1.Research on Intermarriages for Pacification of the Tang Dynasty and Huihe from Poems;从中唐诗歌看唐公主和亲回纥
2.The Discussion on the Differences and Similarities of Racial origin and culture Between QiDan and Huihe;契丹与回纥族源文化异同论
3.Because of the great economic and political influence of Soghdiqs on Huihe, Manichaeism was worshiped as an national religion in the year 763.7至 8世纪 ,摩尼教又由粟特人传入漠北新兴的强国———回纥汗国境内。

1.Study on the Influence of Sogdian People on Uighur's粟特人对鄂尔浑回鹘(回纥)的影响研究
2.The Uighur, originally called Ouigour, sprang from the ancient tribe Teli.回鹘,原称回纥,是铁勒(中国古族名)诸部之一。
3.The disadvantages and essence of the Tang Dynasty s association with Huihe Kingdom during the years of 745-840;745—840年间唐朝与回纥交往之弊及其实质
4.The Mobeihuihe-Soghdiqs Relationship in terms of Manichaeism-Belief;从信仰摩尼教看漠北回纥与粟特人的关系
5.Social Background and Analysis of Reasons Why Huihe Believe in Manicheismt回纥信仰摩尼教的社会背景和原因分析
6."Yu Guo"(鱼国) and "Yu He Lin Cheng"(尉纥城) in Yuhong Mu Zhi (Epitaph of Yuhong) of the Sui Dynasty;隋《虞弘墓志》所见“鱼国”、“尉纥驎城”考
7.To cause to rebound.使跳回,使回升,使回响
8.move or pull(sth)back or in缩回或拉回(某物)
9.multiloop feedback多回路反馈[回输]
10.To spring back, as upon firing.弹回,跳回弹回,如因开火而弹回
11."Looking Backward, 2000-1887"回溯2000-1887
12.To avoid giving a direct answer to.回避避免做直接回答
13.You got in/home very late last night.昨夜你回来[回家]很晚.
14.-Get back to the ship!-Where are you going? Come back!-回船上 -你去那里﹖回来!
15.The echo was returned By the canyon wall.回声是峡谷壁传回来的
16.make no response不回答,不回应,不应答
17.mean echo balance return loss平均回波平衡返回损耗
18.having or producing no echo.没有回声或不产生回声。

Huihe problem回纥问题
3)the Huihe tribe's westward migration回纥西迁
4)Huihe kingdom of northern desert漠北回纥汗国
1.The Huihe kingdom of northern desert was on an initiative footing in the friendly association with Tang and once controlled the internal affairs and diplomacy of Tang Dynasty & many social problems and n.百年漠北回纥汗国在与唐的友好交往中处于主动并一度左右唐的内政外交 ,由此交往中产生了许多社会问题和消极影响 ;本文将从回纥助唐平叛、贡赐、市易、和亲与摩尼教得以盛行中国等方面探讨这些问题存在和难以得到解决的根本原
5)Yu He Lin City尉纥驎城
1.Scholars discussed a lot but differed with each other on the geographic issues related to Yu Guo (Yu State) and Yu He Lin Cheng (Yu He Lin City) recorded in the newly unearthed epitaph of Yuhong of the Sui Dynasty.近来出土的隋《虞弘墓志》中的"鱼国"、"尉纥驎城"的相关历史地理问题,学者已多有探讨,但见解不一。
6)Heshilie Zhining纥石烈志宁(?~1172)
