1.As the leader of literary world in the period of dynamic changes from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, QIAN Qian-yi s advocates "hope heart", "world movement", "learning" to change the gentility of the articles in the Ming Dynasty and makes the writing style in the Song Dynasty modelled in the Qing Dynasty.作为明清鼎革之际的文坛宗主,钱谦益倡导"灵心"、"世运"、"学问",力救明季斯文之弊,开有清一代宗宋之风。
2.This article discusses the connotation of the theory and points out it should be consisted of noble character, profound learning, artistic elegance and distinct style.本文认为“画贵能极”其内涵包括 :主张人品极高洁 ;学问极深广 ;艺术境界极脱俗 ;绘画风格极强烈。
3.What is a doctor?It s not a degree,it should be learning.博士是什么 ?它不只是学位 ,更应是学问

1.A man becomes learned by asking questions.要长学问,就得多问,多问则业精。
2.characteristic of scholars or scholarship.有学者气质的,有学问的。
3.There is no royalroad to learning.学无坦途,学问无捷径。
4.a place of learning,eg a university做学问的地方(如大学)
5.Philosophical Problems of Systems Sciences ?系统科学与哲学问
6.Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。
7.Of or relating to literacy or learning.文化或学问的,与文化或学问有关的
8.Improving Mathematics Teaching Through Scientifically Setting Mathematical Problems;科学设定数学问题 提高数学教学质量
9.One who exhibits one's learning or scholarship ostentatiously.卖弄学问者夸耀地显示自己学识或学问的人
10.A person skilled or learned in mathematics.数学家在数学上熟练或有学问的人
11.Learning or knowledge, especially of literature.文学知识尤指文学方面的学问或知识
12.The pupils crowded round the teacher to ask questions.学生们围着老师问问题。
13.Ask and answer about the students.根据学生,问一问,答一答。
14.Student A: Were there any problems?学生甲:有问题吗?
15.University Medical Advisory Committee大学医学顾问委员会
16.problem solving learning问题解决学习 问题解决学习
17.Teacher s Quartet--Teach to learn,Learn to Teach,Teach to Ask,Ask to Teach;教师的四重奏——教学·学教·教问·问教
18.Problem and Problem-Solving in Math Teaching;问题与问题解决在数学教学中的作用

1.As a splendid view in the world of biographic literature, scholar biography has combined their scholarship,personality and life in one book and reflected the trail of 20th Century political,ideological and cultural development in China,embellishing a sentiment of Chinese broad traditional culture.通过对学人博大精深的学问、高风亮节的人格、悲欣交集的生活的展示,可以集中折射出20世纪中国政治、思想、文化的发展轨迹。
4)Learn-to-query instruction"学问"教学
5)chemistry problem化学问题
1.It is of great importance to the process and quality of chemistry problem-solving whether strategies with chemistry course characteristics can be applied correctly in chemistry problem-solving.在化学问题解决中,能否恰当使用具有化学学科特征的策略影响着化学问题解决的进程和质量。
6)Mechanical problem力学问题
1.The significance of choosing the proper coordinate system in solving the mechanical problems is illustrated through analyzing incorrect solutions.通过错题分析,说明在解决力学问题中坐标系的恰当选择的重要性。
2.The principles and methods of choosing the inertial frames of reference in solving the mechanical problems are analyzed.通过例题,分析了在解决力学问题中惯性参考系的选取原则和方法。
