1.From Shanren to Recluse——On Status of Soul in Chen Jiru s Multiple Identity;从“山人”到“逸士”——论陈继儒多重身份变化中的心灵位置

1.One that climbs, especially a person who climbs mountains.爬山人,登山者攀登的人,尤指爬山的人
2.What traffic and what crowds!真是人山人海,车水马龙!
3.Here, too the stands were jammed.在那里也是人山人海。
4.The square was aswarm with people.广场上人山人海的。
5.Our ancestors used to call (themselves) Mantauran.我们的祖先万山(自己是)万山人
6.Behind an able man there are always other able men.山外有山,人外有人。
7.A person from the backwoods or a remote mountain area.山里人,乡下人来自山林或偏僻山区的人
8.Poets with hills and waters;山光水色与诗人——谈中国山水及山水诗人
9.Men may meet but mountains never.山和山不相聚,人和人总相逢。
10.Men may meet, though mountains cannot .山与山不相逢,人与人可会面。
11.Not a single soul amidst an empty hill.|Though I still hear sounds from people.空山不见人,但闻人语声。
12.Field has eyes, and hedge ears .山野有人见,篱后有人听。
13.Men may meet but mountain never.[谚]山和山不相聚,人与人总相逢;人生何处不相逢。
14.The climbers succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain.爬山的人成功地到达了山顶。
15.The valley contracts as one goes up it.当人循山谷上行时,山谷渐狭。
16.What is known as Folded Colours Hill is perhaps the most attractive of the many famous hills.叠彩山是桂林最吸引人的一座山。
17.The ancients said, "Peaks look smaller once you are on top of Mount Tai."古人讲:登泰山而一览众山
18.Some people develop altitude sickness when climbing high mountains.有些人在爬高山时会发生高山反应。

crowded conditions人山人海
3)personless mine无人矿山
4)wild Ginseng野山人参
1.RAPD Differentiation of wild Ginseng Species;用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术鉴定野山人
5)man-made hill人造山体
1.The soft ground treatment of man-made hill is of great importance to the construction quality and operational performance of F-1race track in Shanghai F-1Autodrome Project.人造山体造形作为上海F-1赛车道工程中最关键的软土地基处理是直接影响F-1赛车道工程质量和使用性能的重要因素。
6)Shiren Mountain石人山
1.Community Ecological Characteristics of Deciduous-Conifer Mixed Forests in Shiren Mountain Natural Reserve(Ⅱ) (End);河南省石人山自然保护区针阔叶混交林群落生态特征(Ⅱ)(续完)
2.Community Ecological Characteristics of Deciduous-Conifer Mixed Forest in Shiren Mountain Natural Reserve(Ⅰ)(Count);河南省石人山自然保护区针阔叶混交林群落生态特征(Ⅰ)(待续)
3.Study on the Community Ecological Characteristics of Defoliated Broadleaved Forests of Shiren Mountain Natural Reserve;河南省石人山自然保护区落叶阔叶林群落生态特征
