1.The Discrimination and Analysis of the Yi and Yue in Nanzhong Region from the Han to Jin Dynasty;汉晋时期南中夷、辨析
2.The Evolution of the State Relationship and the Borderline between Wu and Yue During the Spring and Autumn Period吴国家关系与分界的演变及对后世影响

1.Eating and scratching wants But a Beginning.想吃,想搔。
2.The heaven rose higher and higher and the earth stretched deeper and deeper.天高,地厚,
3.The farther two persons go apart, the closer their hearts come to each other.人远,心近。
5.Why Does Ice Cream Make You Scream?为何“痛”快?
6.Idle folks take the most pains.[谚]不省力。
7."The writing is more beautiful too.字也好了。”
8.increasingly demanding customers and intensifying competition顾客的要求高,竞争激烈
9.The days are gaining on the nights.白昼正长,黑夜正短。
10.We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers;我们的住房好,脾气却糟;
11.Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.好人好,坏人坏。
12.The sound of hooves grew louder as horses trotted up to the house.马近了,蹄声也大。
13.Become less and less selfish, and more and more selfless in Him.要少的自私,多的无私。
14.The top rotated with decreasing speed as the spring wound down.当发条松时,陀螺也慢。
15.The path will not become narrower and narrower but wider and wider.路子不会窄,只会宽。
16.E-and scratching wants but a beginning.[苏,谚]想吃,想搔。
17.The smoke grew heavier and thicker.烟变得大,浓。
18.The more we do, the more we can do; the more Busy we are, the more leisure we have.事会做,人有空。

The more..., the more...越…越…
3)Over-wintering and over-summering越冬越夏
4)the structure of"Yue X,Yue Y"越X越Y
1.Foreign students often make errors when they learn the structure of“Yue X, Yue Y”.“XY”格式是现代汉语常见的句法格式之一,研究和应用这一格式均具有较大价值。
5)red huckleberry越越桔
6)from bad to worse越来越糟
