1.Yiling as the Focus for the Three Kingdoms to Fight for Hegemony——A Brief Discussion on the Military Strategic Value of Yichang District in the Period of Three Kingdoms;三国争霸,争在夷陵——简论三国时期宜昌地区的军事战略价值
2.On the reasons for the failure of the battle by YiLing;略论刘备夷陵之战失败的原因
3.Geographical Investigation of Ma an Mountain in the Three Kingdom Yiling Battle;三国夷陵之战后“备升马鞍山”的地理位置考

1.Luling Undertaking from Yiling s Point--Ouyang Xiu s Frame of Mind and Creation When He Was Demoted at Yiling;庐陵事业起夷陵——欧阳修贬官夷陵时期的思想状况和文学创作
2.The Current Situation and Countermeasure of the Forest Property Development in Yiling District浅谈夷陵区林业产业发展现状与对策
3.Some Reflections on the Moral Tutorial System in Yi Ling Senior Middle School;夷陵中学实施德育导师制的相关问题研究
4.Geographical Investigation of Ma an Mountain in the Three Kingdom Yiling Battle;三国夷陵之战后“备升马鞍山”的地理位置考
5.Current Status and Countermeasure on Forestry Industry in Limestone Region of Yining District夷陵区石灰岩地区林业产业发展现状与对策
6.Effect of Site Conditions on the Growth of Cotinus coggygria in Yiling District of Yichang Municipality宜昌夷陵区立地条件对毛黄栌生长的影响
7.Landscape Construction of Yiling Forest Park Based on Vernacular Poetic Imagery基于乡土意境的夷陵森林公园景观营造
8.Yiling as the Focus for the Three Kingdoms to Fight for Hegemony--A Brief Discussion on the Military Strategic Value of Yichang District in the Period of Three Kingdoms;三国争霸,争在夷陵——简论三国时期宜昌地区的军事战略价值
9.Research on the Strategies to Develop Rural Backbone Industry Based on High Level Education;农村支柱产业发展难题的对策研究——以宜昌市夷陵区柑橘产业为例
10.Environment Assessment and Landscape Planning of Suburban Forest Park--A Case Study of Yiling Forest Park,Yichang城郊型森林公园环境评价及研究——以宜昌市夷陵森林公园为例
11.A Study of the Town and Township Enterprises in Yiling Destrict of Yichang City Hubei Province;外引内培龙头崛起 基地农户百业俱兴——湖北省宜昌市夷陵区乡镇企业的社会调查
12.Comparative analysis on the flora of the seed plant flora relationships between Wulingyuan and Huangshan,Wuyishan,Nanyue武陵源与黄山、武夷山、南岳种子植物区系比较研究
13.A native or inhabitant of the Hawaiian Islands, the state of Hawaii, or Hawaii Island.夏威夷居民夏威夷群岛、夏威夷州或夏威夷岛的土著人或居民
14.Hawaiian standard time夏威夷标准时夏威夷标准时间
15.They call Hawaii the Aloha State.夏威夷人把夏威夷称为“阿罗哈州”。
16.The Polynesian language of Hawaii.夏威夷土语夏威夷波利尼西亚语
17.Japanese-style "Chinese Yisai to Order System with Chinese";日本型“华夷思想与华夷秩序体系”
18.Remark on WeiYuan s Military Diplomacy Thought of Contracting with Foreigns by Foreigns;论魏源的“以夷款夷”军事外交思想

Yiling district夷陵区
1.Taking the orange industry in Yiling district of Yichang as example,the main problems exiting in the developing were analyzed.以宜昌市夷陵区柑橘产业为例,分析了其发展存在的主要问题,并从组织科技攻关和技术推广、开展多层次柑农教育培训和专业人才培养、创新合作形式等方面对高校破解夷陵区柑橘产业发展难题的对策进行了探索。
2.This paper investigates the situation of the town and township enterprises in Yiling District of Yichang City, Hubei Province and summarizes the main experience of the development of the town and township enterprises in this area.对湖北省宜昌市夷陵区乡镇企业的状况进行了深入细致的调查,总结了夷陵区乡镇企业发展的主要经验,对当前乡镇企业普遍面临的资金问题所产生的原因进行了分析,提出了解决乡镇企业资金短缺问题的主要对策,这对其它地区乡镇企业的发展也有一定的借鉴意义。
3)ancient Yiling city夷陵古城
4)Yiling City夷陵城
1.The Research on “Yiling City” of Chu During Warring Period;战国时期楚“夷陵城”考辨
5)The practice of the world is declining to a low level世道陵夷
6)the Yiling Battle夷陵之战
1.The aim of the Yiling Battle between Shu-Han and Sun-Wu is to determine national boundaries.蜀汉与孙吴之间的夷陵之战,是确定两国疆域的一场战争。
