1.Holding high the nationalist banner against the feudalism and autocratic monarchism, the young intellectuals launched a tide of assassinations at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Beginning of Republic of China.手无缚鸡之力的青年知识分子,高扬反对封建专制的大旗,掀起了清末民初的暗杀风潮,作为特殊历史条件下的产物,其主观动机是好的,社会影响是积极的,对于中国的资产阶级革命有一定的推动作用。
2.The revolutionists political assassinations during the last years of Qing Dynasty were not simply the isolated and accidental political practice.清末革命党人的政治暗杀行为不是偶然孤立的政治行为,而是承袭传统的游侠之风、尚武精神以及对“贤人政治”的反叛,并吸收借鉴当时盛行的俄国“无政府主义”的一种自觉或不自觉的历史行为。
3.It advocated violence and assassination that were praised highly by the revolutionaries during the period of the Xin Hai Revolution.无政府主义思潮 2 0世纪初传入中国 ,辛亥革命时期革命党人对它所鼓吹的暴力和暗杀推崇备至 ,众多革命团体及同盟会都曾将暗杀当作革命的必要手段 ,遂形成辛亥革命时期的暗杀风潮。

1.He was murdered in 1968.他在1968年被暗杀
2.The crisis was sparked by the assassination危机是由暗杀引起的.
3.was felled by an assassin's bullet.被暗杀者的子弹打死
4.A plot to assassinate the President was uncovered.暗杀总统的阴谋被发觉。
5.non-combat-related political assassinations与战斗无关的政治暗杀
6.They attempted the assassination of the President.他们企图暗杀总统。
7.It is said that the Prime Minister has been assassinated.传闻首相已被暗杀
8.To murder(a prominent person)by surprise attack, as for political reasons.暗杀因政治原因,以突然袭击方式暗杀(某名人)
9.The man was not assassinated but died by his own hand.那男人不是被暗杀而是自杀身亡。
10.It should be made clear that what we oppose is indiscriminate killing and assassination.我们只是反对乱杀暗杀,而不是应该杀的也不杀,这是要弄清楚的。
11.Your judgement is way off. The fact is that he was assassinated and not suicided你的判断差得太远。事实是他遭暗杀而不是自杀。
12.Martin Luther King was assassinated by a white people.马丁路德金是被一个白人暗杀的。
13.He was mowed down by the assassin at point-blank range.他被暗杀者的近距离开枪打死。
14.He was assassinated on Good Friday, April 14, 1865,他于1865年的4月14日被暗杀
15.Police are still looking for the a a in of the president candidate.警方仍在追查暗杀总统候选人的凶手。
16.They were plotting how they would assassinate the president.他们正秘密策划将如何暗杀总统。
17.Murdering him would have let loose chaos.暗杀掉他,就会造成局势混乱。
18.Moscow deputy mayor survives shooting莫斯科副市长遭暗杀未遂

1.In the year 1919,shortly after the Marchist Movement,assassinations became a rather important form the South Korean used to rebel against Japanese colonial rule and an important part of Korea s Independent Movement.1919年朝鲜"三一"运动之后,暗杀活动是大韩人民反抗日本殖民统治的一种重要斗争形式,成为韩国独立运动的重要组成部分。
2.Yang Yu lin was the top leader responsible for a series of revolutionary assassinations that brought great social influence on the 1911 Revolution.辛亥革命时期 ,激进的革命者组织策划了一系列针对清王朝权贵的暗杀活动 ,在当时产生了广泛而深远的社会影响。
5)targeted assassination定点暗杀
6)attempted assassination暗杀未遂
