1.As a result, the serious logic of life was completely taken place by ideological illusions, which had their special forms and structures in novels and represented an ideological experience improved by imaginati.50至70年代农业合作化小说的文学想象具有明显的虚幻性质,它来源于意识形态对现实的思维方式。

1.But the illusory nature of the benefits such deception is meant to produce is now coming to be documented.但是,这样的欺骗性谎言所带来的好处是虚幻的,其虚幻性正得到证实。
2.Reality and Illusion--Factors Affecting China's International Status in Anti-Japanese War现实性与虚幻性——影响抗战时期中国大国地位的若干因素
3.The Unreality of Environmental Kuznets Curves and Its Impact to Sustainable Development;环境库兹涅茨曲线的虚幻性及其对可持续发展的现实影响
4.phantastic confabulation幻想性虚谈症 幻想性虚谈症
5.Re-exploration of the Authenticity of Literary Art from the Perspective of Illusory Reality;从虚幻的真实再探文学艺术的真实性
6.Lacking practicality or the possibility of realization.假设的,虚幻的缺少现实性或实现的可能性的
7.But in their dream life they obeyed the invitations of their fancies, whatever they might be, and howsoever the fancies might change.可是在他们的虚幻生活中,他们却追随着幻想的诱惑,却不计较这幻想的性质和变化。
8.The Illusory Legitimacy--Thinking about the Ending of Hongxian Imperialism from Political Perspective;虚幻的有效性——洪宪帝制终结的政治思考
9.A delusive or misleading hope.幻想虚幻的或误导的一种希望
10.Something shadowy and insubstantial.幻影像影子的和虚幻的东西
11.thing that is weak or unreal微弱的或虚幻的东西
12.delude oneself with false hopes以虚幻的希望欺骗自己
13.A false god.幽灵,假神虚幻中的神
14.A delusive faith in a wonder drug.对特效药的虚幻的信念
15.an insubstantial vision, figure, creature虚幻的景象、 人物、 生物.
16.A popular but unfounded belief.宗教普及但虚幻的信仰
17.remembrance hallucination追忆性幻觉 追忆性幻觉
18.hallucination of perception知觉性幻觉 知觉性幻觉

phantastic confabulation幻想性虚谈症
1.There are two main kinds of moods-sentimentality and illusion in Xiaoshan s Poetry.小山词中主要存在着伤感与虚幻两种情感心态。
2.Many works by the American writer,Robert Coover,explore the juxtaposition of reality and illusion and reveal the essence of the fiction of history,religion,politics,etc.库弗的多部小说围绕“现实与虚幻”这一主题展开,揭露出人类历史、宗教、政治的虚构特征,引导人们看到人类历经多年建立起来的社会远非他们自以为那样的真实、可靠,却是虚构、假想而成,像是人类自己的游戏,充满了任意性和不确定性。
3.The author described the life of a modern man with a poor constitution and a poor mind by adopting the combination of reality and illusion, enabling the readers to perceive the protagonist s internal truth in his illusory world. 英国当代著名作家威廉·博伊德的《我的穿紧身牛仔裤的姑娘》是一篇十分优秀的现代主义杰作,小说作者采用虚实相间的写作手法描述了一个体弱、脑弱的现代人的生活故事,让读者从主人公虚幻的世界见其内心的真实,而这又恰恰正是弗洛伊德精神分析学中的俄狄浦斯情结和梦的解析理论所要阐释的。
1.Through Prufrock’s hopeless and illusory courtship,the poem describes a universal morbid social state.诗人通过诗中的主人公普鲁弗洛克的无望的虚幻的求爱过程,描述了一种普遍存在的病态世象,从而唱响了精神瘫痪,文明衰退,到处充满意志消沉,无所事事的"活死人"的黄昏世界的哀歌。
5)virtual earthing虚幻接地
1.Analysis on virtual earthing of busbar 2MCA in Shenzhen Mawan General Power Plant;妈湾电厂2MCA母线虚幻接地现象分析
6)Apatococcus lobatus虚幻球藻
1.The results showed that Citrus sinensis green spot disease was a new disease caused by Apatococcus lobatus of Chlorophyta.结果表明,该病是由绿藻门虚幻球藻属虚幻球藻Apatococcus lobatus所致。
2.The results showed that Valencia orange green spot was a new disease caused by Apatococcus lobatus of Chlorophyta.通过对病原进行分离鉴定和生长特性研究,表明该病是由绿藻门虚幻球藻属虚幻球藻(Apatococcuslobatus)所致;病藻的适应温度范围比较广,5 ̄30℃都可生长,15 ̄25℃为其适温范围;病藻具有广泛的光适应性,在500 ̄4000lx的光照范围内均可生长,1000 ̄3000lx为其适宜的光照范围;在pH值为4 ̄10时病藻均能生长,适宜生长的pH值为5 ̄9。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-