1.Research on Traditional Opera Activities in Lu Jianzeng′s Mu-Fu;卢见曾幕府戏曲活动考述
2.An Appraisal of the Research on Mu-fu in the Late Qing Dynasty Since 1994;1994年以来晚清幕府研究述评
3.Mu-Fu Has over Three Thousand Members during Life, While Owns Famous Mountains and Thousands of Books after Death;生前幕府三千士,死后名山万卷书

1.Masters love knot of Su,Ou and "Mufu" literature in QianJia Reign;乾嘉时期幕主的欧、苏情结与幕府文学
2."Tokugawa shogunate:(1603-1867) In Japanese history, period of the military government established by Tokugawa Ieyasu with his assumption of the title of shogun in 1603."德川幕府(1603~1867):日本的军事政府,由幕府将军德川家康于1603年创建。
3.On Bakuhan system and commodity economy in the earlier Edo Age of Japan日本江户幕府初期的幕藩体制与商品经济
4.On Relations Between Bakuhan System and Commodity Economy in the Later Edo-Japan;日本江户幕府末期的幕藩体制与商品经济
5.Relations between Bakuhan System and Commodity Economy in the Mid-later EdoJapan;日本江户幕府中后期的幕藩体制与商品经济
6.Zhuism and Tokugawa Bakufu s Quest for Utopian Political Order and Social Norms;德川幕府与朱子学——德川幕府对理想政治秩序和社会规范的探求
7.On the Characteristics and Historical Influence of Mufus in Late Qing Dynasty--With Special Reference to Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang;晚清幕府的特点及历史影响——试以曾国藩、李鸿章幕府为例
8.Early Tokugawa stabilization and trends in thought.早期德川幕府稳定期和思潮的趋势。
9.He makes himself Shogun, or "commander-in-chief for suppressing barbarians".他自封幕府将军“征夷大将军”。
10.They say a dog s curse obstructs the birth of the shogurs heir他们说是狗作祟 阻碍了幕府生孩子
11.Separation and Return--the Evolution of the System of Private Assistants to Ranking Officials;离异与回归——中国幕府制度的嬗变
12.The checking-land Policy Carried out by Edo Bakufu in Japan;论德川幕府时期的检地政策及其实施
13.Cai Xiyong:the General Manager of Zhang Zhidong’s Industry;蔡锡勇——张之洞幕府前期实业总管
14.On the Ci Praising Natural Objects of Japan during the Late Shogunate;花开异域——浅论日本幕府末期咏物词
15.A Study in the Tribute Trade between the Ming Dynasty and Ashikaga Shogunate明代与日本足利幕府朝贡贸易之研究
16."Bakufu, Military rule of the country by a hereditary shogun, as opposed to rule by the imperial court and the emperor. ""幕府,与帝国宫廷和天皇的统治相对立的一种通过世袭幕府首领之位来对国家实行的军事统治。"
17.Feudalism in Japan fell with the Tokugawa日本的封建制度随着德川幕府的垮台而瓦解。
18.The shogunate was overthrown by the domains of Satsuma and Chsh in 1867.1867年,在长州和萨摩两藩的攻击下,德川幕府倒台。

1.Zhang Zhidong s Mufu,as an influential one in the late Qing Dynasty,has always been attached importance to in the academic field.张之洞幕府作为晚清历史上颇具影响的大幕,向来为学术界所关注。
2.Ban Gu,Fu Yi and Cui Yin devoted themselves to Dou Xian\'s mufu and formed a literati group.窦宪历任侍中、车骑将军、大将军,权势鼎盛一时,班固、傅毅、崔骃等人,相继进入其幕府,形成了一个文人集团。
3)office of commanding officers幕府
1.The office of commanding officers of Sima Rui inherits the tradition of that of Sima Yue,but has its difference from that.司马睿幕府继承了司马越府的传统,而又有所变异,南士与北士之间的比例,南士、北士各自的内部构成,以及军咨祭酒一职的地位,都较前府有很大的不同。
2.More than 50 assistants in Wang Dun′s office of commanding officers can be traced.王敦幕府佐吏今尚可辑得50余名,从其区域构成状况,可以见出荆、江督帅王敦与扬州士族豪强之间存在很大的亲和性,扬州吴姓士人是王敦功业活动的重要社会基础;对王敦晚年的"不臣之心""专擅之迹",江南籍幕佐比北方籍幕佐表现出更大的容忍和顺从。
1.in the constitutionalist movement in late Qing Dynasty, the councillors helped Yuan Shikai to realize his transformation from being indifferent to being enthusiastic to constitionalist building.在清末立宪活动中,幕府人员帮助袁世凯完成了对立宪从漠不关心到积极参与的转变。
2.The SpringAutumn and Warring States Period is the time of the beginning of the system of China s council.中国的幕府制度,起源于春秋战国时期的养士之风。
5)commissionary offices幕府
1.Though the study of commissionary offices in Tang Dynasty has been paying close attention to by circles of historical science, It was not until the early 1980s that commissionary offices and literature were linked up and studied as a whole.唐代幕府的研究一直为史学界所关注 ,而将幕府与文学结合起来并作整体研究则始于 2 0世纪80年代初期 ,研究范围包括幕府制度与文人、幕府文人分布和意义、幕府文人类型和心态、文人入幕与文学创作等 ,这些探讨为唐代文学研究开拓了新的领域 ,极大地丰富了人们对文学史的认识。
1.Based on the investigations of the vegetation and the collection of samples,the flora composition of Mt.对南京幕府山地区进行植物调查和标本采集的基础上,进行该地区植物区系基本组成分析。
