1.Optimization for rubbings image processing based on TMS320C6416;基于TMS320C6416的拓片图像处理与优化
2.The Housekeeping Rubbings of YuYouren in the Library of Northwest University for Nationalities西北民族大学图书馆于右任旧藏拓片
3.It is the customary practice that rubbings are used to highlight details of patterns on ancient artefacts such as bronzes in exhibitions and in catalogues and other publications on antiquities.在现代文物展览、文物类图书出版中,对古器物纹饰部分进行拓片制作日益受到重视。

1.The characters on the rubbings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify.拓片上的文字模糊不清, 难以识别.
2.The Housekeeping Rubbings of YuYouren in the Library of Northwest University for Nationalities西北民族大学图书馆于右任旧藏拓片
3.Director Sun Ying studied and researched murals, stone paintings and dance images of the Han and Wei period for the creation.孙颖通过多年的潜心研究,从画石、壁画、拓片
4.Here we evidence an exclamatory change of the block via the author’s study on the rubbings both old and new.校之新旧拓片数种 ,可见该石之沧桑变化。
5.Study on MATLAB Based Stone Relief Image Digital Rubbing Technique基于MATLAB实现石刻浮雕图像“数字拓片”技术的研究
6.They carved out great areas of land from the virgin forest.他们在原始森林中开拓出大片大片的土地。
7.They opened up large areas of wasteland and turned them into farmland.他们在荒原上拓出大片农田。
8."As the agricultural frontier moved west, the open range was transformed into farms, "随着农业向西拓展,大片牧区改营农场,
9.The Topological Connection of the Coefficients of the Characteristic Polynomial and the Molecular Fragments本征多项式系数与分子片的拓扑联系
10.Topology Optimization Design of the Wafer Handling Robot Arm;硅片传输机器人手臂的拓扑优化设计
11.Virtual experiment of expanding MCU based on proteus software;利用Proteus软件拓展单片机虚拟实验
12.An Improved 2D-Mesh NoC Topology and Routing Algorithm一种改进的二维Mesh结构片上网络拓扑
13.Topology Optimization of Wind Turbine Blade Based on OptiStruct基于OptiStruct的风力叶片拓扑优化设计
14.Launched wheat embryo buds series, and enlarged the producing lines.1994年推出小麦胚芽原生片系列,生产线拓编。
15.Seek Development in Difficulties A Ponderation On Development of Market for Chinese Herbal Slices;在困境中谋发展——开拓中药饮片市场的思考
16.Finite element analysis and topology optimization of direct-drive compressor valve直联便携式空压机阀片有限元分析及拓扑优化
17.Networks on Chip Based on Diagonal Interlinked Mesh Topology Structure基于对角互连网格拓扑结构的片上网络
18.Research on the rapid slicing algorithm based on STL topology constructionSTL格式文件拓扑重建及快速切片算法研究

Digital rubbing数字拓片
3)topological optimization of PZT patch压电片拓扑优化
4)Topological structure of (-sheet折叠片拓扑结构
1.Ways to widen pH range in Fenton process;Fenton法中拓宽pH范围的方法
2.Analysis of the Influence of Connecting Method on Old Bridge Performance in Widening Bridge;旧桥拓宽中拼接方式对旧桥受力状态的影响分析
3.Study Of Bridge s Longitudinal Joint Linking Engineering During Widening Construction With Heavy Traffic;大交通量拓宽工程桥梁纵缝拼接施工的研究
