1.Su Shi s Political Moral Character and His Achievements in Dingzhou;论苏轼的政治品质及知定州的政绩
2.Dingzhou's Agricultural Development with Military Characteristics in the Northern Song Dynasty北宋定州军事特质农业发展管窥

1.Review of the Using Rhymes for Poets in Zhao District, Ding District and You District, Hebei Dao of Tang Dynasty;唐代河北道赵州、定州、幽州三地诗人用韵考
2.The Pagoda in Kaiyuan Temple河北定州:开元寺塔
3.Su Shi's Political Moral Character and His Achievements in Dingzhou论苏轼的政治品质及知定州的政绩
4.The Art of Dingzhou and Objects from the Jingzhi and Jingzhong Pagodas定州工艺与静志、净众两塔地宫文物
5.the pacification of the rebel states对发动叛乱的州的平定.
6.The Deficiency of Government Student in the Qing Dynasty定额非“定额”——晚清各府州县学缺额研究
7.Clause 1:The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;1.各州州议会应规定本州参议员及众议员之选举时间、地点及程序 ;
8.Remark on the Falsehood Theory of the Name of Guizhou Originating from the Erroneous Pronounciation of Juzhou as Guizhou in the Annals of Dading Prefecture;评《大定府志》以“矩州语讹为贵州,于是始有贵州之名”的谬误之说
9.You will be pleased to hear that the governor has given you a pardon.你听了一定很高兴,州长已经赦免了你。
10.The Swedes settled in Minnesota.瑞典人在明尼苏达州定居。
11.What time is the Guangzhou special express due off ?去广州的特快按规定几点钟开?
12.A few states have a "flat rate" tax.有几个州征收数额固定的税。
13.following exactly the laws of the New York State.而且完全遵守了纽约州的法律规定。”
14.These decision are made at the state or local levels.而是由州政府或地方政府制定的。
15.DaimlerChrysler said to oust CEO法官周二上午裁定佛州重计票期限
16.Rome, New York got its name in 1819.纽约州的罗马定名于1819年。
17.Rome, Georgia was named in 1834.乔治亚州的罗马于1834年定名。
18.States are free to enact stricter regulations.各州可自由制定更严格的规则。

Dingzhou city定州市
1.Study on Quality Evaluation of Vegetable Soil in Dingzhou City定州市菜地土壤质量评价研究
2.this paper analyzed the pattern regions of the agriculture and rural area development in Dingzhou city.分析了作为河北省农业大市的定州市的农业和农村经济发展现状。
3)Dingzhou Main Road定州大道
1.In addition,through careful study of the epigraph,I venture to advance that Dingzhou Main Road is the general term for such separate terms as Zhi Road,Shaquan Road and Lingqiu Road recorded in the historical do.特别是从志文提供的新资料,"向定州大道东一百六十步,"对平城东南通向中山(今定州)的官道作了详细推考,首次提出自平城直达定州进而南向中原的战略要道总称定州大道,而史书所载直道、莎泉道、灵丘道则是它的异名或分段修筑时使用的名称。
4)the handwritten copy of bamboo-slip Analects定州汉墓
1.Study on the handwritten copy of bamboo-slip Analects discovered in a Han-Dynasty tomb in the City of Dingzhou;定州汉墓竹简《论语》研究概述
5)Interstate Compacts州际协定
1.Vicissitudes of the Legal Background of the U.S.Interstate Compacts;美国州际协定法律背景的变迁
