1.Gladstone, Disraeli and the Great Britain s Near-east Policy;格拉斯顿、迪斯累里与英国的近东政策选择——以保加利亚惨案为例
2.On the policy of Disraeli s to Turkey;浅论迪斯累里的土耳其政策
3.Disraeli s Empire Ideology & the Basic characteristics of the Bretish Diplomatic choice;迪斯累里的帝国情结与英国外交选择的基本特征

1.Gladstone, Disraeli and the Great Britain s Near-east Policy;格拉斯顿、迪斯累里与英国的近东政策选择——以保加利亚惨案为例
2.Disraeli s Empire Ideology & the Basic characteristics of the Bretish Diplomatic choice;迪斯累里的帝国情结与英国外交选择的基本特征
3.The present dissertation attempts a study on the party thoughts and practice of Disraeli’s New Toryism, and gives them a preparatory evaluation.本文试图探讨迪斯累里的政党理念——新托利主义及实践,并对其做出初步评判。
4.Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing in life is to know when to forego an advantage.-Benjamin Disraeli生活中最重要的事情是懂得何时放弃好处,其次便是懂得何时抓住机遇。--迪斯累里
5.DISRAELI the elder held that the secret of success consisted in being master of your subject, such mastery being attainable only through continuous application and study.大迪斯累里坚持认为成功的秘诀在于精通你的专业,这种精通只有通过不断努力和研究才能达到。
6.Listrac Haut Medoc里斯屈克·鹤迪红酒
7."Anstey-Phil Anstey," Grief answered promptly.“安斯迪-费尔安斯迪,”格里菲不加思索,信口答道。
8.VIELMAN, Gladys Marithza Ruiz Sanchez de格拉迪斯·马里特萨·鲁伊斯·桑切斯·德别尔曼
9.How do you like the disco music here?你觉得这里的迪斯科音乐怎么样?
10.An ancient Roman silver coin.迪纳里厄斯一种古罗马银币
11.Most girls here are gone on disco这里的大多数女孩迷恋迪斯科(舞)。
12.Dick Fosbury had a new technique for doing the high jump.迪克·福斯贝里有一种跳高的新技术。
13.Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves迪斯卡弗里海岸的大西洋森林保护区
14.These included The Andy Griffith Show and The Beverly Hillbillies.比如《安迪?格里非斯》以及《贝弗利山人》。
15.Please tell me where the largest discotheque is?请告诉我最大的迪斯科舞厅在哪里?
16.James: Are you alone here, Eddie?詹姆斯:艾迪,你一个人在这里吗?
17.Rees-Jones put his foot down, telling Dodi: "I'm f......coming with you."里斯-琼斯坚决反对,对多迪说:"我他妈的跟定你了。
18.Udinese have put defender Cristian Zapata up for sale.乌迪内斯已经将后卫克里斯蒂安·帕塔挂牌出售。

Benjamin Disraeli (1804~1881)迪斯累里,B.
4)Dewsbury reed count迪尤斯伯里筘号
5)Antonio Stradivari (1644~1737)斯特拉迪瓦里,A.
6)Manuel Díaz Rodríguez (1871~1927)迪亚斯·罗德里格斯,M.
