1.Confucianism is both the main cultural background of the literary creations and life of scholars,and the inside spirit nexus of culture and literature in the Tang Dynasty.儒家思想既是唐代文人生活和文学作品创作的主要文化背景,也是唐代文化和唐代文学内在的精神命脉,作为儒家思想核心的礼乐文化与文士、文学的关系,主要表现在:国家文化政策为文学发展提供导向、文人积极参与礼乐文化建设、礼乐文化在不同文学形态中的渗透等方面。
2.CAO Pi and the scholars around him played an important role in forming the style and features of Jian’an literature.建安文学风貌的形成,曹丕和围绕在他周围的文士起了异常重要的作用。
3.As an aesthetic activity,touring has its own inner mechanisms which were stated as “ideal of tour”,“tour politics” and “knowledge of touring” by scholars in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.游山玩水 ,作为一项亲历审美活动 ,有其专门的内在机理 ,明清文士称之为“游道”、“游政”或“游山学”。

1.The Conflicts between the Shi of Li-Neng and the Shi of Wen-Yi in the Song Dynasty“吏能之士”与“文义之士”:宋初的文士之争
2.Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knight高文爵士和绿衣骑士
3.Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight高文爵士与绿衣骑士
4.article in The Times《泰晤士报》的文章
5.Bachelor of Arts [University of Hong Kong]文学士〔香港大学〕
6.of or relating to Switzerland or its people or culture.属于或关于瑞士、瑞士人或瑞士文化的。
7.The Development of Intellectual Culture in Previous Qin;造士·选士·命士──先秦士人文化的发展道路(二)
8.Bachelor of Arts [Chinese University of Hong Kong]文学士〔香港中文大学〕
9.Master of Arts [Chinese University of Hong Kong]文学硕士〔香港中文大学〕
10.A Master's Degree candidate must prepare a Master's thesis.考硕士要准备一篇硕士论文。
11.such as M.A. and Ph.D.比如文学硕士或哲学博士等。
12.ususlly a B.A. or B.Sc.通常是文学学士学位或理学学士学位。
13.Front cover: crimson for master students, blackish green for doctor students.?文封面:硕士班(红色)、博士班(墨?色)。
14.Both my Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees are in English literature.我有英国文学学士及硕士两个学位。
15.On Cultural Differences between Japan and Europe Through Comparison between Samurai and Knight;从武士和骑士的对比看日欧文化差异
16.Autobiography of "the Woman Warrior"--On the Genre of The Woman Warrior;“女勇士”的自传——论《女勇士》的文类
17.An Interpretation of the Parent Theme of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight;《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》中的解形母题
18.award sb. the degree of M.A.授予某人文学硕士学位

1.Fashion, Environment, and Scholars—Accounting for the Flourishing Tourism in South of the Changjiang River in Ming and Qing Dynasties;风尚·环境·文士——明清江南游风炽盛原因初探
2.The customs and affection of scholars living in seclusion in the South of Changjiang during Mid-later Tang dynasty;中晚唐文士隐居江南之风及其影响
3.As both the scholars and the prostitutes enjoy the advantage of their beautiful appearance and colorful material life, their love affairs often become inevitable.唐代相对开放的时代精神激活了青年男女追求自主婚姻和自由爱情的意识 ,加之以文士与妓女双方本身所具有的直观双向作用的愉悦基础以及丰富的物质生活 ,使得此类婚恋无可避免地发生了。
3)Bachelor of Arts (BA)文学士;文学学士
4)civilian nurse文职护士
1.Objectives: To discuss the function of comprehensive evaluation to the civilian nurse.目的:探讨文职护士综合考评在强化文职护士管理中的作用。
2.Objective To investigate the self-recognition of civilian nurses taking tasks of onboard health care service.目的了解担任海上卫勤保障任务的文职护士对自我定位、需求期望及参与卫勤保障任务的认知情况。
5)civil nurse文职护士
1.The role of nursing department in the employment of civil nurses;护理部在招聘文职护士中的作用
2.The methods and effect of training on the role transition of civil nurses;聘用护士到文职护士角色转变的实施方法与效果
3.The practice and effect of the phased training program for civil nurses;分阶段培训文职护士的做法与效果
6)doctor dissertation博士论文
1.The basic problems such as the quality of education standards and educational goals of doctor education, the status of doctor students, doctor cultivation mode, doctor dissertation writing, are closely related to the quality of doctor education, the doctor’s ability of creation and the formation of innovation talents group.博士教育的质量标准、教育目标,博士生的身份定位、培养方式,博士论文写作等基本问题和博士教育质量的提高、博士生创造能力的形成与创新人才群体的出现息息相关。
