天道,the way of heaven
1)the way of heaven天道
1.There are many kinds of way, however, but of them two are the most important: the way of heaven, and the way of humans.道为中国传统文化最为重要的一个概念,道有多种,但主要为天道与人道。
2.The "the way of heaven" in both Confucianism and Taoism does not have the connotation of "liberalism",nor has it ever been employed as the weapon of Chinese people in fighting for their rights and freedom.无论是儒家“天道”还是老子“天道”,都不存在“自由主义”内涵。
3.Mencius believed that the way of heaven and the human nature int.孟子通过对善的伦理追问、人性追问和天道追问,为善建构了一个较完善的思想体系。

1.Sin Tin Tao Home for the Aged [Sin Tin Tao]先天道安老院〔先天道
2.Looking at the sky, Hsin-mei said, "What beautiful weather!辛楣看看天道:“好天气!
3.The Tao about Changes, Gods, Human and Deities in the Book of Changes;《易传》中的易道与天道、人道及神道
4.The "way of heaven" connotes no liberalism--Three queries into "the way of the heaven" liberalism;最是“天道”不“自由”——三问“天道自由主义”
5.Tao about gods,human beings and relations between gods and human being in Yi Zhuan;《易传》中的天道、人道及其天人关系
6.From"Fate of Heaven"to"Heaven"--The Prelusion of the Concept"Way of Heaven"in Dongzhou Dynasty由“天命”而“天象”——东周“天道”观念的前奏
7.On Taoist Idea of Heaven s Mandate;天道无亲,常与善人——道教天道命运观浅说
8.The Divine Order of Things and the Order of Man:A Study of the Absence of Subjectivity in Traditional Chinese Ethics天道与人道——传统道德主体性缺失探微
9.Natural Laws,Moral Principles and Moral Cultivation--Wisdom in Education Embodied in The Doctrine of the Mean天道·人道·修道——感悟《中庸》的教育智慧
10.Tomorrow is going to be fine according to the forecast.据天气预报报道, 明天晴.
11.flashes of lightning lit up the sky照亮天空的道道闪电.
12.To be impartial is to be universal. To be universal is to be in accord with heaven. To be in accord with heaven is to be in accord with the Way. To be in accord with the Way is to be eternal and to live free from harm even though the Body dies."公乃王, 王乃天,.天乃道 道乃久 殁身不殆"
13.Have true scales and a true ephah and a true bath.你们要用公道天平,公道伊法,公道吧特。
14.You are to use accurate scales, an accurate ephah and an accurate bath.你们要用公道天平、道伊法、道罢特。
15.congenital stricture of vesicourethral orifice先天性膀胱尿道口狭窄
16.wall-ceiling channel test墙壁-天花板管道试验
17.Goodness knows who it can have been.天知道那可能是谁。
18."Fo' Gawd, Mist' Rhett, Ah--""天知道,瑞德先生,我----"

1.Evolution and features Tiandao by Confucianism in Pre-Qin Era;先秦儒家天道观的演化及其特征
2.On Confucian and Taoist "Tiandaoguan" similarities and differences先秦儒道天道观异同探微
3)the Dao of heaven天道
1.A contrast of the Dao of heaven and the Dao of governance between Xi ci zhuan and Huang lao bo shu;《系辞传》与《黄老帛书》天道与治道之对照
2.An interpretation of "Yi is what that communicates the Dao of heaven and that of human;释"易,所以会天道人道者也
4)natural law天道
1.Wang chuan-shan resembles the Confucian in Song Dynasty and believes that human nature includes natural law and humanity.王船山同宋明理学家一样,认为人性中包含着“天道”和“人道”两部分。
2.At last,people can comprehend wisdom about human nature and natural law.冯契认为人们在实践活动的基础上,通过认识世界和认识自己的交互作用,就可以把握相对中的绝对、有限中的无限、有条件之中的无条件的东西,从而获得关于性与天道的真理性知识,即智慧。
3.There are some kinds of opposite concepts embodied in the analects: which is the core of Confucianism,humanity or(propriety),natural law,god s will and extraordinary thing,feats of strength,disorder,spiritual being,the mean,harmonization and going into the society initiatively.儒家经典《论语》中所体现的几种对立概念:仁与礼孰为儒学的核心、天道天命与不语怪力乱神、中庸调和与入世进取,展现了儒家创始人孔子丰富而立体的思想内涵,不仅是后世儒学流衍的发端,而且本身也存在诸多局限。
1.From Technology to Tao——Mutual Explanation about Heidegger and Chuang-tzu;从技术思天道——关于海德格尔和庄子对技术与天道关系的思考
2.Heidegger s Ontology Approach to Nature and Tao in the Confucius Thought;从海德格尔基本存在论看孔子的“天道与仁”
3.Merge Probability of Nature and Tao: Approach to Heidegger s Ontology;性与天道贯通的可能性——以海德格尔存在论为进路
1.Abiding by TIANDAO TIANLI and human natural feelings, Chinese legal system has earned highly respect and trust in the whole community and has played a very important role i该文认为,中华法系上求天道天理、下体人情民心,得到了当时社会上下广泛尊重和真实仰信,尽管有各种负面因素的强劲影响,该法系以情理精神为核心的文化精神还是能够引导人们不断向善和向上。
