1.Zhu Cheng s theory for rite encouraged woman to keep chastity to remain unmarried, give play to such cruel system to the limit.中国几千年的封建社会对女性的束缚多如牛毛,程朱礼学提倡妇女要贞操守节,更将这种残酷的制度发挥到了极点。
2.This paper analyzes the appearance of chastity in history and argues that the advancing of chastity right is a distortion of the commodity awareness of the legal system by traditionalmoral ideas and that chastity is the duty of both sides of the specified subjects under the given conditions.本文通过对贞操产生的历史进行分析,认为贞操权的提出是传统道德观念对商品法制观念的扭曲,进而认 定在当代中国法律制度下,贞操仍是特定范围内特定主体的双方义务。

1.Chastity, especially in a girl or woman.贞操贞操,尤指女孩或女子
2.The chastity of a woman, or at least her reputation for chastity, is of vital importance before marriage.女人的贞操,或者至少是贞操名誉,在婚前是至关重要的。
3.On the Civil Law Protection of Virginity Right--From the First Trial of Virginity Right Case in China;论贞操权的民法保护——由我国首例“贞操权判决”说起
4.I now intend to make a great sum by my virtue.现在我打算用我的贞操捞它一大笔。
5.An imputation against a woman's chastity is defamatory.诋毁妇女贞操是破坏妇女名誉的行为。
6.Critique of the Feudal View of Virtue from the Ideological Field in the May Fourth Movement“五四”思想界对封建贞操观的批判
7.vows of chastity,eg those taken by a nun or a monk贞操誓言(如修女或修道士所发的).
8.Chastity is a wealth that comes from abundance of love.贞操是从丰富的爱情中生出来的财富。
9.Research on Virtue Concept of Higher Vocational College Students in Hangzhou;杭州市高职大学生贞操观的调查研究
10.On the Modernity of the Discuss of the Virtue in New Youth;论《新青年》“贞操问题讨论”的现代性意义
11.A Probe into the Women s Virtuousness in ancient China in Perspective of “the Book of Songs”;由《诗经》探源古代社会女性的贞操
12.The Animadversion on Feudalism "Virginity" among Intellectuals in Modern China;近代中国思想界对封建“贞操观”的批判
13.Chastity in Spirit: The Ethic to Love from Jin Yong's Novels“贞操”的精神化——金庸小说的情爱道德观
14.We have said that Fantine was joy,she was also modesty.我们已经说过,芳汀就是欢乐,芳汀也就是贞操
15.By maid hood, honour, and by truth, I love you凭着贞操、信誉和真理,我向你发誓:我爱你。
16.The chastity is a property which produces from the rich love.贞操是从丰富的爱情中产生出来的资产。
17.A Survey on the Viewpoint about the Female Virtue Among the Students in Yanbei Normal University;师范类大学生看待女性贞操问题的调查
18.Not that I mistrust her virtue, but - she is a woman. There lies the suspicion .并非我怀疑她的贞操,可是--她是个女人嘛。 怀疑就在于这一点。

conception of chastity贞操观
3)right of chastity贞操权
1.The right of chastity in the identification right law is often ignored by legal professionals,especially which is only substituted with the obscure duty of loyalty in our legislation use.身份权上之贞操权常常为法律人所忽视,尤其是我国立法上仅仅用含糊不清的“忠实义务”来替代。
2.Not only the female but also the male hold the right of chastity, which means the right of sexual purity from the illegal infringement.贞操权是指性纯洁的操守不为他人非法侵犯的权利 ,不独女性享有贞操权 ,男性同样也应当享有贞操权。
3.As an important part in right of mental personality, the right of chastity is protected in laws in advanced legal states, while it is not proclaimed in writing in General Principles of Civil Law in China.贞操权作为公民的一种重要的精神型的人格权已为不少法治发达国家的立法或判例所保护。
4)the right of chastity贞操权
1.The steps which current laws protect the right of chastity have a lot of shortcomings.贞操权是一项基本的人格权。
2.The research of the right of chastity is a new program in the field of the civil law.贞操权是自然人的一项基本的人格权。
5)notion of moral integrity贞操观念
1.Sun Li s notion of moral integrity helps to render his works pure and concise whereas simultaneously constraining the in-depth exploration of his female consciousness.孙犁还有着强烈的贞操观念,这带来其作品的纯洁、单纯之美,但也束缚了其女性意识的进一步发展。
6)responsibility of joint faithfulness贞操义务
1.In order to maintain the marriage relationship, the writer thinks, the key is to prescribe legislatively“couple joint married life"and “couple s responsibility of joint faithfulness".要维护婚姻关系 ,关健是在立法上规定“夫妻共同婚姻生活”和“夫妻双方共负贞操
