1.Much material about widows is seen in epitaphs,literary sketches and archaeological documents,including the reason why widows lived alone,their economic and mental status,their relationship with their own families,and different reasons and results of widows remarriage.唐代墓志、笔记小说、出土文书中很多材料涉及到寡居妇女,其中包括妇女守寡的原因,寡居后的物质生活、精神状态、与娘家的关系,以及寡妇再嫁的不同原因与结果。
2.Therefore, the social status of females of the time has received wide attention from scholars, who hold that the status of the females in the Song Dynasty is in direct proportion to their view of chastity and number of remarriage.宋代社会作为传统宗法社会的成熟期 ,女性的社会地位问题广受学人关注 ,论者多从宋代女子离婚、再嫁及贞节观问题切入 ,认为社会地位的高低与贞节观的宽紧、再嫁的数量成正比。

1.When he was two years old his mother married again,两岁时,他妈妈再嫁
2.The survival rate of the grafted plants was as high as 88.89%,andwhen they were grafted onto a general stock,the survival rate amounted to 95%~100%. E(?) amined by the indexing Plant Etrog Citron Arizona-861-S-1,they were shownto be exocortis-free.脐橙嫁接成活率达88.89%,再嫁接大砧成活率为95%~100%。
3.No, not even if I do manage to get married again.不行,甚至我想法再嫁人也是不行的。
4.Why couldn't Cousin Mei remarry?梅表姐为什么不可以再嫁
5.Only women that kill their husbands marry again.只有杀死她们丈夫的女人才会再嫁。”
6.A Comparative Study on Women′s Deuterogamy in the Tang and Song Dynasty from the Perspective of Social Ethics;从社会道德层面看唐宋女子再嫁问题
7.A Comparative Study on Women Deuterogamy According to the Legalization in the Tang and Song Dynasty;从社会法律层面看唐宋女子再嫁问题
8.“The Double Ninth Festival" and “Re-marriage";“重阳”与“再嫁”——试论薛宝钗的命运与归宿
9.Her husband died ten years ago but she's since remarried.她丈夫死于十年之前,但从那时起她就再嫁了。
10.A woman whose husband has died and who has not remarried.寡妇,孀妇,遗孀死了丈夫且未再嫁的妇女
11.In the 17 years that followed his death, his widow remarried; his daughter graduated from high school.在他死后的17年,他的遗孀再嫁,女儿中学毕业。
12.This article is an examination of the remarriage,concubine and prostitute problems in the Northern dynasty.本文考察了北朝的再嫁、后娶、妾妓诸问题。
13.The right not to remarry stemmed from the influence of the chastity concept advocated by Neo-Confucianism, while the right to request for remarriage, more often than not, originated from economic factors.不嫁权的存在得力于理学贞节观念的影响,而请求再嫁权则更多源于经济因素。
14.Unmarried mothers of boys were 11 percent more likely to find a husband -- even a husband who was not the child's biological father -- than those with girls.而即便不是嫁给孩子的亲生父亲,生男孩后再嫁人的可能性也比生女孩的要多11%。
15.I will never marry another man if you should die before me.万一你比我先死的话,我绝不会再嫁给其它的男人。
16.After all, another grass will grow in a couple of days and may marry another good sheep.反正几天之后又是一株好草,又可再嫁一只好羊儿。
17.If Cousin Mei falls in love and marries again, everything will be solved."只要将来梅表姐另外爱上人,再嫁出去,什么问题都解决了。”
18.It do woman now it is too difficult matter A,it is while the young to can remarry being too with!现在做女人的也是难事吖,趁年轻再嫁也是可以的!

1.This paper focuses on women s deuterogamy from the perspective of social ethics in the Tang and Song Dynasty.本文着眼于社会道德层面,通过对唐宋两代皇帝、名儒士大夫、一般平民三个阶层对女子再嫁态度的分析,指出唐宋两代各阶层对女子再嫁普遍具有认同感,不以之为非。
2.This paper focuses on women deuterogamy according to the legalization in the Tang and Song Dynasty.本文通过阐述唐宋法律条文、皇帝诏令、具体案例中对女子离婚再嫁问题的规定,从而得出结论,唐宋法律都未禁止女子再嫁,宋代女子离婚再嫁的自主权更多一些,法律更为完备。
3)remarriage of widow寡妇再嫁
4)women's remarriage妇女再嫁
5)the right of remarriage再嫁权
6)wear a straw in her ear准备再嫁

寡妇榧螺 英文名: Oliva vidua 俗名: - 产地及产期: 分布于温暖到热带海域的砂底,肉食性。 介绍: 壳中型到小型。螺塔低呈圆筒形,螺塔高呈纺缍形。壳表有光泽和美丽的斑纹。缝合处狭窄有沟槽。壳口宽阔的有角质口盖,壳口狭窄的没有口盖。水管沟深。壳被侧足包围。