1.Neolithic ashes and historical environment in the Dongting Lake area;洞庭湖新石器文化遗址与古环境
2.After the studies of investigation and excavation on the several thousand Neolithic sites, the researchers made up the pedigree and clique, established the chronology sequence, and ascertaned cultural division in this archeology area.考古工作者先后调查、发掘了数千处新石器时代的遗址,得以确立这一地区新石器时代考古学文化的谱系、年代序列和考古学文化的分区。
3.The issues about the transition from the Paleolithic to Neolithic are widely concernedby the archaeology circle worldwide.旧石器时代向新石器时代过渡的问题,是目前国内外学术界关注的问题,近些年国内发现一些线索。

1.A stone implement of the Neolithic Period.新石器新石器时代的石头器具
2.neolithic period【地质】新石器时代
3.A Neolithic stone coffin.石棺新石器时期的一种石棺
4.The Stone Hunting Tools of The Neolithic Age Discovered at Jinta County;金塔县所见新石器时代的射猎石器具
5.The Neolithic Age(New Stone Age)was beginning.新石器时代正在开始。
6.Pre-pottery Neolithic Cultures in Greece希腊前陶新石器文化
7.The Neolithic Flint Mines at Spiennes (Mons)蒙斯的斯皮耶纳新石器时代燧石矿
8.Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cultures in West Asia西亚新石器时代和铜石并用时代文化
9.Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cultures in North Africa北非新石器时代和铜石并用时代文化
11.The Stone Age has been divided into two periods: the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age.石器时代分为两个阶段:旧石器时代和新石器时代。
12.of or relating to the most recent period of the Stone Age (following the mesolithic).属于或关于新石器时代的(紧随中石器时代)。
13.The Plastic Arts of Primitive Pottery in the Neolithic Age;浅议新石器时代原始陶器的造型艺术
14.Chemometric Study of Neolithic Pottery in China;新石器时代古陶器的化学计量学研究
15.A Preliminary Study on the Sites of Stone Cities from Neolithic Age in Central and Southern Inner Mongolia内蒙古中南部新石器时代石城址初步研究
16.The Heart of Neolithic Orkney奥克尼郡的新石器时代中心遗址
17.There were evidences of human's action even in New Stone Age.新石器时期曾存在人类活动的遗迹。
18.A Study of Earlier Neolithic Tombs in the Yellow River Valley黄河流域前期新石器时代墓葬的研究

Neolithic Age新石器时代
1.Morphological Characters of Plant Opals from Motor Cells of Rice in the Neolithic Age of the Taihu Region;太湖地区部分新石器时代遗址水稻硅酸体形状特征初探
2.Application of EDXRF and artificial neural networks to provenance studies of the archaeological pottery sherds during Neolithic Age in Gansu Province, China;能量色散X荧光光谱和人工神经网络在甘肃新石器时代陶片分类研究中的应用(英文)
1.A Study of Neolithic China s Painted Pottery and Ornamentation;中国新石器时代彩陶纹饰研究
2.Evolution Dynamics of the Chinese Neolithic Cultures;中国新石器时代文化演变动力分析
3.5000Bp and unearthed at Guangrao Neolithic Site of Shandong.通过对山东广饶新石器时代大汶口文化墓地 90年代发掘的 61具成年头骨进行小变异特征出现率的观察与统计并在此基础上进行聚类分析和主成分分析研究认为 ,广饶人群的蒙古人种地区类型属于东亚类型。
4)the New Stone Age新石器时代
1.Tremolite jadeware of the New Stone Age in Lingjiatan ruins, Anhui Province;安徽含山县凌家滩遗址新石器时代闪石类玉器研究
2.Series Trace of Development Process of Ancient Civilization in Shanxi ——Research on Houses Development in the New Stone Age in Shanxi;山西古文明发展历程系列追踪(之一)——山西新石器时代房屋发展研究
3.The emergence and development of the painted pottery reflected the historic progress of mankind in the New Stone Age.彩陶的产生和发展是新石器时代人类历史演进的重要标志之一 。
5)Neolithic Age新石器时期
6)The Neolithic age新石器时代
1.On the Man-land Relationship in the Neolithic Age in the South of Hebei Province;河北省南部新石器时代人地关系研究
2.Culture and Environment across the Hangzhou Bay in the Neolithic Age;杭州湾两岸新石器时代文化与环境
