价的实证检验
6)Zongmeng regime宗盟政权
