1.It means the intermarriages between Fujian and Taiwan province.闽台通婚是指福建与台湾两地之间发生的通婚行为。
2.For instance, Tang Dynasty saw the marriage between the princess Wen Cheng and the king of Tubo while today is witnessing a large number of intermarriages between Han and Tibetan people in the Tibetan areas.在藏汉民族关系史中,通婚一直是主要内容之一,从唐代文成公主入嫁吐蕃到今天藏区的大规模藏汉通婚,这种民族融合的方式就从未中断过。
3.The scope of intermarriage experiences subtle but profound change with the times.从太原士族这个缩影也可以洞察西晋时期整个士族阶层的发展动向:婚姻是士族交往的主要方式,士族的通婚范围随着时代的推移产生微妙而深远的变化,婚姻选择层面突破了同郡同州的地域限制,甚至扩展到皇族,显示出士族通过通婚实现权力伸张的政治诉求和获得更高社会地位的利益追求。

1.4. Obligation not to marry within the gens.4﹒氏族内部不得通婚
2.prohibited degrees同血缘而禁止通婚
3.The two families were united in marriage那两个家庭通婚联姻。
4.To be bound together by the marriages of members.内部通婚通过成员间的婚姻而联系起来
5.The Breakthrough from "Marriages among the Same Ethnic Group" to "Marriages among Different Ethnic Groups"--A discussion on the inter-ethnic group marriages of Yi people in Liangshan;从“民族内婚”到“族际通婚”的突破——关于凉山彝族族际通婚的探讨
6.To marry a member of another group.不同家族间通婚与另一群体的成员结婚
7.8. Prohibition of marriage within the gens except in the case of heiresses.8﹒禁止氏族内部通婚,但和女继承人结婚例外。
8.Prohibition of marriage within the gens except in the case of heiresses.q禁止氏族内部通婚,但和女继承人结婚例外。
9.Change of Marriage Pattern and Development of Countryside:The Example of the village Kang's Intermarry Range婚嫁格局变动与乡村发展——以康村通婚圈为例
10.Immigrants generally don't marry outside their racial or ethnic group.移民通常不会与其种/民族外的人通婚
11.The priestly caste does not normally intermarry with the warrior caste.教士阶级通常不与武土阶级通婚
12.Of, relating to, or born of a morganatic marriage.门第不相当的贵贱通婚的,源于或与贵贱通婚有关的
13.The custom of marrying outside the tribe, family, clan, or other social unit.异族通婚同外部部落、家庭、部族或其他社会单元通婚的风俗
14."exogamy:The custom of marrying outside the tribe, family, clan, or other social unit."异族通婚:同外部部落、家庭、部族或其他社会单元通婚的风俗.
15.As intermarriage in the gens was prohibited, it withdrew its members from the evils of consanguine marriages.由于民族内部禁止通婚,其成员才得免于血亲通婚的弊害。
16.The wedding was the usual peasant one.婚礼是普通农民式的婚礼。
17.a person who seeks wealth through marriage.通过结婚获得财富的人。
18.She, hating the thought of marriage as a crime, with her beautiful face tinged all over with blushes.她急得满脸通红,她讨厌结婚,觉得结婚就是犯罪。

3)intermarriage scope通婚范围
4)marriage among nationalities民族通婚
1.Not only express the anthropology pay attention to the marriage but also express the anthropology care for the people through ethnic identity and ethnic interaction in the intermarriage.族际通婚研究是人类学、社会学有关群体关系研究领域中的一个核心专题。
2.The Tangut people’s intermarriage to the people of other nationalities in the neighborhood,especially of Han nationality was common after they moved inland.族际通婚的现象在党项民族的发展、兴盛乃至最后的消亡中都十分显著 ,本文依据现有的文献资料对此进行分析探讨。
6)intermarriage agent通婚途径
