1.The Delivery on the Khitan and Wuyue;契丹与吴越交聘关系探微
2.The Temple Culture in Zhoushan and Its Overseas Exchanges During the Wuyue Period;吴越时期舟山寺院文化与海外交流

1.A Study of The History of the Wuyue Kingdom;《吴越备史》平质——吴越国文献资料整理研究之一
2.On Stories From Lost History Of Yue And History Of Wu And Yue;论《越绝书》、《吴越春秋》的“小说家言”
3.A comparison of Fairy Tales about Dayu s Water Control in "Wuyue Chunqiu" and "YueJueshu";《吴越春秋》、《越绝书》大禹治水神话比较
4.Yue Culture during the Wu-Yue War Reflected by National Language《国语》所反映的吴越争斗时期的越文化
5.Mist and clouds of Wuyue dye the poetry--Effect of traveling Wuyue to seek an office on Sun Ti s scenic poetry inditement;吴越烟霞染诗情——宦游吴越对孙逖山水诗创作的影响
6...My heart and my dreams are in Wu and Yueh And they cross Mirror Lake all night in the moon.我欲因之梦吴越, 一夜飞渡镜湖月。
8.Errantry and Charm: The Culture Extension of 《Annuals of the States Wu and Yue》;伉侠与风流:论《吴越春秋》的文化张力
9.Wu-Yue Rulers Thought and Administration of Attaching Great Importance to and Benefiting the Masses of the People;吴越国统治者的重民思想及利民施政
10.New Eexplanation on Dufu s Poem of "Ande Bian Leigong, Bangduo Xi Wuyue";为“安得鞭雷公,滂沱洗吴越”进一解
11.On Formation, Circulation and Sources of Existing Editions of Complete History of Wu and Yue;《吴越备史》的成书、流传及版本源流考
12.Study on the making technique of the ritual bronzes with cord pattern in Wu and Yue states in Eastern Zhou period;吴越细绳纹类青铜礼器成形技术研究
13.Relations between Nanchu Dialects and Wuyue Dialects in Han Dynasty;论汉代南楚方言与吴越方言的关联性
14.A study on the influence of ZHANG Xian s Ci arena in Wu Yue On"Paradigm of Dongpo;张先主盟吴越词坛影响“东坡范式”考论
15.The Relation between the Origin of Huanglao Thoughts and the War of Wuyue;“黄老”思想的起源与吴越战争的关系
16.An Introctuction to the Structural Features of Polysyllable Verbs in The History of Wu and Yue;《吴越春秋》复音动词结构特点概述
17.Baoqieyinjing Pagoda and Cultural Exchanges Between the Kingdom of Wuyue and Japan;“宝箧印经塔”与吴越国对日文化交流
18.A Textual Research into the Unfathomable Enigma of The Spring and Autumn Annals of the Kingdoms of Wu and Yue;试解《吴越春秋》的“不可晓”之谜

Wu and Yue吴越
1.The legendary drama Huan Sha Ji by LiangChenYu of the Ming Dynasty,develops into the clue with the love story of Xi Shi and Fan Li, plays the role of the historical story about the rise and fall of two countries Wu and Yue in the Chunqiu periods.明代梁辰鱼所作的传奇剧《浣纱记》,剧情以西施、范蠡的爱情发展为线索,敷演春秋吴越两国兴亡的历史故事。
3)Wu Yue area吴越
1.The article discusses funeral culture in the Wu Yue area in detail, telling us the close relationship between funeral culture and regional history, natural environment, cultural development and economic development.通过对吴越区域文化之内丧葬文化或习俗的独特特征进行概括和研究 ,揭示丧葬文化与区域文化历史背景、自然生态环境、文化经济发展之间的紧密关联 ,并在更广泛的意义上证明文化的区域性存在。
2.At the same time, they maintain frequent contacts with theWu Yue area and the Southern Tang of Jiangnan regime.唐末五代中原战乱之际,正是契丹兴起和南下中原的重要时期,为实现混一天下的目标,契丹辽朝的统治者在不断加强对中原的军事进攻的同时,推行灵活机动的中原政策,与吴越、南唐等江南政权间保持频繁的交聘往来;吴越从善事中国、竞争江淮的政策目的出发,与中原保持良好关系的同时,建立和发展了其与契丹辽朝的交聘关系;南唐则认为中原乃其故地,因此执行远交近攻政策,联络北方的契丹辽朝等势力,欲图天下一家,与吴越竞争的同时,争霸中原;五代十国时期中原局势的变迁及契丹南下中原政策的变化是三种力量发生联系和作用的前提和条件,本文正是以此为背景,在吸收现有学术研究成果的基础上,重点对契丹与吴越、契丹与南唐间的聘使往来进行了梳理和考证,分析了各自的特征及产生的原因,并在某种程度上与张亮采先生的《补辽史交聘表》进行了比较,进一步明确了史料来源等问题。
4)Wuyue and Baiyue吴越和百越
1.A Study on the Bronze Wares of Zhou Dynasty in the Regions of Wuyue and Baiyue;吴越和百越地区周代青铜器研究
5)Complete History of Wu and Yue吴越备史
1.On Formation, Circulation and Sources of Existing Editions of Complete History of Wu and Yue;《吴越备史》的成书、流传及版本源流考
2.Examples of mistakes and omissions in booklist of good edition of ancient books in China ——take complete history of wu and yue as an example;《中国古籍善本书目》失误举隅——《吴越备史》馆藏等情况的记载舛漏之正补
6)Wu Yue Chun Qiu吴越春秋
1.Review of Contemporary Research on Wu Yue Chun Qiu;当代《吴越春秋》研究简述
2.The study of Wu Yue Chun Qiu is mainly focused on the subjects such as author, editions, and the literature styles.前人对《吴越春秋》的研究主要集中在作者、版本、文体等问题上,做了大量工作,形成了许多成果,同时也留下了许多尚待解决的争议。
