1.Li De-cang s Contribution on Governing Zhangjiachuan after His Surrender to the Qing Government;李得仓受抚后治理张家川的贡献
2.The Analysis to Historical Relationship Between Hui-Han Nation of Zhangjiachuan County;试析历史上张家川的回汉民族关系
3.A study of traditional culture of Hui nationality in Zhangjiachuan county;张家川回族的传统文化研究

1.The Research and Analysis of the Hypoderma Bovis Epidemiology in Zhangjiachuan County;张家川县牛皮蝇流行病学调查与分析
2.Study on Development of Fur Industrial and Socio-economic in Zhangjiachuan;张家川皮毛产业和社会经济发展研究
3.ARIMA Model for the Seasonal Incidence of Bronchopneumonia in Zhangjiachuan张家川支气管肺炎月发病率的季节性ARIMA模型
4.The Ethnic Relations of Zhang Jiachuan Autonomous County and the Analysis of Related Factors-Taking Kung Town as an Example;张家川回汉民族关系现状及相关因素分析——以恭门镇为例
5.Study on the Students Self-control and Self-value of Middle School in the Zhangjiachuan Hui Minority Area;张家川回族自治县中学生心理控制源与自我价值感的相关研究
6.Thinking on the Decline of the Hui Furs Warehouse--A Study on Cases in Zhangjiachuan,Gansu Province回族皮毛行店的衰落与思考——基于甘肃张家川的调查研究
7.Geochemical Characteristics of the Early Palaeozoic Meta-volcanic Rocks from Qingshui-Zhangjiachuan in the Tianshui Area, Gansu, and Their Tectonic Significance;甘肃天水地区清水—张家川早古生代变质火山岩岩石地球化学特征及其构造意义
8.Discussions of the importance of"timeliness"in on-site conservation:application to the on-site conservation of Warrior Kingdom period tombs at Zhangjiachuan as an example试论“及时性”在考古现场保护中的重要意义——以张家川战国墓地现场保护实践为例
9.A Probe into Inter-Ethnic Gifts in the Interaction between Hui and Han Nationalities--A Case Study of a Han Village in Zhangjiachuan Hui Autonomous County,Gansu Province回汉民族关系互动中的族际赠礼探析——以张家川回族自治县的一个汉族村为主要个案
10.A Study on the Wealth Marriage and its Affecting of the Northwest Village in Minority Region:Take Ya Di Village as an Example西北少数民族地区汉族村落财婚的调查与分析——以张家川恭门镇崖低村为例
11.Nowadays the interpretation most commonly played is that of Zhang Kongshan of the Sichuan school.今常用谱传自川派琴家张孔山。
12.Construction Technology of Zhangjiawan Tunnel in Karst Area of South Sichuan川南地区岩溶不良地质张家湾隧道施工技术
13.Zhang Senkai and Sichuan Silkworm Community--A Historian s Exploration on Industrial Education;张森楷与四川蚕桑公社——一位历史学家的实业教育探求
14.The first day of the sctvf, Zhang Guoli and his wife Deng Jie, as well as Le Jiatong, Zhao Ling and other Sichuan-born TV stars showed up at sctvf with their respective productions.四川电视节开幕的第一天,张国立、婕夫妇,乐珈彤和赵亮四个川籍明星各自带着佳作,回到娘家。
15.In early September he occupied Hsingho, Shangyi, Wuchuan, Taolin, Hsintang and Liangcheng, launched massive attacks on the Liberated Areas in Chahar and pushed to the neighbourhood of Changchiakou.九月初攻占兴和、尚义、武川、陶林、新堂、凉城,大举向察哈尔解放区进攻,迫近张家口。
16.The Sichuan-born painter Zhang Daqian, who lived overseas for many years and finally settled down in Taiwan, was also a great Chinese landscape painter.出生于四川内江,后来旅居海外,晚年又定居台湾的张大千,也是一位著名的山水画家。
17.Features of source rocks in the Xujiahe formation at the transitional zone of central-southern Sichuan basin川中—川南过渡带须家河组烃源岩特征
18.Dad will take me to our hometown in Sichuan.爸爸带我回四川老家。

Zhangjiachuan county张家川县
3)Zhangjiachuan "Flowers"张家川"花儿"
1.An Analysis of the Singing Methods in Zhangjiachuan "Flowers"张家川“花儿”演唱方法分析
4)Zhang shichuan张石川
1.The Mutual Complementarity Duality of Zheng zhengqiu/Zhang shichuan and the Forepart Chinese Films郑正秋、张石川二元互补性与中国早期电影
5)Zhang's family张家
1.Zhang′s family had two dukes and two imperial concubines.张家一门二国公,一门出两贵妃,家族兴衰发展历程,从重大事件到某些具体细节,均可以与小说的相关描写相互印证。
6)the Guanjiachuan valley关家川沟

张石川(1889~1953)  中国电影事业家、导演。浙江省宁波人。少年丧父,随舅父到上海经商,办过文明戏班,经营过新世界游艺场等。1913年,与郑正秋合作,为美商经营的亚细亚影戏公司拍摄影片《难夫难妻》,任导演。是中国拍摄故事片的开端。1916年开办幻仙影片公司,拍摄揭露鸦片毒害的影片《黑籍冤魂》。1922年与郑正秋等人组成明星影片公司,任总经理,经营15年。1923年,他认识到自己导演的滑稽打闹片已不受欢迎,听取了郑正秋的意见,转入拍摄正剧长片。导演《孤儿救祖记》(见彩图)。这是中国第一部比较成功的长故事片,在艺术处理上也有所突破。此后,导演了《玉梨魂》、《盲孤女》、《最后之良心》等20多部影片。1928年,由于影片市场的不景气,他又导演了武侠神怪连集片《火烧红莲寺》,以满足观众的好奇心。1930年,导演了以蜡盘配音的中国第一部有声片《歌女红牡丹》。继后又编导6集《啼笑姻缘》。1932年后,随着中国人民抗日怒潮的高涨,他支持左翼电影工作者,任明星公司顾问,拍摄了不少进步影片。自己也导演了《脂粉市场》(1933)、《前程》(1933)、《压岁钱》(1937)等影片。1937年明星影片公司的摄影场沦为战区,他以抢救出来的机械和底片作价,加入柳中亮、柳中浩兄弟办的国华影片公司。1942年,进入中华联合制片股份有限公司,先后担任分厂厂长兼导演、制片部长等。抗日战争胜利后继续导演过几部影片。张石川在长期实践过程中,逐渐形成自己的特点:故事有头有尾,剧情发展清楚,故事性强,通俗易懂。在当时很受市民阶层欢迎。