1.On imitation and originality in academic researches;论学术研究中的模仿与独创
2.The dispute between influence and originality has existed for ages.影响与独创这一话题历来为作家们所争论不休。

1.He was bankrupt of original ideas.他毫无独创性的见解。
2.The color of his painting is also unique;他的用色也有独创性,
3.a natural underivative poet.诗风清新独创的诗人。
4.The name of the game in pop music is originality.通俗音乐的本质是独创
5.Their own freeform teaching methods.他们自己独创的教学法
6.The Original Creation Course in the Innovation Education of Japan and Its Enlightenment;日本创新教育中“独创”课程及启示
7.Your manuscript is both good and original;but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good.你的稿子既好而又有独创性;可是,那好的部分并无独创之处,而那有独创性的部分又一无是处。
8.a truly original approach; with original music; an original mind.全新的方法;以独创的音乐;有创造性的思想。
9.Discussion on Tendency of Innovation of Rhythmic Gymnastics from Angle of Adding Score by Originality;从独创性加分谈艺术体操创新的前瞻态势
10.Creative Consciousness of Coach through Rhythmic Gym Original Creativity for Additional Points;从艺术体操独创性加分谈教练员的创新意识
11.and then only if we are very original.就这也需要我们有独创的思想。
12.with an original refreshing scent for women给女人带来一缕独创的清新芳香
13.This follows from the fact that they are original communications;因为它们都有独创的见解。
14.Don't expect anything original form an echo.不要期望从回声中找到独创的东西.
15.Originality is undetected plagiarism.独创性,是未被察觉的剽窃。
16.He is clever enough to have some original ideas.他很聪明,常有些独创性的见解。
17.Lonely Soul: On Chen Ran and the Loneliness in Her Works;孤独的灵魂——论陈染及其创作中的“孤独”
18.Aquarius: Be Independent and Be Inventive独立而创新的水瓶座

Original creation独创
3)solitary creation孤独独创
1.Understanding the Originality of Beethoven s Piano Sonata;论贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲的独创
2.Research on Concept, Essence, Originality of the Works;作品的概念、本质及独创性研究
3.Chaucer s Originality in the Canterbury Tales;乔叟《坎特伯雷故事》之独创
1.Finally, she focuses on the two basic principle of copyright, that\'s "creativity" and "idea/expression dichotomy", and take their nature and role in copyright protection into considerations.首先介绍计算机软件著作权保护,在软件版权保护的理论部分作者对软件版权保护的基本理论问题进行了认真的分析和详细的阐述,紧紧围绕版权中“独创性”和“思想/表达二分法”两个基本原则,对它们的内涵及在软件的版权保护中所起的作用进行详细的分析。
6)independently creative独立创新
1.The secret of Professor Ryoji Noyori s success is persevering,independently creative.简要介绍了2001年诺贝尔化学奖得主之一——野依良治教授的生平、主要研究成果及其获奖情况,分析了野依良治成功的经验教训,唯有锲而不舍的独立创新,才会产生巨大的轰动效应。
