1.The Interactive Composing between Different Music Styles of Suona and the Spirit of Musicality;唢呐不同流派音乐风格与“音乐性精神”的互动构成
2.Bai People's Music Instrument Suona Vs Bai People's Folk Customs白族唢呐与白族民俗活动
3.One Hundred of Birds Making Pilgrimage to Pay Homage to Phoenix is a piano music composed by Wang Jianzhong according to the original folk Suona Music.王建中把民间唢呐乐曲《百鸟朝凤》改编成钢琴曲,无论从创作背景、材料来源还是具体的创作手法方面分析,王建中的艺术成就是值得充分肯定的。

1.Next, please welcome the famous suona performer Mr. Wang Binlin to play the suona solo Beating Down the Dates.接下来,有请著名唢呐演奏家王彬林先生为大家表演唢呐独奏:《打枣》。
2.This kind of music is played on a set of instruments including the two-string, suona and shenbo .特色乐器有二弦、唢呐和声钵。
3.I prefer the Suona because I like its unique sound.我更爱唢呐,因为我喜欢它奇特的声音。
4.Development of So-na in the peoples Republic of China;简述建国以来唢呐音乐的发展与演变
5.Blowing Equilibrium:Story of a Shawm Band Went Aborad吹破平静——一个唢呐乐班的出国故事
6.Any of several North American plants of the genus Mitella, having heart - shaped leaves and clusters of small white flowers with pinnately divided petals.唢呐草一种北美唢呐草属,植物,有心形叶子并有成束带羽状分开花瓣的小白花
7.correlation of the Neogene Kangtog Formation and Suonahu Formation;厘定了新近系康托组与唢呐湖组的对应关系;
8.A Research of Chinese Suona Music Creation Skeleton Since Founding of the Nation;建国以来中国唢呐音乐创作的脉络研究
9.The Manufacture of the Yi clan Suo Na and Give musical Performance the Procedure and Compete the Shallow Theory of Rules;彝族唢呐的制作、演奏程序和比赛规则浅议
10.The modern day version of the zurna is the oboe, which is a staple of any symphony orchestra.唢呐的现代版本为双簧管,而双簧管是交响乐团的主要乐器。
11.With this as background, the suona section plays a vigorous, piping tune in imitation of the chirping of birds in flight.在它的衬垫下,高亢明亮的唢呐细腻地模拟各种飞鸟啼鸣。
12.a traditional tune revealing another aspect of the suona is the Sprig of Blossoms.展示"唢呐"另一面品格的传统曲目是鲁西南鼓吹乐的《一枝花》,
13.Closely accompanied by the suona (a kind of horn), which can imitate the sound of people, the chou makes people laugh.再加上唢呐的密切配合,常吹出拟人声烘托表演,令观众忍俊不禁。
14.The Interactive Composing between Different Music Styles of Suona and the Spirit of Musicality;唢呐不同流派音乐风格与“音乐性精神”的互动构成
15.The Positive Guide of Musical Spirit of Different Schools of Suona Music唢呐不同风格流派音乐向“音乐性精神”的“正向迁移”
16.Integrated Research on the Village Suona Group and the Village Custom-Suining County in North Jiangsu as an Example乡村唢呐班与乡村风俗礼仪互融研究——以苏北睢宁县为例
17.Play the Suona Horn of the Life at the Bottom of Society--On the View of Narration in Liu Qingbang's Novels吹响民间底层生命的唢呐——底层叙事视野中的刘庆邦小说
18.The suona is the most widespread and popular folk instrument.It is commonly called a trumpet.因此,"唢呐",也就成为民间运用最广泛、普通百姓最喜闻乐听的乐器。"俗称"喇叭"。

Suona ensemble唢呐乐班
1.The Suona ensemble in Dangshan,Anhui has a long history and follows the drum music of Lunan in instruments and construction.砀山唢呐乐班主承中原文化,乐器使用和乐队编制基本上承袭了鲁西南鼓吹乐。
3)sona performance唢呐演奏
4)Suonahu Formation唢呐湖组
5)Mo Hong≠So Na莫轰≠唢呐
6)Misu Suona咪苏唢呐
1.A Study on the Relationship Between Misu Suona and Folk Custom蜀南彝族咪苏唢呐与民俗关系研究
