1.Personnel exchanges and cultural communications of affinity between Yuan Dynasty and Koryo元朝与高丽姻亲关系中的人员往来及其文化交流
2.This article,basing itself on the shortcomings of the study of kinship system,points out the possibility and necessity of the study of affinity,and provides a brief survey on the history of its study.文章从亲属制度研究的不足出发,指出姻亲关系研究的可能性和必要性,并对姻亲关系研究史进行简要述评。
3.The intensification of the affinity at rural area is just one indication of this historic transformation.农村姻亲关系强化是这一历史性社会转型的表现之一。

1.She is connected with the family by marriage.她和那家族有姻亲关系
2.He is connected to our family by marriage他与我家有姻亲关系
3.She is related to me by marriage.她和我有姻亲关系
4.I am related to him by marriage.我跟他是姻亲关系
5.I am related to her by marriage.我和她有姻亲关系
6.someone for whom you have a deep affinity.和你有很深的姻亲关系的人。
7.An Alternative Method on the Study of Kinship System--A Survey on the Study of Affinity亲属制度研究的另一路径——姻亲关系研究述评
8.He was not an impartial witness because of his affinity with the accused.他不是公正的见证人, 因为他与被告有姻亲关系.
9.He is not an impartial witness because of his affinity with the accused.他不是公正的见证人, 因为他与被告有姻亲关系
10."He is, or was-for he may be dead-a connection by marriage," said her mother deliberately.“他是--也可说他从前是--因为他也许去世了-姻亲关系。”她母亲审慎地说。
11.Using the given by the central plains dynasty to cultivate prestige and position which can not be replaced by other power, using relationship by marriage to get in touch with stronger clan to strengthen the contact with other clansman and tribe;用姻亲关系联络强宗大族以加强同各宗族部族的联系;
12.Connection by blood, marriage, or adoption;family relationship.亲属关系由血缘,婚姻,或收养形成的亲戚关系;家庭的亲属关系
13.a relative by marriage.由于婚姻关系而结成的亲戚。
14.a marital relationship with its rights and intimacies.带有婚姻权利和亲密行为的关系。
15.state of relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption.由于血缘婚姻收养产生的亲密关系。
16.a relative by blood or marriage; a kinsman or kinswoman.因血缘关系或婚姻关系而成的亲戚;男亲戚或女亲戚.
17.kinship by marriage or adoption; not a blood relationship.由于婚姻或收养产生的亲密关系;没有血缘关系。
18.Kinship and Business:Paternal Kin and Inlaws in Chaoshan Family Firms亲属关系与商业:潮汕家族企业中的父系亲属和姻亲

Adfinitates serviles奴隶姻亲关系
3)We are related by marriage.我们有姻亲关系。
4)relation by marriage姻亲;裙带关系
6)direct affinities直系姻亲
1.The marriage between direct affinities is not forbidden on the law.直系姻亲间能否结婚这一问题在我国现行法律规定上来看是没有疑问的,但在学理上仍然有探讨的必要性,在社会上、理论界对该问题都有不同看法,到底是保障当事人的婚姻自由权利还是维护社会伦理与社会利益,笔者在文中试图从几个方面对其进行论述并予评价,最终得出自己的判断。

姻亲  因婚姻关系而产生的亲属。根据各国立法的通例,姻亲分为血亲的配偶与配偶的血亲两种:①血亲的配偶,包括所有与自己有血缘关系的亲属的配偶。②配偶的血亲,包括所有与自己配偶有血缘关系的亲属,配偶与前妻或前夫所生的子女也是配偶的血亲。此外,姻亲还有配偶的血亲的配偶,如妻兄弟的妻、夫姨母的夫等。现今世界许多国家不承认配偶的血亲的配偶为姻亲关系,中国历代礼制及法律都承认这种姻亲关系。    姻亲同血亲一样,也有直系与旁系、尊亲属与卑亲属之分。姻亲如为血亲的配偶,则以血亲为标准。例如直系血亲的配偶就是直系姻亲,旁系血亲的配偶就是旁系姻亲。姻亲如为配偶的血亲则以配偶为标准。例如配偶的直系血亲是自己的直系姻亲,如公、婆、岳父、岳母都是自己的直系姻亲尊亲属。配偶的旁系血亲是自己的旁系姻亲,如夫或妻的兄弟的子女,都是自己的旁系姻亲卑亲属。有的国家对姻亲在法律上的效力作出明文规定,如1947年《日本民法典》亲属篇规定,直系姻亲间不许结婚(第735条)。