1.Discussion about the tyranny of god in Bible;《圣经》中“上帝”的强权暴政
2.The theory and fact about tyrant and tyranny in medieval England中世纪英国暴君暴政的理论和实际
3.As we all know, tyrant and tyranny is one of the most essential topics in medieval history.本文探讨中世纪英国有关暴君暴政的理论与暴君暴政的实际;并且,作为探源,也探讨了暴君暴政概念的古典起源和在中世纪早期的发展。

1.tyrannies existed, I destroyed them;有暴政,我消除了暴政
2."A finish to tyranny as horrible as ever visited on a tyrant"暴君之死,暴政之亡
3.The Theories and Facts about Tyrant and Tyranny in Medieval England中世纪英国有关暴君暴政的理论和暴君暴政的实际
4.A tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny .暴君总可以为自己找到暴政的藉口
5.The whole nation bowed their necks to tyranny整个民族屈从于暴政
6.They will fight tyranny to the death.他们誓死反对暴政
7.Tyranny must have tools.暴政必须得到工具。
8.a lifelong hatred of tyranny终生对暴政疾恶如仇
9.people oppressed by a cruel tyranny受残酷暴政压制的人们
10.under the jackboot of a dictatorial regime在专制制度的暴政下.
11.Where law ends tyranny Begins.法律一终止,暴政就开始。
12.Tyranny is often an invitation to rebel.暴政往往导致反叛。
13.The tyranny of a multitude is a multiplied tyranny.以多数派的名义实施的暴政,是加倍的暴政
14.By comparison with that existing today, all the tyrannies of the past were half-hearted and inefficient.与今天的暴政相比,以前的所有暴政都不够彻底,软弱无能。
15.Majority Tyranny and Collective Education--Reflection on Tocqueville's Major Tyranny Thought in the Perspective of Education多数暴政与集体教育——托克维尔多数暴政思想的教育思考
16.All tyranny is hateful to us.我们对一切暴政都深恶痛绝.
17.consider how they have been subjected to tyranny and persecution;想一想,他们是怎样遭遇了暴政和迫害。
18.Political control by a mob.暴民政治由暴民进行的政治统治

majority tyranny多数暴政
1.The New Interpretation of Majority Tyranny;多数暴政新解——兼就《马克思主义视域中的“多数暴政”问题分析》一文与王俊拴先生商榷
2.On cognitive resources of majority tyranny;论多数暴政的危害、认识根源及其救治
3.John Mill′s majority tyranny thought is an important constituent of his liberalism thought.密尔多数暴政思想是其自由主义思想的重要组成部分。
3)political violence政治暴力
1.Modern political violence is inherent within the fact that market is the basic institution for resource distribution.现代政治暴力内在于市场作为基础性的资源配置手段之中,市场的扩展不仅是一种经济动员,也同时也是一种潜在的政治动员。
4)revolt the tyranny反抗暴政
5)combating corruption and advocating honesty廉政风暴
6)economic tyranny经济暴政
1.The article analyzes Marx s objection to the economic tyranny during the “German_French Almanac” period and indicates that its meaning of value lies in “humanness is the nature of human being”.本文通过文本的解读 ,再现了马克思“德法年鉴”时期的反经济暴政思想 ,指出其价值意蕴在于“人是人的最高本质” ,表明了马克思关于人的自由全面发展思想在德法年鉴时期即已萌芽。
