1.Multifunction of Lantai Officers in the Eastern Han Dynasty;东汉时期“兰台令史”的多重职能
2."Lantai Officer" and "Dongguan Officer";“兰台令史”与“东观校书郎”
2)"TaiLan"orchid (C. floribundum var.pumilum)台兰
3)Lantai Shiqu兰台石渠
4)Nervilia nipponica台湾芋兰
1.Nervilia nipponica is firstly reported in Mainland China,its leaf 5-7-angular and its inflorescence uni-flowered.同时报道了兰科中国大陆一新分布种——台湾芋兰N。
5)Lanzhou Seismic Array兰州台阵
1.The real-time data transmitting system in Lanzhou Seismic Array;兰州台阵数据实时传输系统
2.By using the waveform data recorded during the site survey of Lanzhou Seismic Array, the author calculated and analyzed the correlation of signal and noise between element pairs and find the ideal radius of the two concentric circle for Lanzhou Seismic Array are 380m and 1 500m respectively.利用兰州台阵勘址观测中方的资料 ,对勘址测点的信号与噪声的相关值进行了计算与分析 ,结果得出检测PG与P震相的最佳内外环半径分别为 380m和 15 0 0m 。
6)Tailanhe River of Xinjiang台兰河

1.Study on the Characteristics of Land Use Change and Its Ecological Effect in Tailan River Watershed of XinJiang in the Recent 15 Years近15年新疆台兰河流域土地利用变化特征及其生态效应研究
2.Study on the Characteristics of Land Use Changes and Landscape Pattern in Tailan River Watershed台兰河流域土地利用变化及其景观格局特征研究
3.a tributary of the Rio Grande.格兰得河的一条支流。
4.A Talk on the Simulated Vision of The Hulan River by Xiao Hong;梦回呼兰河——简论萧红《呼兰河传》的拟儿童视角
5.The Women of Hulan County Withering Away--A Discussion on Xiao Hong s Hulan River;呼兰女儿江湖老——评萧红的《呼兰河传》
6.configuration of Loran-C transmitting stations罗兰-C发射台配置
7.A Study of the Effect of City Development on Yellow River Water Quality in Lanzhou Reach;兰州的发展对黄河兰州段水质的影响分析
8.The longest river in Britain is the Severn River. The most important river is Thames River. River Clyde is the most important river in Scotland.英国最长的河流是赛文河,最重要的河流是泰晤士河。克莱德河是苏格兰最重要的河流。
9.The Rio Grande marks the border between Mexico and the USA.里奥格兰德河是墨西哥和美国之间的界河.
10.the Rio Grande, which flows for 3,050 kilometers and forms part of the United States-Mexico border;格兰德河,长3050公里,是美国和墨西哥的界河;
11.The United States borders Mexico along parts of the Rio Grande.美国沿着里奥格兰德河部分河段与墨西哥接壤。
12.Oxidative Stress Effect of the Yellow River Water Quality on Triplophysa Pappenheimi黄河兰州段水质对黄河高原鳅氧化胁迫效应
13.Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company乌克兰多瑙河船运公司(船运公司)
14.The Dutch often skate along the canals in winter.冬天荷兰人经常沿着运河滑冰。
15.Then the bridge gave way, and Tyrande was swept into the river and out of sight.接着,桥倒塌,泰兰德掉进河中,不见踪影。
16.(2)Dneproges Dam on the Dnepr River in UKraine;(2)乌克兰第聂伯河上的第聂伯罗水坝;
17.Frankfurt am Main City Zoological Garden美因河畔法兰克福动物园
18.a narrow estuary (especially in Scotland).狭窄的河口(主要用在苏格兰)。

"TaiLan"orchid (C. floribundum var.pumilum)台兰
3)Lantai Shiqu兰台石渠
4)Nervilia nipponica台湾芋兰
1.Nervilia nipponica is firstly reported in Mainland China,its leaf 5-7-angular and its inflorescence uni-flowered.同时报道了兰科中国大陆一新分布种——台湾芋兰N。
5)Lanzhou Seismic Array兰州台阵
1.The real-time data transmitting system in Lanzhou Seismic Array;兰州台阵数据实时传输系统
2.By using the waveform data recorded during the site survey of Lanzhou Seismic Array, the author calculated and analyzed the correlation of signal and noise between element pairs and find the ideal radius of the two concentric circle for Lanzhou Seismic Array are 380m and 1 500m respectively.利用兰州台阵勘址观测中方的资料 ,对勘址测点的信号与噪声的相关值进行了计算与分析 ,结果得出检测PG与P震相的最佳内外环半径分别为 380m和 15 0 0m 。
6)Tailanhe River of Xinjiang台兰河

兰台  中国汉代中央档案、典籍库。也是当时名儒著述的地方。建于长安(今西安)宫内,系石室建筑,修造年代不可考。隶属于御史府(台),由御史中丞一员兼领,置兰台令史,秩六百石(一说兰台令史六人,秩百石),选能通苍颉、史籀篇者担任,除在殿中受公卿奏事外,并负责典校秘书或从事撰述。西汉成帝以后,兰台令史约有18人之多。由于汉代重视对档案典籍的收集,兰台典藏十分丰富。东汉明帝永平五年(62)班固任兰台令史,奉诏撰《世祖本纪》及诸传记。与班固同为兰台令史奉诏修史的还有睢阳令陈宗、 长陵令尹敏、 司隶从事孟异。此后,刘复、杨终、傅毅、贾逵、孔僖、李尤等人都曾任兰台令史,他们都是当时著名的学者。章帝、和帝以后,东观收藏渐盛于兰台,修史即移入东观。东汉末年董卓迁都之乱,兰台的档案典籍受到很大损失。迄至魏晋,御史中丞掌兰台秘书图籍之制依然存在。由于兰台是史官修史之处,所以后世泛称史官为兰台。唐高宗龙朔二年(662)曾改秘书省为兰台。