1.Lu You s Living Condition in Kuizhou;论陆游在夔州的生存形态
2.The Evolution of Du Fu s Scenery Description Style from Thatched Cottage Period to Kuizhou Period;杜甫草堂期与夔州期写景诗风格之演变
3.Kuizhou at Wars Between Song Dynasty and Mongolia(or Yuan Dynasty)宋蒙(元)之战中的夔州

1.DU Fu s Intention at the Country Life in Kuizhou;论杜甫的归田意向及其在夔州的尝试
2.The Eight poems of Qiu Xing is the representative work of Du Fu's septasylabic regulated verses.写作于夔州的《秋兴八首》是杜甫七律中的代表作。
3.A Study on LiuYuxi s Kuizhou Poetry and the Mentality of His Late Relegation;刘禹锡的夔州诗歌及其贬谪后期心态研究
4.The Evolution of Du Fu s Scenery Description Style from Thatched Cottage Period to Kuizhou Period;杜甫草堂期与夔州期写景诗风格之演变
5.The Value of Existential Aesthetics in Dufu s Kuizhou Political Lyrics;试析杜甫夔州政治抒情诗的生存论美学意义
6.The Ethnic Relationships on the Kuizhou Road and Ethnic Development in Northern Song Dynasty北宋夔州路的民族关系及民族地区的发展
7.Lofty Ideal Idling Motherland Languishing People;壮心久零落江山憔悴人——论杜甫夔州诗的生命意蕴
8.On-spot Historical Literary Research: a Help to Fact Seeking and Gaining;文史现地探究易于求实得实——读简锦松教授《杜甫夔州诗现地研究》
9.Du Fu's "Kuizhou Seven-character-regular-verse" as Aesthetic Play--A Study Based on the Poetic Rhythmization Movement in the Middle Ancient Period作为审美游戏的杜甫夔州七律——以中古诗歌律化运动为背景
10.Qutang is the most dangerous of the three main gorges with Yanyu Rocks at its mouth. There is an old folk song which goes: When the rocks at Yanyu are the size of a horse, Boats cannot hold their course;瞿塘峡口上,为三峡最险处,杜甫《夔州歌》云:“白帝高为三峡镇,瞿塘险过百牢关。”
11.The Transformation of Military and Political Status of the Three Gorges Area during Tang and Song Dynasties--Analysis of Kuizhou Administration and Selection of Its Governor;唐宋时期长江三峡地区军政地位之演变——以夔州治所及其刺史人选为中心的考察
12.The Remote Yang Zhou Road,the Sad “Shuli” Feeling--Appreciation of “Yang Zhou Man” by Jiang Kui;悠悠扬州路 凄凄《黍离》情——姜夔《扬州慢》赏析
13.Agreeable aftertaste of Sorrowful Emotion--on JiangKui s ci "YangZhou man" and its style;“黍离之悲”的余味——读姜夔《扬州慢》一词兼论其词风
14.Illumination of Jiang Kui upon the Words of the Pop Music;雾里看花——姜夔的《扬州慢》对流行歌词写作的三个启示
15.Five hundred poems written on old and invalidity boats on the way to Chongqing and Kuimen--On Du Fu s life and poem writing in Chongqing;渝州夔门路一千 老病残舟诗五百——杜甫在重庆的流寓生活和诗歌创作
16.Kui patterns were mostly used on the decorative bands on the bronzeware.夔大多用于装饰带。
17.Jiang Kui Remarks in His Ci that "I Once Lived in Chilanqiao"--A brief study on Jiang Kui and Chilanqiao in Hefei词人姜夔如是说:我家曾住赤阑桥——姜夔与合肥赤阑桥略考
18.the Kui Gate, the Seven-Gate Cave, the Bellows Gorges, and the @Rhinoceros Watching the Moon@.夔门、七门洞和犀牛望月等。

Kuizhou poems夔州诗歌
3)Kuizhou poem夔州诗
1.The conflict between life and death makes up the deep structure of Du Fu抯 Kuizhou poem and gives its special colour of the life experience.生与死的尖锐冲突形成杜甫夔州诗的深层结构,赋予它生命体验的独特色彩:嗟老叹病的诗作,隐含着一种生命凋零的深切哀恸;絮叨琐细的生活诗真切流露出迟暮人对生的贪恋。
2.Dufu s Kuizhou poems reflect that the whole agriculture of Kuizhou during the Tang Dynasty was backward, handicraft industry was a little developed, and the most developed one was commerce.杜甫夔州诗反映,唐代夔州农业整体水平滞后,手工业稍有可称者,然一枝独秀的则是商业,这也正好反映了唐代整个重庆地区经济开发的实况。
4)the economy of Kuizhou夔州经济
5)Kuizhou Road夔州路
1.The Ethnic Relationships on the Kuizhou Road and Ethnic Development in Northern Song Dynasty北宋夔州路的民族关系及民族地区的发展
2.Therefore the research about Kuizhou road well salt industry’s distribution,the output,its status in Bashu well salt industry,the price and the marketing channel,may contribute to a better exploration of the historical evolution path of Chongqing ancient salt industry.北宋时期,巴蜀地区井盐业的发展尤为兴盛,这也就使得当时夔州路的井盐业得到了很大的发展。
6)Dufu's Kuizhou poems杜甫夔州诗

杜夔  中国汉魏间音乐家。汉末的雅乐郎,三国魏的太乐令、协律都尉。字公良。河南县(今河南洛阳)人。生卒年不可考,主要活动时间是东汉中平至魏黄初(184~226),前后40余年。事迹见《三国志·魏书·方技传》、《晋书·律历志》等。雅乐郎官职不见于《汉书》、《后汉书》有关职官的表和志,当是从事音乐演奏的近于乐工的雅乐职官。杜夔于汉末灵帝(刘宏)中平初年在太乐里任此职,中平五年(188)因病去职。回乡后,虽然州郡官员备礼征召,均谢绝不去。后因避乱逃奔荆州,依附荆州牧刘表,受刘表之命,为汉朝天子配制雅乐。刘表死后,其子刘琮投降曹操,杜夔也到了曹操手下,任军谋祭酒。参预太乐事,并受命创制雅乐。曹操死后,魏文帝(曹丕)在黄初年间(220~226)任命杜夔为太乐令、协律都尉,成为雅乐的主管官。杜夔深通音律,丝竹乐器无所不能。在给曹操创制雅乐时,查考历史材料,揣摩表现内容,精心研究,还制造乐器,恢复钟、磬等古乐;同时依靠能唱雅乐歌曲的邓静和尹齐(一作商)、能唱宗庙祭祀歌曲的歌师尹胡、能跳文舞、武舞的舞师冯肃和服养,并取其所长补己之短。在当时动乱的社会中,传统的乐律和乐曲皆已失传,杜夔只能依照当时的尺度,暂时完备乐律制度,并传授了传统的雅乐歌曲:《鹿鸣》、《驺虞》、《伐檀》、《文王》等 4首。当时的铸钟工柴玉,以其奇巧的手艺赢得曹丕的宠爱。但所铸的钟,声音高低大都不准确,在杜夔的严格要求下,几次毁了重铸,因此心怀不满,反说杜夔主观。虽然曹操认定此事错在柴玉,却惹恼了曹丕。后曹丕又因杜夔不愿意为他在客人面前奏乐,借故将杜夔免职,使他郁郁而死。他的学生邵登、张泰、桑馥等都做到太乐丞(太乐令的副职)。《三国志》载:"其好古存正莫如夔",对他在雅乐上的成就给以颇高的评价。