1.This paper gives a detailed analysis of the origin of several words denoting opium:"雅片","阿片","阿芙蓉","亚片".从历史和语言上详细分析了"鸦片"一词以及"阿片"、"阿芙蓉"、"雅片"和"亚片"等几个外来音译名的来历
2.By analyzing the origin of these chapters,we can clearly find that no insider proposed dissent about the Cheng\'s First Edition of the book which firstly publicized the last forty chapters of the novel.在关于后四十回作者争议纷纭的情况下,回顾一下后四十回的来历,可以清楚看出,最早将后四十回公布于世的程甲本问世后,没有一个知情人对此持任何异议,因而程伟元和高鹗的"序"是可靠的。
3.On the Origin and Evolution of Mongolian Geographic Names of Wusu查阅和分析了《钦定西域同文志》、《西域图志》等西域文献中所记载的乌苏蒙古语地名及其含义和来历,回顾乌苏蒙古语地名的历史、沿革及当今的使用情况。

1.Series of past events or experiences connected with an object, a person or a place(某物的)来历;(某人的)经历;(某地的)沿革
2.here comes @Jack-o-lantern@.这就是杰克灯的来历
3.Oh, everything has its history.哦,什么东西都有个来历
4.You don't know how he's come into the world.你们不知道这人来历.
5.a woman of shady antecedents一个来历可疑的女人
6.The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.小男孩从来不曾想问母亲伤疤的来历
7.Allow me to tell my story--it will take but a word or two.让我来说说我的来历吧--用几句话即可。
8.That's typical of him, as far as I can gather.依我看来,他历来都如此。
9.the Jewish calendar犹太历(希伯来人用的阴阳合历)
10.Throughout history men have waged war.自有历史以来就有战争.
11.According to records put down in Chinese literature,从历史文献记载来看,
12.The fact is that the United States has been involved all along.因为美国历来是介入的。
13.Second, take the study of history.其次来说研究历史。
14.With the history people, the less contact the better.历史系的人,少来往为妙。
15.Your cold is growing worse.你的感冒越来越历害了。
16.Visible nature hardly existed for him.对他来说,这个历历可见的自然界是若有若无的。
17.On the whole, the Party's history is glorious.总的来说,我们党的历史还是光辉的历史。
18.Looking at James' curriculum vitae, or employment history.我们来了解一下詹姆斯的履历,即工作经历。

1.The previous research about the word "lilai" was weak, there are still some problems needing to solve.关于“历来”,以往的研究非常薄弱,尚有不少需要解决的问题。
1.Students autonomy originated in Middle Ages,highly advocated and subsided in the course of history.中外高校学生自治权可以从历史来源与法理或法律依据两个维度,运用经验推定与超验推定这两种权利推定方式来进行考察、分析。
5)the sentence with "Lilai""历来"句
6)twin trailer双挂历来
