1.Cultural Intermit and the Phenomenon of "Gudu" in Modern Xikang;文化中断与近代西康的“雇读”现象
2.Investigations of Chinese People to Xikang Society in the Republic of China and Its Effects;民国时期国人对西康的社会考察及其影响
3.The Development of Agriculture of Xikang in the Early 20~(th) Century;二十世纪前期的西康农业开发

1.Sociological Analysis on Tibetan Religion Distribution Modus in Xikhang Province from 1939 to 19441939~1944年西康省康属各县宗教样态的社会学分析
2.In the old days the reactionary regimes in Xikang caused the local Tibetans to suffer a great deal.过去西康的反动统治把他们搞苦了。
3.I should like to make a few remarks on the Tibetan nationality in Xikang.我想讲点西康藏族的情况。
4.The Power Game in the Process of Xikang(西康) Province s Foundation;西康省制化进程中的权力博弈(1927—1939)
5.Concepcion del Uruguay乌拉圭河畔康塞普西翁
6.In 1705, Kangxi took up residence for a time on Solitary Hill.1705年,康熙住在西湖孤山。
7.For your health, let&;#039 eat something good for the bodies.为了健康,还是吃一点有益身体健康的东西吧。
8.Studies on the Construction of “Well-off” Community in Tibet Rural Area;西藏离全面小康有多远——西藏农村全面建设小康问题研究
9.The Kangxiwar Caledonian Khondalite Series in West Kunlun, China,and Its Geological Significance西昆仑康西瓦加里东期孔兹岩系及地质意义
10.all sweets are not wholesome.甜蜜的东西未必都有益于健康。
11.Not eating won't do your health any good.不吃东西不利于你的健康。
12.Oh, i be most delighted to hear about daisy 's quick recovery .听说黛西很快康复我很高兴。
13.Without doubt, health is the most important thing in one's life.健康无疑是人生中最重要的东西。
14.Riviera Garden Social Centre for the Elderly [Christian and Missionary Alliance Church Union]海滨花园耆康中心〔宣道会西差会〕
15.Health Education on Tsutsugamushi Disease in Armed Forces Stationed in Xisha Islands西沙部队开展恙虫病健康教育的探讨
16.Hope for Western Chinese Children安康——西部儿童的企望 (英文)
17.[Vasconcelos.The Cosmic Race.Mexico:World Agency of Bookcase,1925.巴斯康塞洛斯:《宇宙种族》。墨西哥,1925年。
18.This child needs feeding up.这孩子需要多吃点东西来增进健康。

western Kangxiwar康西瓦西部
1.Magma mingling of Early Paleozoic intrusive rocks in western Kangxiwar, West Kunlun, China;西昆仑康西瓦西部早古生代侵入岩的岩浆混合作用
3)Kangxi Highway康西公路
1.Study on the Influence of Kangxi Highway Construction on the Environment;关于对康西公路工程环境影响的研究
1.Methadone Concomitant with Lornoxicam in Treating Severe Cancerous Ostalgia:Observation of Curative Efficacy;美沙酮联合氯诺西康治疗重度癌性骨痛疗效观察
1.Objective\ To observe the efficacy and safety of the homemade Milocicam for rheumatoid arthritis.①目的 观察国产美洛西康治疗类风湿关节炎的有效性和安全性。
1.An Integrated Driver Module SKHI 10/1X to High Voltage and Large Power which is produced by SEMIKRON Company is planted.简要阐述了德国西门康公司的高压大功率集成驱动模块SKHI10/1×主要特点。

奥西康药物名称:康普康奥英文名:Omeprazole别名: 奥克;奥美拉唑-康宝顺;奥美拉唑-三叶药业;奥西康;奥西康注射液;金康;洛赛克;洛赛克针剂; 康普康奥;双鲸吉立,奥美拉唑外文名:Omeprazole 成分: 奥美拉唑 适应症: 消化性溃疡,反流性食管炎,卓-艾氏综合征。 用量用法: 十二指肠溃疡、胃溃疡和反流性食管炎 20 mg qd。其它治疗不愈的患者:40 mg qd。十二指肠溃疡疗程通常为2-4周,胃溃疡和反流性食管炎疗程为4-8周。卓-艾氏综合征首次剂量为 60 mg qd。然后按不同病情调整为20-120mg/日,其疗程视临床情况而定,但超过80mg/日时,应分为二次服用。 不良反应: 偶有头痛、腹泻、便秘、腹痛、恶心、呕吐、腹胀、转氨酶升高、皮疹、眩晕、嗜睡及失眠。 注意事项: 孕期妇女一般不用本药,肝肾功能不全者及哺乳妇女慎用。 药物相互作用: 本药可延缓经肝代谢的药物如安定、苯妥英钠、华法令或硝苯地平在体内的清除。 规格: 胶囊 20 mg x 7粒,14粒。 类别:抗酸及抗溃疡药