1.The upsurge of the town cluster planning in China is faced with dilemmas including the confusion of the town cluster concept, the implementation system of the town cluster planning and its legal status, disputes about the town cluster development pattern, and the ecological crisis.国内日益兴起的"城镇群规划"热潮,正面临着几个方面的困境:"城镇群"相关概念在使用上的混乱局面、城镇群规划的实施体制及其自身的法律地位问题、城镇集群发展的模式存在一定的争议及我国城镇群发展所面临的"生态危机"。
2.But behind the current Red Tourism upsurge,there are some uneasy hidden worries.然而,热潮现象的背后,存在着不少令人担心的隐忧。
3.There is an upsurge of the officialdom novels in China s literary circles in the alternation of two centuries.世纪之交的中国文坛形成了一股“官场小说”的热潮

1.The Comparison between Studying Booms in Japan and in America during the Period of Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China清末民初留日热潮与留美热潮之比较
2.A burst of activity associated with the laying of submarine cables,铺设海底电缆的热潮
3.oppressively hot and humid weather.抑闷炎热潮湿的天气。
4.come back after the rush; he joined the gold rush.他投入到淘金的热潮中。
5.Summer in Taipei is hot and humid.台北的夏天闷热潮湿。
6.Call for concerted effort to develop Chinese literature掀起发展华文文艺热潮
7.Hot, humid air is blanketing much of the nation this week.一周以来,闷热潮湿的空气令全国窒息。
8.She thought of her humid, stuffy darkroom.她想起了自己那间闷热潮湿的暗室。
9.There is now an increased upsurge of book-publishing in society.现在社会上出书的热潮一浪高过一浪。
10.The automobile promotion craze was then at its height.这股推销汽车的热潮当时达到了顶点。
11.Excursionists in increasing numbers are visiting them to participate in this farewell.三峡旅游的热潮正一浪高似一浪。
12.humid heat, atmosphere湿热、 潮湿的空气.
13.It's muggy and oppressive.天气又潮湿又闷热。
14."Wooden doors expand in hot, wet weather."木门在潮热天气会膨胀。
15.This material will repel heat and moisture.这种材料能防热防潮。
16.High-grade summer goods, the heat wave.夏日精品,热季狂潮。
17.of weather or climate; hot and humid as in the tropics.指天气或者气候;炎热而且潮湿,像在热带一样。
18.Advisory Committee for Humid Tropics Research潮湿热带地区研究咨询委员会(湿热地区研究会)

hot flush潮热
1.Non-hormonal treatment for perimenopausal hot flushes;围绝经期潮热的非激素治疗
2.The pathophysiology of hot flushes remains unknown, which limits valid control of hot flushes.目的:潮热是围绝经期和绝经期最常见症状,迄今其确切的发病机制不明,因而限制了临床上潮热症状的有效控制。
3)tidal fever潮热
4)upsurge of the production capacity expansion扩产热潮
5)construction wave建设热潮
1.There is no doubt that the construction wave of great pharmaceutical logistics centers have emerged.本文分析了这股建设热潮的历史和现实原因,并客观分析了大型物流中心建设的积极意义,同时探讨了建设中应该注意的问题。
6)upsurge of commenting on the 《Dream of the Red Mansion》评红热潮

热潮1.炽热的心潮。 2.比喻蓬勃发展﹑热火朝天的形势或行动。