1.The impact of the stage of the early-state of China in the Yao and Sun times through the system of the shanrang;由禅让制度论及尧舜时代我国已进入中国早期国家阶段
2.The system served for the substitution of political power under the name of Shanrang.从曹魏开始的公国分封制度,是中国中古社会皇权专制制度下的一种全新的、成熟的分封制度,它是为配合以禅让为名义的王朝更替而实行的政治制度。

1.On Abdication and the Nature of Abdication Politics During the Feudal Autocracy Times;论专制王权时代禅让之畛域及禅让政治之性质
2.Though Confucius talked about the demise of Yao, Shun and Yu, he didn’t advocate to carry it out actually.孔子虽讲到尧舜禹禅让,但实际并未提倡实行禅让;
3.Theory of Demise Seen from Bamboo Slips of Guodian and Shanghai Museum and the System of Demise in Ancient Chinese History;郭店简、上博简中的禅让学说与中国古史上的禅让
4.The Rise of the Abdication Theory in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period China;“歷数”和“尚贤”与禅让说的兴起
5.To Know whether Tangyao Abdicated the Throne to Yushun from the New Archaeological Excavation;从陶寺遗址的考古新发现看尧舜禅让
6.Studies on the Shan-rang Ideas of the Chu Bamboo Slips;《容成氏》、《唐虞之道》与战国时期禅让学说
7.On the Thought of Juxian Shangrang of Confucian and Mohist School;儒墨举贤禅让观平议──读《郭店楚墓竹简》
8.In Chinese history, this is the practice known as shan'rang or voluntary abdication, which has always been spoken highly of by the historians.这便是中国历史上备受称赞的“禅让”制度。
9.From Respecting Worthy Persons to Abdication of Able Ones --A Profile of Political Thought Changes in the Warring States Period;从尚贤到禅让——战国政治思想变化的一个侧面
10.Emperor Yao s Abdication in Favour of Emperor Shun And the Seizure of Power by Violence;从尧舜禅让到“以暴易暴”—读《史记·伯夷列传》
11.Shun'S forefather is Mu, a descendant of Juanxu and Huangdi. So Yao's adbicating the throne to Shun is still an abdication inside the same royal clan.舜之祖为虞幕,是颛顼之后代,也是黄帝之后代,尧禅舜仍然是族内禅让
12.The impact of the stage of the early-state of China in the Yao and Sun times through the system of the shanrang;由禅让制度论及尧舜时代我国已进入中国早期国家阶段
13.The Intercourse of Abdication and Hereditary Systems and its Effect on the Dynastic Alternation of Chinese Ancient Times;禅让与世袭的互动及其对中国古代王朝更迭的作用
14.From the Chanrang System to the Hereditary System;从禅让制到世袭制——中国早期国家起源过程中政治权力的演变
15.Why the Trend of "Abdication" Thrives in the Period of Warring States--The Rise and Fall of China's Primitive Idea of Democracy“禅让说”思潮何以在战国时代勃兴——兼及中国原始民主思想之盛衰
16.The Source and Fate of Theories about the Institution of Shan Rang:an Examination Centered on The Tao of Tang Yu,Zi Gao and Rong Cheng Shi禅让说源流及学派兴衰——以竹书《唐虞之道》、《子羔》、《容成氏》为中心
17.The Tension between "Usurping Han Dynasty′s Power" and "Abdicating and Handing Over the Crown to Another Person"--A study on Wang Mang′s Replacing the Emperor of Han Dynasty and its Historical Value“篡汉”与“禅让”之间的紧张——关于王莽代汉及其历史评价的研究
18.Subject:On the Exegetical Explaination of Shan and Rang and Their Use in the Classical Books of Before the Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty;“禅”、“让”释义及其在先秦、秦汉典籍中的运用

1.The abdication and Hereditary systems are the main ways of the dynastic alternation of Chinese ancient times.禅让与世袭是我国古代社会政权传承的主要形式。
2.Abdication was the main form of the change of royal right in feudal China,and abdication politics became an obvious political phenomenon.我国封建时代的王权更迭大多数以禅让为形式,禅让政治成为我国封建王权专制时代显性的政治现象。
3)abdicate the throne禅让
1.The demise story of emperors Yao, Shun and Yu, which didn’t come from a certain school of thought of the Warring States Period, can be seen in the historical records before the Spring and Autumn Period.关于尧舜禹禅让的事迹,见于春秋以前的史籍,并非出自战国的某家之言;孔子虽讲到尧舜禹禅让,但实际并未提倡实行禅让;郭店简《唐虞之道》与上博简《容成氏》、《子羔》篇,皆为战国儒家后学所作;尧舜禹禅让传说是三代以前存在不同于后世之世袭制的权力继承制的反映,不能视为战国诸子为了宣扬自己的社会理想编造的故事;中国古史传说与西方学者关于古代社会研究结论的吻合,证明人类古代社会的发育是有其共同规律的。
5)dynasty substitution王朝禅让
6)'The Abdication Event of Yan燕国"禅让"
