1.Structural features in site selection of temple in migrating tribes;移民聚落中庙宇选址的结构性特征

1.Temples dedicated to Confucius are called Wen'Miao or Temples to the God of Culture and those to Guan Yu Wu'Miao or Temples to the God of War.祭孔子的庙宇称“文庙”或“孔庙”,祭关羽的庙宇称“武庙”或“关帝庙”。
2.We'll visit the temple by taxi.我们打车去参观庙宇
3.Would you like to visit some old temples today?你今天想参观庙宇
4.They don't stop at the temples,那些船不停靠庙宇
5.a well-preserved Greek temple保存得很好的希腊庙宇.
6.a temple chiselled out of solid rock在岩石中凿出的庙宇.
7.The ancient temple was built of wood.这所庙宇是木结构的。
8.remains of an ancient Greek temple;古希腊庙宇的遗迹;
9.Here she created a temple garden and constructed several temples.她在这里建造了一个庙宇花园,由几座庙宇组成。
10.3 Hindu temples and Muslim mosques stand alongside Chinese temples.华人庙宇的旁边矗立著兴都庙和回教堂.
11.I am as comfortable entering a Hindu temple, a mosque, a church and a Chinese temple.去兴都庙宇、回教堂、教堂或华人庙宇,我的心情是一样的自在。
12.There is a temple at the foot of Nanshan,and an ancient banyan is in front of it.南山脚下座落着一座庙宇,一棵古老的菩提树生长在庙宇之前。
13.Some of Bagan's2,000 temples and shrines reflect the morning light.位于蒲甘的一些庙宇和神龛沐浴在晨光中,那里有2000做这样的庙宇
14.The innermost parts of a building, especially the sanctuary of a temple.庙宇内殿,建筑物的最内部尤指庙宇内殿等建筑物最里面的部分
15.Other notable temples include the Che Kung temple in Sha Tin in the New Territories, which is dedicated to a Sung Dynasty general;其他著名庙宇包括:位于新界沙田的车公庙,该庙供奉宋朝一名将军;
16.The temple had obviously seen better days.这座庙宇显然曾经盛极一时。
17.A temple devoted to Apollo.一座奉献给阿波罗的庙宇
18.Having no columns along the sides. Used especially of a classical temple.沿边缘无柱子的,尤用于古典庙宇

1.During the war and after the war,such landscapes of belief as temples were built,rebuilt and deserted,which shows identification of local community with national will,witnesses choice of local communities for objects of their belief.战中和战后,以庙宇为主体的信仰景观经历了新建、重建和废弃,这体现了地方社会对国家意志的认同,见证了区域民众对信仰客体的重新选择。
6)The temple is lofty庙宇巍然
